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Why Did The Turtle Cross The Road?

Aquatic turtles will wander in order to find a water source or a place to lay their eggs. Sometimes they will wander in harm's way, such as across a busy road. If you care about animals, the best thing to do when you see a turtle crossing the road is to just help it get to the other side!

My friend noticed an Eastern Painted Turtle in the middle of a busy road and took him home only after she could not find a body of water for him. But turtles have more dangers to worry about than cars. After the rescue, he lost his right front paw to a raccoon attack!

My friend brought the turtle to the vet, who examined him and said that the turtle was NOT yet a good candidate for release back into the wild.

I have adopted the turtle and named him Pancakes because his shell is flatter than my last turtle, and he's about the size of a good-sized Pancake. He is now eating, basking, and active -- all signs of good health for a turtle. He's a true survivor.

His new home includes an outdoor enclosure in the yard with an in-ground pool, a basking platform and rocks to sun himself, and a predator-proof wire-mesh cover. Our yappy dog is very protective whenever anyone comes close to the house, so the turtle is extra safe. You might wonder if Pancakes gets a headache from the noise, but he's good at ignoring these things and just enjoying the sun.

Did you know that turtles need sunshine not only to warm up but to maintain their good health? The sun's warmth stimulates their appetite and body functions, while the UV rays helps them synthesize Vitamin D, which is essential for them. When you see a group of turtles basking in the sun, they're not just resting on a log enjoying themselves. The sun is nourishing them!

Rich B.

This Story To Be Continued

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