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LightSabre's Website

About Me My Family My Job My Interests

Welcome to the LightSabre Website! This Website was created on 2 Aug 2001. I hope you enjoy yourself here. Feel free to look around the place. The links above will take you to places that will let you discover who I am, what I do for a living, my family, and what my interests are.

In this main page, you will be told if there are any updates or changes made to the website. Usually, the updates come in the "About Me" and "My Family" pages. Sometimes, I will post an issue or topic on this main page. You are welcome to give me your comments on that particular issue. Just tell me what you think. We may even start a discussion group! Currently, though, all the pages in this Website are under construction. Bear with me for a little while, and you will soon be able to navigate to these places.

Meanwhile, if you want to contact me or drop me a note, feel free to send me an email. Just click on the envelope to do it!

I would like to thank AngelFire for hosting this Website for FREE! I had to shift the Website here because the last host had to start charging money. Oh, well. That's life, I guess.

This whole Website was created on an iMac. Which is the other good thing about AngelFire. It supports the Mac platform. Most of the other hosts I looked up did not support the Mac. Anyhow, I'm proud to work on a Mac. And I'm proud to bring this whole Website to you - produced wholly on a Mac!

Have fun! I'll see you around in CyberSpace...and don't forget to write!

Email me!

This Website is still under construction. Thank you for your patience!

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