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I made this page because some of the things that happen to my friends and I deserve to be reconized.

Terry Rollins:

Click here, because terry got a whole page because there are way to many things to list here!


*Mrs. Bean*
*Lee thinking he is the king of the world*
*Ms. Reece sleeping in class*
*Sky tripping over everything*
*Those idiots at lunch leaving that door open*
*Mrs. Freeman and "the dress"... yuck*
*I love lucy*
*the ouija board in gatlinburg*
*that scary man at the haunted house*
*stealing tampons... i'm not so sure i should put that on here.......*
*(almost) stealing that head thing from the mall*
*Stewarts Cream Soda*
*getting up at 8 in the morning and walking to Mutual's just to eat pancakes*
*the blue car*
*marring the dogs*
*the burnt baby*
*almost catching your house on fire... 3 times*
*Sister Act*


*Those witches at school trying to cast spells on us*
*Coach Crocket, ugh........*
*Shaking milk jugs with rocks in them at football games*
*harry potter*
*Hail Mary*
*Throwing brownies*
*Stealing from bulletin boards*


*having a picnic at the park*
*that possessed robo baby*
*The Exorcist, you know what scene i'm talking about...ew....*
*you stalking the teachers..hehe*


*you trying to look like elvis*
*playing music jeopardy*
*you eating mustard on EVERYTHING*
*disecting animals in zoology*
*little bunny Foo Foo*
*Absolutely Fabulous, and you being Saffy*
*you being abusive to me!!!! :) *
*that baby in those pants, you know what i'm talking about*

Amanda Cooper:

*Justin at the beach*
*just being mean in word processing*
*cory's booger... nasty....*
*you actually liking to disect those poor animals in zoology.... should i mention ~Animal rights~?* :)
*THE shoes - or lack thereof* hehe

Amanda Neal:

*crusing around norton... all the time*
*harassing drive through people*
*Doug Carter... he's my man*
*you putting up with my obsession with you know who*
*that guy's car.. i still think it's funny*
* "no, but i'd like to try one of you!" hehe*
*driving around with those stupid sunglasses on*
*watching people walk to funny songs. Ex: "I see you baby, shaking that ass" *

I will add the rest of my darling friends as i get pictures of them!!!!

An Original Page by Teri Barnett