
*The Bitch*

*so ur da bitch u told da bitch dat im a bitch well

listen bitch it takes a bitch to know a bitch,

bitch. and im not a bitch im the bitch and to u im

MISS BITCH and ur just upset im not ur bitch!

*Ill always love you*

I want to forget you

and i want to move on

I want to be happy again

I wanna accept the fact that your gone

I want to have fun

and hang out with my other friends

I want to stop this sadness

but the hurting never ends

I want to forget all the sweet things you said

and all the cute things you did

I want to get ova you

and stop acting like a little kid

Never have I been so childish

or acted so immature

I thought i could deal with all the pressure

but now im so unsure

You boggle my mind

and rip up my heart

and yet I still love you

I have from the start

*Mushy Poems*

I see mushy poems 'bout love and guys

how long will it be for u to realize

words on a screen won't get you a date

and if anyone can i can relate

don't keep your thoughts in your heart and your


speak what you're thinking, be forward instead

you may be too scared afraid of rejection

but in the future it'll be a reflection

of your courage to say what you're feeling inside

the words that you spoke and chose not to hide


My name is Misty I am but three

My eyes are swolleen I cannot see

I must not be loved for I am punished by cigarette burns

I must do right I can't do wrong or else I'm

locked up all day long

When I wake up I'm all alone the house is dark

my folks aren't home

Im really just an expensive joke no more no less

then speed or coke

Be quiet now! I hear the car my dad is back from

Charlie's Bar

I hear him curse my name he calls I squeeze myself

against the wall

on my bed its too late his face is twisted into


I feel the pain again and again

Oh dear God please let it end

My name is Misty I am but three last night my

father murdered me....

*Loving You*

who ever said you can't love

when you're only thirteen?

is it because they all think

i don't know what love means?

love is when all i think about is him

and when i'll hold him tight

or how ill look at his picture

sometimes deep into the night.

only now have i learned

what love can do to you

love can make you crazy

doing things you shouldn't do-

like breaking up w/ someone

and what was that reason for?

i was too afraid of what i felt

now im lost forevermore

who ever said im too young

to have my heart broken?

if this is what love is always like...

then i should have never spoken.

when your not with them

thats when your heart breaks

but i want him to know...im waiting

for however long it takes


¤*The rest are all a bunch of poems I have written myself they mean alot to me so hopefully you'll appreciate them as much as I do*¤.

*Don't Tell Me*

Don’t turn off the light and leave me in the dark

Don’t touch me and be afraid to leave a mark

Don’t open my heart and slam the door shut

Don’t keep me waiting and never show up

Don’t look me in the eyes and tell me I’m beautiful

when all you can see is her

Don’t try to make it better when you only intend on

making it worse

Don’t fight your feelings when you know deep inside

there right

Don’t take the blame when I’m just as guilty in the


Don’t just kiss me because you have too when u say


Don’t wipe my tears when your the one who makes me


Don’t lie to me when all you want to do is tell me

the truth

Don’t listen to me just because I want you too

Don’t tell me you miss me when you don’t at all

Don’t catch me when you really just want to let me


Don’t tell me what I want to hear so that I don’t

feel pain

Don’t focus on what was lost but what was gained

Don’t deny your heart of all these things u don’t

feel for me

Because in the end I guess we are just not meant to


*I Can Tell You...*

I can tell you how I want to be the one you hold


How you're the one I see myself with most.

How for you I would fight all the goblins and


I can tell you how the day brightens just at the

sight of your smile.

How for me to see you I would walk a thousand miles.

How waiting for you feels like forever even though

it's only a little while.

I can tell you how much I like to spend time with

you and be at your side.

How every moment spent wiht you keeps me alive.

How each night I look into the stars and whish for

you to be mine...

But there is no way in words I can express the love

for you that lies deep inside.

*One Day You'll See*

So many people don't see what I see

They think that its cool, fun and free.

To go against the rules and what all doctors say

That breathing it in will make there day great

So many people don't see what I see

That thousands of people are paying the same fee

Maybe not today tommarow or the next

Nope you are right your not addicted....yet!

So keep on doing what they all do

Following others being the fool

Then maybe one day you'll see what I see

When you the one lieing in the hospital bed next to


*This is a Place No One Would Ever Want to Go*

The gus kept firing and they sky filled with smoke

This is a place no one would ever want to go

Sadness and death lurked in the air

The cries of helpless victims was hard enough to


You quickly scurry over to find your best friend


Tears began to roll of your cheek as you slowly

lower your head

You pick up whats left of you after all you have

seen and done

And try to leave this place but its no use you can

no longer run

Each breath you take is like your last

And each thought brings memorys of the past

You try to mend and question yourself

When will it ever end?

You walk by so many gruesome sights

Each one reminding you of the horror filled nights

You want to help but you come to your senses

There is no hope this is life in the trenches

You start to feel your body getting weaker you must

lie down

Is this how you always had wished to be found?

You look up at the star filled sky

You know it will be your last no matter how hard

you try

Your eyes start to close you feel as though its


But it's no use youve been fighting it to long

You slowly breath in your last breath of air

How could this be right? How could it be fair?

Your eyes start to close and you begin to mend

Kowing your constant battle has finnaly come to an
