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Welcome to Noctaverbiate for all your music needs.

Whats New

3/19/03 - Hey I went on a long long leave from school I still don't go back till April 10th. I don't know what my next class is yet probably java ^_^ I'm not going to be updateing the page anymore other that some little info things every now and then. Well then I'm off to bigger and better things! Out!! Sniper.

12/17/02 - Well I started my new class and it's Visual Basic WOOHOO lol its realy boreing. I dont know if i will update this site anymore than just the news every now and then. Sorry to dissapoint! Maybe I'll just turn it into a CD catalogue of all the cds I have with the track listings and everything but who knows. well I'n out for now. Neil /-\ |< /-\ Sniper.

12/9/02 - I never thought it feasably possible but I just updated my site from Sega Dreamcast! Well it's hard to use the graphical keyboard so I'm gonna leave it here. Bye. Neil /-\.|<./-\, Sniper. <007 b34|\|z!

12/5/02 - Well this is it! The finished site! Woohoo pretty good eh? I hope everyone enjoys it. I added the About Us section and the site map. in the next few weeks after class I should have a realy good music quiz on here as well. Anyway for now just enjoy and SIGN THE GUEST BOOK PLZ!!! Your web master Neil /-\.|<. /-\. Sniper.

12/2/02 - Well The site is almost finished and so is this class we made it in. So this could be as far as this goes unless one of us decides to actually sell CDs and DVDs lol. Well I guess I'll tell you whats new. The Java Applet has changed from out menu to our logo, I finished the Movies page and Guido did the Music Survey. Thats about it. Bye! Neil /-\.|<./-\. Sniper.

11/24/02 - I got the Music and Donations pages up! WooHoo! It took me a long time to do ^_^ so be nice with your comments in the guest book. Thanx. Oh yea to all those egar to take the Music Survey I was told by my parter Guido it is being worked on tonight. I should have the Movies page up by Tuesday at latest. Welp laterz Neil /-\ |< /-\ Sniper! Your Webmaster.

11/21/02 - I moved the site to the web! Woohoo though this is a purely fake site please dont try to order from us till we decide it should be real. please give us feed back on the design of the site because it is a project. Thank you! Your webmaster Neil A.K.A. Sniper!

11/11/02 - Well guess what the original verion of this site got canned and shipped to some country I dont know in other words it's gone! So I have to start all over. Luckily I found this early working of the site and am useing it as a base.

10/28/02 -The makeing of the soon to be greatest personal supplier of all your music needs. We will have a section for the ordering of your choice of music. There will be a variety of music types including: Metal, Punk, Techno, House, Trance, Classic Rock, Death Metal, Comedy, Rap, Alternative, and more.

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Last Modified 12/17/02 last destroyed 11/9/02!

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