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Welcome To The Path I Chose

Non-Lethal Weapons Training

This is a picture of me at Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Center(M.A.G.T.F.T.C.), in Twenty-nine Palms, CA. I was stationed there for roughly three and a half years. This was taken while we were doing some Non-Lethal Weapons Training. It was pretty cool shooting bean bags from the M203 Grenade Launcher and M870 Shotgun. We also played around with Flashbangs and other fun toys. The two down sides of this exercise was that it took place during the Christmas of 2001. Our leave was taken away because they needed an overwatch force in case something like Sept. 11 happened again. The worst part was we also had to get pepper sprayed. Man that does really hurt!!

Some things we do in our lives we are proud of and others we just do, but no matter what we always have to try our best; stay focused on the goal at hand and complete the mission(no he isn't in the Marines, everyone talks like that). This web site is about the Path I Chose and the many things that go on as a U.S. Marine. Although I deal with alot of stress and bull shit; I still love the job and feeling of helping protect all of you and the standards and traditions of this great nation. Remember that the things you expect and enjoy on a daily basis are provided by sacrifaces made by those in the military sworn to protect you and your country from enemies both foriegn and domestic. I have tried to put alot on this website so much so that I don't have anymore space. So I hope you like it and I will try to update it as much as possible. The last time it was updated was, May 14, 2005! If you have any problems just email me... If a picture doesn't show up right click on it and choose "Show Picture".

The Boss

This is me with the former Ambassador of the United States of America to Egypt. Mr. Welch was probably the most important man in Egypt. If you remember back a couple of years to the first President Bush he was also the Ambassador to Egypt so who knows maybe I will be lucky enough to say I met him before he was President...

My name is Mike and i'm stationed at the American Embassy in Luxembourg, Luxembourg with the U.S. Marines. I've been in the Marines for over five years and have been to a few places and have seen some of the world and it's many different cultures. Some of the places are Okinawa (Japan), Bali (Indonesia), Jakarta (Indonesia), Morocco (Malaysia), Singapore, Pattiya Beach (Thailand), Subic Bay (Philippines), Brunei, Iraq, Kuwait, Egypt, Spain, Portugal, and the last countries that I have been to were Germany and now Luxembourg. I've seen some of the states too. Some of the few led me from Parris Island (South Carolina), to Albany (Georgia), Savanah (Georgia), Camp Lejeune (North Carolina), Camp Pendleton (California), Bridgeport (California), and last Twenty-nine Palms (California).

My job is an 0311 which is a Basic Rifleman. For right now though I am a Marine Security Guard, which help guard the Embassies around the world. My job is to maintain the safety of all personnel, to maintain the security fo the compound and contain any information from leaving the embassy. I'm still trying to learn my job, and do it well. I was promoted December 1, 2003 to the rank of Sergeant. I was promoted pretty fast in my MOS.

Some of the Famous People I Have Met

This is me, and Gunnery Sergeant R. L. Emry. He is the most infamous drill instructor from the motivating movie of Full Metas Jackets. He was invited to our Marine Ball and gladly accepted. It was great when he was doing his speech because all of a sudden he went into the routine and it really brought back some memories...

With my job as a Marine Security Guard I am sent to other countries during VIP visits to guard the classified material at those places. Below are two details that I have been on so far. The first one is in Khartoum, Sudan; and the second is in Cairo, Egypt. I aided Dimplomactic Security and supported Colin Powell both times.

Security Details For Colin Powell

Khartoum, Sudan

In this picture, it shows the detachment of Marines that were there. I was the senior Marine from Cairo on this trip. I'm actually armed and on duty in this picture!

Shaking Colin Powell's Hand

This is seconds after I shook his hand and you can see my thumb in it...But it was cool just to be able to say, "Good Morning Sir, Sgt. McCartney"! It would have been funny if he said, Colin Powell Secretary of State. hahaha...

Cairo, Egypt

This has a picture of some of the Marines from Cairo in it and all five of us that were on the detachment. If you look at my ear you can see the wire that I had due to the fact that I was on duty again... and yes that means carring conceled again!

Some of the Pages of my web site are: Slides of My Life, My Logic, and Some Funny Cartoons and Jokes. The Pages called Slides of My Life are my picture pages, which basically shows my job as a Marine and all the fun things we do. They also has pictures of my family, friends, and all of us on our time off. My Logic is still under construction much like this web site. I'm finally took the time to organize everything and put all of this together but its harder then it looks. The cartoon page is me just having fun with comic strips and jokes of events that have happened. I'm very sarcastic and pretty much try to have fun and a laugh rather then be serious. Well, I hope you enjoy the webpage any questions or recommendations just send an e-mail.

Path's Of My Life

Page One of Slides Of My Life
Page Two of Slides Of My Life
Page Three of Slides Of My Life
Page Four of Slides Of My Life

Some Links That I Like

Hotmail - Free e-mail
CNN - What's going on in the world
29-Palms - The base I used to be at
Cristy's homepage
The Few, The Proud, The Marines
