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Developing the ear from birth. Teaching Vocal Music Reading, or "Sight-singing" at the primary level. Musical Intelligence. Cultural Intelligence. ...... ....."Teaching Your Child" CD with music book

Using the recording that comes with this book, you can enhance your child's natural development of musical aptitude from birth. Musical aptitude is not merely born: it is also developed in the early years through listening to certain simple pitch structures, especially those which enhance the development of the singing ear. These structures are presented progressively in this recording. The two-syllable singing heard by the child (Da-dee, Hai-lo) actually teaches the child pitch structure...(Do-re-mi does NOT teach pitch structure). Though born aptitude varies greatly, all children benefit from exposure to these pitch structures between birth and age nine.

Cost: $25.00 includes shipping. ISBN # 0-9746453-0-3.

" . . . the kids are definitely responding to it." -recent purchaser.

A FREE MUSIC LESSON for your child

Public Schools

YOU can teach your child music
