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Hate-me-now section:

(This section is deticated to them people out there who hate behind my back, who trash talk in the shadows, who dont have the guts to say things to my face... this section is for you.)

Just because.. I am a wolf:

Just because I don't listen to the popular music, they hate.

Just because I don't dress in their style of clothing, they hate.

Just because I speak intelligently and don't use slang, they hate.

Just because I don't glorify the Ghetto, because anyone who is truly from the hood knows they shouldn't glorify poverty, they hate.

Just because I don't act all hard or thuggish, doesn't mean I can't throw down, I just choose not to, they hate.

Just because I think cliques who act "cooler than they really appear to be" are just a bunch of "insecure little boys," they hate.

Just because you follow society blindly like sheep and I choose to be different like a wolf... and like a wolf... I will prey on you as sheep.. and I will be victorious... my hunger will be queched.














































































































Quote of the Month:

"Eh... What you gonna do?"

-Me (Mattism #654)

CD of the Month:

GangStarr: Full Clip, a Decade of GangStarr

(Old Skool HipHop Goodness)


First and foremost to I want to give all my love to Jenilee: I will love you forever my Angel... Thanks for making me believe in dreams again, you are my everything, without you.. there is no me, Amor in el cielo. Gr8Creeper: Thanks for being my best friend for so many years.. I don't know where I would be without you, thanks for sharing the best in AZ culture with me. KFC 4 Life! Thomas, Vidz: Thanks for showing me love out in the PI, I got your backs for life. Loisa: Thanks for all the great memories. Lynn: Thanks for being your crazy self, keep it real over in Tejas. PASA: Keep Representing for us AZ Filipinos. The AZ Crew: Much Love to all the Ravers who have partied with me throughout the years. The Cali Crew: It was fun kicking with you guys. To Local and other Nemo approved DJs: Keep it real, tight, and underground. Anyone else I forgot: I still you love ya'll!


Song of The Month:

Music can say the things normal speech can't convey, so I have decided to share songs (regardless of the genre) that describe what Im feeling or have a special significance to me

"The Light"

Performed by: Common

Deticated to: Jenilee

Yeah.. Doo-doo-doo, mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm.. Doo-doo-d-doo, diggy-doo YO.. I never knew a luh, luh-luh, a love like this Gotta be somethin for me to write this Queen, I ain't seen you in a minute Wrote this letter, and finally decide to send it Signed sealed delivered for us to grow together Love has no limit, let's spend it slow forever I know your heart is weathered by what studs did to you I ain't gon' assault em cause I probably did it too Because of you, feelings I handle with care Some niggaz recognize the light but they can't handle the glare You know I ain't the type to walk around with matchin shirts If relationship is effort I will match your work I wanna be the one to make you happiest, it hurts you the most They say the end is near, it's important that we close.. .. to the most, high Regardless of what happen on him let's rely


There are times.. when you'll need someone.. I will be by your side.. There is a light, that shines, special for you, and me..

Yo, yo, check it It's important, we communicate and tune the fate of this union, to the right pitch I never call you my bitch or even my boo There's so much in a name and so much more in you Few understand the union of woman and man And sex and a tingle is where they assume that it land But that's fly by night for you and the sky I write For in these cold Chi night's moon, you my light If heaven had a height, you would be that tall Ghetto to coffee shop, through you I see that all Let's stick to understandin and we won't fall For better or worse times, I hope to me you call So I pray everyday more than anything friends will stay as we begin to lay this foundation for a family - love ain't simple Why can't it be anything worth having you work at annually Granted we known each other for some time It don't take a whole day to recognize sunshine


. Yeah.. yo, yo, check it It's kinda fresh you listen to more than hip-hop and I can catch you in the mix from beauty to thrift shop Plus you ship hop when it's time to, thinkin you fresh Suggestin beats I should rhyme to At times when I'm lost I try to find you You know to give me space when it's time to My heart's dictionary defines you, it's love and happiness Truthfully its hard tryin to practice abstinence The time we commit love it was real good Had to be for me to arrive and it still feel good I know the sex ain't gon' keep you, but as my equal it's how I must treat you As my reflection in light I'ma lead you And whatever's right, I'ma feed you Digga-da, digga-da, digga-da, digga-digga-da-da Yo I tell you the rest when I see you, peace


(I'll) take my chances.. before they pass.. .. pass me by, oh darling.. You need to look at the other side.. You'll agreee..























































































Non-Conformist Oath:

Become an outcast.. Be different.. Welcome change.. Oppose fads and pop culture.. Look to the classics for style.. Don't support MTV/BET or other forms of trendy music.. Jazz/Blues, respect the roots.. Remember and give props to the old skool.. Get involved in the underground.. Support your local music scene...READ!!..Buy books from independent stores.. Buy records, keep vinyl alive.. Participate in intellectual discussions.. Dress different.. Don't let society dictate what is cool to wear.. Smoke different.. Never sell out.. Take stand for something.. Become political.. Think liberal.. Protest the government.. Think and believe in pacifism.. And most importantly never forget dreams can come true... I know mine have..