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Magic quotes.

Senna on racing:

"In the seconds before the start, when the engine is started, I let myself go, somehow let myself fall. All conscious thinking ceases, everything flows on quite naturally as though of it's own accord. There is a rhythm, something like a perfect melody. Not always, but there is always the eternal search for it. When I find it then I drive in another dimension. Controlled, but totally free, steered only by my very own, I would almost say innate instincts. I am there in the present, but I am also ahead of myself and of time. I sense intuitively much more than I calculate. Unfortunately, these are only rare moments, but wonderful ones."

Monte Carlo ‘88, the last qualifying session:

"I was already on pole and I was going faster and faster. One lap after the other, quicker and quicker and quicker. I was at one stage just on pole, then by half a second and then one second and I just kept going." "Suddenly I was nearly two seconds faster than anybody else, including my team mate with the same car. And suddenly I realized that I was no longer driving the car consciously. I was driving it by a kind of instinct, only I was in a different dimension. It was like I was in a tunnel. Not only the tunnel under the hotel but the whole circuit was a tunnel. I was just going and going, more and more and more and more. I was way over the limit but still able to find even more." "Then suddenly something just kicked me. I kind of woke up and realized that I was in a different atmosphere than you normally are. My immediate reaction was to back off, slow down." "I drove back slowly to the pits and I didn’t want to go out any more that day. It frightened me because I was well beyond my conscious understanding. It happens rarely but I keep these experiences very much alive inside me because it is something that is important for self-preservation."

Senna on qualifying:

"Qualifying tells about the drivers, there is luck involved in the race "

After been robbed in Japan '89:

"Racing, competing, is in my blood. It's a part of me. I've doing it all my live and nobody will destroy it."

Senna about being a F1 driver:

"You live in the dreams of so many people and that is something very special."

Senna on Prost in '92:

"If Prost wants to come back and win another title, he should be sportive. The way he is doing it, he is behaving like a coward. He must be prepared to race anybody in any conditions, on equal terms, and not the way he wants to win the championship"

Senna in '94:

"Everytime I have the feeling things are allright, going well, there is always something or someone in the way.."

Senna on dying:

"The day it arrives, it will arrive. It could be today or 50 years later. The only sure thing is that it will arrive."


The magic movie

The magic career
The magic fans
The magic 65
The magic last victory
The magic ratings
The magic rivalry
The magic race
The magic quotes
The tragic end

The magic rookie pics
The magic avatars
The magic pictures

