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INTERVIEW - Page 1/5

Once you get a call for interview, you should do a good preparation for it. This topic will tell you all the major things which you need to know to prepare for an interview.

The interviewer looks for Fit Personality, Experience and Education, and Motivation.

After you get call for an interview, there are 7 basics which you must know to prepare for an Interview. These are as follows:

  1. When, i.e. date and time.
  2. Where, i.e. location, major intersection and address.
  3. Who, i.e. who is going to interview you, his/her name and position. May be there are more than one person who are going to interview.
  4. What, i.e. for what position you are being interviewed.
  5. Phone number of the place where you are going for interview. You can forget address, be late (NEVER be late) and need to call them.
  6. Which company, i.e. you must know which company it is and what does it do. Always do a little research about the company before appearing in an interview.
  7. Web Site, if they have it, you must know it and do go through it before going to interview

Some other major things which one should know are

bulletFormat of interview, like how long will it be, will there be any test
bulletBefore going to interview, do ask for job description so you can prepare for interview accordingly
bulletAlso call them and ask if there is any parking nearby, is it paid or free. Finding a place to park your car may delay you for interview which is not acceptable at all.
bulletAppear fresh and active. Don't appear dull and sleepy.
bulletDo dress your best, doesn't matter how overdressed you feel yourself. A black, dark blue or gray dress with white shirt and red tie is the best choice. Remember, its not necessary to wear new dress every time. Changing only tie and shirt makes you look dressed differently. 
bulletDon't ask for salary and other benefits unless employer asks for it. You may ask salary range. You can ask salary details only after you are finally selected for job.
bulletAlways thank interviewer, give him/her your calling card and ask for his/her card.
bulletClose interview in an exciting way.

interview Do's and Don'ts