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Now you will learn what accomplishment statements are and how to write them for yourself. Without a few accomplishment statements you can never tell anybody what you are capable of.

bulletDEFINITION: An Accomplishment Statement is defined as "the action you (and/or your team) took to solve a problem, which resulted in a measurable outcome".

The formula for determining an Accomplishment is shortly stated as STAR, which is:

S Situation (Problem)
T Task(s) Involved
A Action
R Results

Outcome of an accomplishment MUST be mentioned. Usually there are many Accomplishments mentioned on résumés, job applications and cover letters, but mostly they don't have any outcome. 

Accomplishment statements on your résumé leaves an impression of you being professional and result oriented.

Remember - Accomplishment statements speak louder than anything else.

Accomplishment statement shows money savings, time savings, meeting dead-lines, reducing wastage, improving efficiency, faster delivery time, expanding customer base, etc. It is something which you are proud of, that made things work better.

An Accomplishment you communicate to a perspective employer does not have to be a fantastic breakthrough to be worthwhile. It simply has to be an action you took to solve a problem or improve a situation. Even if it was part of your normal duties, you should be proud of what you achieved and claim it as something you accomplished. you can mention group accomplishments in which you were a team member.

The following are typical types of Accomplishments:

Improved performance Cut waste
Improved reliability Developed new methods
Reduced time Solved problems
Increased sales Made something work better
Reduced costs Increased efficiency
Expanded customers base Performed better than before
Improved profits Met or exceeded deadlines
Obtained faster delivery time minimized down time

 Examples of Accomplishment Statements:

bulletInitiated a safety program that reduced accidents by 12% in the first 3 months
bulletProcessed more than 35 orders per day, resulting in a sales increase of 10%
bulletIntroduced a filing system that improved efficiency by 25%
bulletCreated a database that cut office supplies costs by 65%
bulletDesigned and implemented an inventory recording program that saved 2 days from prior methods and eliminated counting errors
bulletIncreased typing speed by 50% thereby reducing time spent on word processing and therefore exceeding deadlines
bulletDeveloped marketing plan that increased sales by 23%, an increase of $60,000 in yearly sales

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