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Christopher M. Iorio

111 Lambton Circle

Rochester, NY






Alienware Company Representative;

My name is Christopher M. Iorio, founder and soon to be establishing Iorio Graphics Co. I am considering doing business with Alienware, as I have seen and read a lot of good feedback about your company. As you know the graphics designing industry today calls for a powerful system, and that’s how Alienware fits into the companies future plans. I would be looking to purchase 50 or more of your most powerful laptop systems. At this time our funding is limited, therefore I am requesting a price quote, and a sample system of your Area51 model. Currently I am also considering other companies that are able to work within my price range and system standards. When a sample is sent I will perform benchmarks on the system and the other companies systems, and test out durability, and most of all compare the benchmarks, hardware specs, and price quote of your system to the other companies system. Obviously the best companies system for the best price will get my business. When I make my decision on the system of choice, I will be in contact. I look forward to doing business in the future.




Christopher M. Iorio