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Cinema Amioso

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I never thought that people actually had careers in film. Yes, I saw movies, but I suppose I did not question how they were made. Until I went to a "real respectable-like" film school and quickly learned that yes, people do dream of making movies. I worked in a movie theater on school vacations, but I'm guessing that doesn't really count as a "career in film". So now I am packing up and moving out of the small town in which I currently reside to try my hand at screenwriting. Unfortunately, my dreams of being a "scab writer" in the event of a Writer's strike were crushed last week as the writers agreed to terms with the producers. (If any WGA writers read this, please note the sarcasm!)

Now Playing

A.I. ...**... When one makes a name for himself as a brilliant director, as Steven Spielberg has, one must consistently deliver films of a higher caliber. In terms of special effects and set design, A.I. is on par with Spielberg. But the story just does not sit well with me. A.I. parallels Pinnochio, the tale of a wooden toy who dreams of becoming a real boy. The idea of a wooden toy turning human is beyond our reality, making the fairy tale believable in its fantasy. But the idea that a robot can be programmed to act as a human is (relatively speaking) in our technology-flooded reason. The impending reality of the concept of a robot searching for love impedes the fantastical separation one must posess to believe the story. That said, young Haley Joel Osment delivers a brilliant performance, deserving of the inevitable Oscar nod.

MOULIN ROUGE ...***... It is a great thing when you don't expect anything from a movie and find yourself entertained nonetheless. The story- well, forget about it,don't think about it too long. But the incorporation of popular music, including Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit", will brighten any inner Karoake heart. At our show, only 3 out of every 5 Old Timers left early.

PEARL HARBOR ...**... I recant my original comment about saving your money for this movie. Not even the addition of an iceberg could have saved this one. The story is mediocre and the acting is over-dramatized. Ask me to entertain you with my Alec Baldwin as Doolittle impersonation. The two stars I have graciously awarded this film are for the bombing sequence which is as good as everyone says.

SHREK ...****... An endearing modern spin on the fairy tale genre with many moments of infantile humor courtesy of Mike Meyers. Not necessarily for the youngsters. A good film all around.

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But what do I know? Check out these internet resources:
Drew's Script-O-Rama for many television and movie scripts
Internet Movie Database
