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For Your Betterment

Save the World! Save Yourself! I don't care, just do something!


"From the most primitive to the most intelligent, all beings search for happiness and flee from suffering and have as much right as we do to obtain this comfort...[T]herefore it is worthwhile to sacrifice the happiness of one person- our own happiness- for the happiness of all sentient beings."


Easy Ways to Save the Earth

Make sure your tires are properly inflated. 50-80% of all tires currently used in the U.S. are underinflated. Proper inflation helps your car maintain better fuel efficiency as well as save gas. Up to 2 BILLION GALLONS OF GAS A YEAR could be saved if we all kept the proper amount of air in our tires!

Don't let the tap run when brushing your teeth and/or shaving. Just wet and rinse your toothbrush to save 9 gallons of water each time you brush. When shaving, fill the basin, saving 14 gallons of water each time.

Stop receiving junk mail. Write to MAIL PREFERENCES SERVICE, MARKETING ASSOCIATION, 6 EAST 43RD STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10017. This will prevent your name from being sold to most large mailing list companies.

Organizations to Help You Save the World

The Fund for Animals
The Nature Conservancy
National Wildlife Federation
Make-a-Wish Foundation


Are you bored at work? Do you need a better job? Or do you just need a job? The following sites can help you through your journey to find that perfect career... for all your job hunting needs. Post your resume (be prepared to describe your perfect job and the ideal company), submit your resume with the click of a button, view many jobs. for those searching in Connecticut. Read listings from the Hartford Courant Classifieds. You can also post your reume, though I haven't tried that feature yet.
Salary Calculator: Find out how much you SHOULD be making in your area, how much your position pays in any U.S. area, find out job descriptions. A good source of information for those who read title after title without knowing what on earth they mean.

Maybe you need something to take the stress out of your daily schedule. I play the piano, go walking, write... Anything that slightly inspires or has inspired you will most likely do the trick. But if you're stuck in a rut, why not be adventurous and try something new? Have you ever hang glided? Join a sports club, learn an instrument, take a photography class at your local community college. You don't necessarily need a therapist to relieve your worries!