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Understanding Life

My Info

My Pages

Cool Surfing
Digital Camera Fun

Welcome To My Website. I'm new to this, so be ready for a lot more to come in the future. I'm in college so at this point I don't know how much I'll be able to update but it should be somewhat often.

As you can see there are are a number of links above. Until I start learning how to make a better site, these will be the links to my other pages. Each page includes an important part of my life. Without each of these things I think would be very boring. These pages include musings about music, politics, and pictures of my family, an important part of my life.



Finally finding out how to make new paragraphs and how to work some cool html into the site. I'll work on other parts of the site later, but for now at least you'll have this to tide you over. I know for all you web junkies out there it seems like this would be a stupid excitement, but for me, the rookie, it's amazing. Also added guestbook. As I make the site more user friendly all of these items will move but as I said I'm new


I've made a bunch of changes to the site, so be sure to check them out. I've added a philosophy page and also some of my papers I've written for class on the politics page. Over the next few days I'll be adding more so be sure to check back often.


As you may have noticed the page hasn't been updated in awhile, but here it is, and it's new. I've added a new page, My Blog, which is much the same as Blogger and Live Journal, and although I have a journal page where I say I don't like those services, I've change my mind with Angelfire because it allows your blog to be part of your site. The Blog will be updated everday hopefully with new insights. I'll leave the journal page up even though I proobably won't be adding anything new now that I have the blog, but if you're interested it's still there.


Most of my comments on the political situation around the world and at home are now being put on my blog page. This is an easier way to update as events occur and I feel like commenting on them. The blog page continues to updated with other comments as well, so keep looking at the page.


First and foremost I apologize for the ugly picture I now instead of the landscape but I somehow lost the previous picture, and I thought it might be a good time to personalize the page even more. Hopefully I'll get a better picture soon, but for now this will have to suffice. You'll also see that I now have a link to some Rolling Stone news on this page. Rolling Stone is a good source of music, movie, and other cultural news.

In addition I've added back the music page that was absent for awhile. I deleted it because it somehow got changed to the advanced HTML editor which is for people who know how to exclusively use HTML. Anyway check it out, it has some links to and a list of my current favorite albums.

The poll on the page is something so the page can be a little more interactive, I'll update it every week so as to give people enough time to vote.

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