Dear AOL Member, We are writing to you with details of three important announcements about your AOL service - the arrival of our greatly enhanced AOL version 8.0; notice of forthcoming changes to the Member Agreement and news about a change in the supplier of AOL to you. 1. AOL 8.0 helps you get the best from the Internet AOL 8.0, the latest version of our software packed with a whole range of new features and enhancements, is being sent to all of our Members during June. If you would like to upgrade immediately rather than wait for the AOL 8.0 disk to arrive in the post, you can download it at AOL Keyword: Upgrade from early May. AOL 8.0 will make using AOL and the Internet faster, safer, more useful and more exciting than ever before! These are just some of the things we think you will find great about AOL 8: · Enhanced email features allow you to automatically highlight those from people you know and filter out spam. · A new "Report Spam" button helps you to inform us about unsolicited email much more easily, helping combat this unwanted nuisance. · There is even greater reliability with the 'auto-reconnect' feature, which automatically reconnects to AOL if you get disconnected. · Enjoy uninterrupted surfing with the new AOL Web PopUp Controls. · The AOL Companion sits on your desktop to update you on emails and instant messages and link you straight to AOL's key features. · Parental Control filters and Mail Controls continue to help keep children safer online. 2. Notice of changes to the Member Agreement Secondly, we have just completed a review of our Member Agreements covering both AOL's narrowband and broadband services (These are the contracts which you agreed to when you first joined AOL and set out the terms upon which the AOL service is supplied to you). Also we have reviewed AOL's Privacy Policy, which tells you how we use and look after your personal information. As a result of this review, we have made some changes to reflect recent developments in English law and changes to the AOL offering which have occurred over time. We have also made the Member Agreement simpler and more readable. You can preview the forthcoming changes to the Member Agreement, the Privacy Policy and other information about the changes at AOL Keyword: New COS. The changes to our Member Agreement will come into effect on 1st July 2003. Until that date, the terms of our current agreement still apply, and can still be found at AOL Keyword: COS. Continued subscription to AOL constitutes your acceptance of the new Member Agreement. 3. Notice of change in supplier of the AOL service to you On 1st July 2003, the contracting party responsible for the supply of the AOL service (whether broadband or narrowband) and for the proper treatment of your personal information will be changed to another company within the AOL group, AOL Europe Services SARL. From 1st July, this company will be contractually responsible for the provision of the AOL service to you in place of the current supplier, America Online Inc. This is one of the changes we are making to the Member Agreement (as referred to above) and applies to all AOL Members. Your continued subscription and membership of AOL constitutes your consent to AOL Europe Services SARL replacing the current provider of the AOL service to you. Don't worry. The change in provider will have no impact on the way you use and enjoy the AOL service and we'll take care of ensuring any payments you make are provided to the correct company, with no further action required by you. We are taking these steps to allow AOL to continue to provide services across Europe efficiently and cost-effectively. Tony Hanway Vice President, Member Services Note: Contact details for AOL Europe Services SARL are contained in the New Member Agreement.
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