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Fill the Blanks

Fill the Blanks is an attempt to create a Non-Governmental Organization for the promotion of literacy in Africa. Through various sources of funding, we would like to provide students with basic school supplies such as textbooks, notebooks, pencils, benches, etc. but also, if possible, to renovate their infrastructures. In addition, this website will try to provide a range of information on development issues related to education via official reports, news bulletins as well as links to other relevant organizations. Because it is at the inception stage, this "adventure" will most likely take some time. However, if you have suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us at the email address below. We need all the support we can find! Thank you.


Estimated illiteracy rate and illiterate population aged 15 years and older, by country, 1990-2010


United Nations Literacy Decade 2003-2012

Education Links (for now)

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations Development Program
International Reading Association
Education Internationale
Association for the Development of Education in Africa
