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Dave's Custom
Hand Controller Overlays

One of the interesting features of the Intellivision was the plastics overlays you could insert into the hand controllers. These overlays covered the keypad and showed what each button did. The Intellivision had (has!) a twelve-button keypad, four side keys, and a disc, so for many games (such as Space Spartans and Poker) this was indispensable (some of today's game systems, such as Playstation, have even MORE buttons than this, and NO overlays. Players are forced to memorize what each button does. The Intellivision's overlay system meant that you just had to look at the controller), for others it was merely decorative. It was Mattel Electronics policy that EVERY game had to have an overlay, even if it really didn't need one (Astrosmash, Lock 'N' Chase). However, INTV Corporation (the company that purchased the Intellivision rights after Mattel Electronics tanked) and the third party game manufacturers didn't follow this rule, and only included overlays when necessary. As a result, many games don't have them.

But some of those 'decorative' Mattel overlays looked cool. So I decided to make a custom overlay for a number of games that never had them. For your viewing and gaming pleasure, here they are:

Donkey Kong

click here to view a full size image (JPEG 168K)

The numbers are modified from the Hover Force overlay (courtesy of the INTV Funhouse). The banner at the top came from I don't remember where the small icon or the Mario came from.


click here to view a full size image (JPEG 148K)

This overlay uses portions of the Pac-Man box art (courtesy of the INTV Funhouse). The number backgrounds are modified versions of the large Pac-Man in the middle. The banner at the top came from I don't remember where the small icons came from.


click here to view a full size image (JPEG 136K)

This overlay uses portions of the Frogger box art (courtesy of the INTV Funhouse). The banner at the top came from I don't remember where the small icons came from.


click here to view a full size image (JPEG 120K)

This overlay uses portions of the Q*Bert box art (courtesy of the INTV Funhouse). I don't remember where the small icons came from.


click here to view a full size image (JPEG 120K)

This overlay uses portions of the Zaxxon box (courtesy of the INTV Funhouse). The numbers are modified versions of the numbers form the US Ski Team Skiing overlay (courtesy of the Intellivision Lives website). The banner at the top came from

Duncan's Thin Ice

click here to view a full size image (JPEG 132K)

This overlays uses portions of the Thin Ice box art (courtesy of the INTV Funhouse) and screen captures from the Intellivision Lives CD-ROM.

Feel free to download and print these overlays, but please do not use them on your site without crediting me, David Jong, with creating them. A simple "Designed by David Jong" and a link to my main page will do.

All overlays created using Adobe Photoshop.

To see how to make these images into REAL, PLASTIC overlays, check out the Do-It-Yourself Overlays page from Giga Intellivision!

Disclaimer: The overlays shown above use images taken from other websites without permission. I have tried to credit as many of these sites as possible, but I have forgotten a few of them. Honest. I am not trying to rip off anyone's work. The copyrights on these overlays are for artistic purpose only; they have not been authorized by and have no connection with Mattel Electronics, INTV Corp., Coleco, or Parker Brothers.
Intellifans have visited since 01/22/02


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