



Currency unit










Mini-state Member of Commonwealth (Special or associate member) but not of the UN (too small with pop. of 8000).

Phosphate mining is the only real economic activity. It will be exhausted in 2005.

The people arrived probably by accident from other islands and brought with them several different languages which have together produced a new language, Nauruan, which includes elements from Polynesian, Micronesian, and Melanesian.

There was a civil war in the 19th century, after the arrival of outsiders (whalers, beachcombers, traders) which reduced the then population to about 1,000.

The island was a German colony from 1886 and was then occupied by Australians in 1914. Phosphate mining began in 1907. The imported miners brought diseases which killed many of the population. It was a League mandate to UK, NZ and Australia jointly but administered by Australia. The Japanese occupied it from 1942-45. They deported 1200 (two thirds) of the people with 737 returning in 1946. It was made a UN Trust territory under Australia in 1947. Independent in 1968.












The phosphate mine is due to end in 2005 as the deposit becomes worked out. The islanders would like a replacement income and are suing Australia for compensation. There was a compensation investment fund which at one time had an estimated value of $700 million but it was lost in bad investments.

Off shore banking and money laundering is the main source of income.






The island was used as a phosphate mine. The whole center has been scooped out so that only the rim is suitable for living on. The origin of the fossil guano (bird droppings) is unknown, so that the resource was not renewable. The present inhabitants want compensation.





Human Rights

Migrant refugees attempting to reach Australia have been settled there in camps built and operated by the Australian government. This may be illegal under international law.

Last revised 4/01/02


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