


Andorra la Vella

Currency unit







The size of the Isle of Man. Until 1993 it was in theory a Condominium of France and Spain. It is a relic of the ancient kingdom of Navarre which was formed as one of the Christian states fighting the Muslims who occupied most of Spain and which was split into Bearn which was joined to France and Spanish Navarre.

The Joint Sovereigns were the Bishop of Urgel in Spain and the king (later the President) of France. Its main economic pursuit has been shopping uncontrolled by French or Spanish taxes. But changes in European law may bring this to an end.

There is now an elected national government.

The French Franc and Spanish Peseta were both used but have now been replaced by the euro. Andorra was not formally a member of the European Community, but it was not sovereign so that its status was obscure.

The first constitution was enacted in 1993. The country was then expected to become a member of the European Union, smaller than Luxembourg, or a special status may be negotiated. At present most of the residents are not citizens of Andorra. There are many tax exiles living there to avoid taxes in their own countries. A referendum in March 1993 agreed to set up an independent state, which will negotiate entry to the European Union. It was admitted to the UN.



See Catalonia and Norman Davies - Vanished Kingdoms






Elected government formerly subject to veto by Spain and France (seldom exercised). Formerly like a parish or county council, now a national parliament.

Only 9000 native voters. Most residents have no local citizenship.






Formerly the economy was based on agriculture. Now it is based on tax free shopping and skiing. Tax free shopping is coming to an end and income taxes may be on the way.

Financial services may come (banks for people who wish to hide their money). Before the introduction of the euro both Spanish Pesetas and French francs circulated as currency.










Human Rights

Climate effects

Climate change will probably end the skiing as the snow retreats.

Last revised 2/07/12


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