All your life


 In the 1960s, when teachers were trusted, and schools were still thought of as places for learning, rather than exam factories, several interesting experiments in learning took place. Despite what certain politicians say, some of these experiments showed interesting results and proved that many of the features of schools as we know them are not necessary to help students learn.

My MSc Dissertation was written about one of these experiments - The English Block, which happened in Uganda and Kenya.

We live in a time when experiments in education are discouraged, and when the pressures of continual 'testing' promotes a style of teaching that probably prevents many types of learning, to the detriment of people exposed to it, and to the loss of society when many skills are ignored.

One day times will change and students will rightly demand proper learning again. These are important matters, leading to questions about the nature of humanity, and imply important criticisms of modern culture and its possible lack of attention to some of the things our ancestors thought were important to keep us human.

E G Matthews - How to study Literature for African Students

on Kindle

Web site of the deviser of the English Block 

R G Gregory

 Title Page


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