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Junior, Tyler, and I celebrating Tylers 21st Birthday:)

Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia

So it's a new year, 2005. Where does time go. Then it came to me, i should dedicate my website to the good, and the bad things that happen to me in 2005, so as the good, and bad things happen, i will add them to the running counter.

    -- Jan 01 Car Insurance went down 50 bucks a month.
    --Jan 05 Moving into new apartment where i can park my mustang (**VOID** Someone Keyed my car)
    --25 June I got a damn good deal on Heads, Intake, Throttle body, and Rocker Arms for my mustang and saved about $1,000
    -- March 05 - I finally met the perfect girlfriend.

    -- Jan 01 Someone Stole my Katana 600 Street Bike. Nothing like losing a few thousand to start off the new year.
    -- Jan 01 I lightly curbed a rim on my mustang
    --Jan 02 Basically Blew the metro up again.
    --Jan 03 Have to go to court to fight a traffic violation in FEB.
    -- Jan 03 My boss karate kicked a M16 gun case into my forhead and busted it open.
    --Jan 03 Fire Alarm went off in apartment complex for 30 minutes, Aparently i'm the only one who realized that you have to call the fire company for a fire. I took care of it. then waited another hour for maintenance to come turn it off.
    --Jan 09 I went to the Liquor store and bought 2 bottles and came home. One was plastic the other was glass. I got out of my car the bag ripped down the side and i caught the plastic one, while the glass bottle i just paid 20 bucks for shattered all over the ground right beside my car.
    --Jan 09 Sunday night. I realized that my CDC Test was this coming tuesday, not next week, and became aware that i had to learn 5 months of study material in one day.
    --Jan 17 The lower radiator hose exploded off of my mustang an hour away from my home, and i had no tools to put it back on, and spent over 30 minutes with soaking wet hand/arms covered in anti-freeze in 10 degree weather. I was so cold i prayed for sudden death. Then i had no heat for the hour ride home after i got it put back on.
    --Jan 20 Today I decide to check my bank statement to see how much money my roomate owes me for our moving expenses since i put everything on my card. Turns out someone has been stealing money out of my account. there is over $500 dollars missing that i can see right now and i called the bank and they told me that there is another $1200 transaction from a PAYLESS store there as well. Can you even Fathom a life like mine?
    --Jan 21, Today I had a doctors appointment to find out why i've been having such bad pains in my groin. Well it turns out that i have a serious indigenous hernia which will require immediate surgery. I feel like i'm constantly being kicked in the balls. Then i checked my bank account and there is 26 more dollars removed from my account today, and i'm helpless. So i went to lunch at BurgerKing and since my Main bank card is FROZEN, i had to use my credit union debit card, and the lady at burger king told me i can't use it so i had no money to buy my lunch luckily my friend was with me and paid, then the burger king lady said well i don't know maybe it does work, i've never tried it. I wanted to rip her esophagus out. Now to after work. I need gas so i go to the gas station pick up some gas and antifreeze to top off my mustang since as you read before my lower hose blew off and i was still low. So i go to get gas, pump says "see cashier, so i go inside and i had the same card i had at lunch, so she's like oh you have that, you have to pay inside after you pump... ok, no problem. I go out and pump my gas come in and pay for the gas and antifreeze. MY CARD GETS DENIED! I have no money at all. I'm stading there ready to off myself in the middle of this store because i can't even believe this is happening, so i'm pissed yelling do you even realize i have thousands of dollars in both of these accounts!! I can't use any of my fucking money, this is fucking rediculous. So she tells me i have 30 minutes to get her the money. I drive up the road to the bank, and the atm lets me take money out, why? i don't know. Didn't even care, so i went and paid up and just went straight home to change to go to best buy. I worked 17 hours today which made my hernia pissed at me and now i'm in serious pain.
    --Jan 22 My mother called, and DellDot sent them a letter since my car is registered in Pennsylvania saying that i went through a toll booth, and didn't pay. ARE YOU EVEN FUCKING SERIOUS. There's no damn way. There is a conspiracy going on, there is no way someone can get fucked as hard as i am.
    --Jan 26 Well first thing today i decide to drive my roomates car to work because my mustang is still snowed in. So i drive to the base like any other day, and i get to the shop, and happen to glance out my windsheild on last time before i get out of the car and notice there is a 20" crack going through the windsheild. One of the cars i was following must have kicked up a rock. So now i have to pay a couple hundred dollars to replace his windsheid. And he isn't even here, he's deployed in the desert!.
    --Jan 26 So after the cracked windsheild this morning, i came home from work around 4pm and it was fairly nice so i decided to take my rims off my mustang because of the road salt, and clean them and store them for the rest of the winter so they didn't get ruined. Well i got them all off then put my old ones back on, and i was tightening the LOCK NUTS with the factory ford locknut key, and on the 3rd tire, all the teeth on the inside of the key stripped off all at once for no reason. So now i have 2 tight wheels, one half tight, and one loose one. So i'll have to go to ford and special order a locknut key that matches the lugs i have. IT NEVER ENDS!
    --February 29 2005 - The ground effect on my mustang which was repainted roughly 4 years ago is bubbled and chipping profusly. It now needs repainted because i blew off like 3 strips of paint while washing it.. can i please have some luck.. i mean seriously.
    --06 April 2005 - I go to a full service gas station to get gas because it is cheapest, and i haven't been to one of these in about 3 years. I get my gas no problem go home get out and happen to glance back at my mustang and notice that the idiot pumping my gas managed to scratch the shit out of the paint around my gas tank with my gas cap while he was fueling my car. He must have been leaning against it. Lets just say i was not in a good mood.
    --14 April 2005 - Road with my brother to Pittsburgh Hospital to visit my father because his health is failing because he is in desperate need of a liver transplant. My brother and his g/f are chain smokers and i believe i contracted some type of lung cancer from poor ventilation on the 3 hour ride there and 3 hour ride back. My throat hurt for 3 weeks and i had a hard time talking after that ride.
    --17 April 2005 - My drivers side headlight went out in my mustang. (not even a year old). I used a good one from my previous set of HID bulbs. I now have a hyper white bulb, and a Hyper white with a blue tint bulb :(
    --05 May 2005 - Working on customers mustang trying to put on a simple exhaust and H-pipe on it for him and a new clutch with a few other goodies. This h-pipe will not line up with the headers. I spent at least 16 hours trying anything and everything trying to get this to fit including moving/bending etc to get this BBK H-pipe to fit. No deal Told him to take it back.
    --15 May 2005 - Customer came back with new replacement bbk h-pipe. Spend another 2 days trying to make this one fit because what are the odds of something not fitting a product made by the same company specifically for that item?? It didn't fit again. It was bent wrong. I had 2 different, new H-pipes bent incorrectly given to me in a row. I was so pissed that i went home and punched my bed, broke the back of it off. Later i rearranged my room and found that when i punched the headboard it broke it completely off of the bed frame. It's in the garbage now Also the customer went and bought a different brand of h-pipe and it fit like a glove later that week. FUCK BBK
    --26 May 2005 - started a good nights rest at 9:30pm, woak up at midnight with the flu. I threw up for 6 hours, got up went into work barely able to even talk to the people around me, passed out at work in the office on the couch, everyone woak me up at 2 and said they were going home, i was going to get up, but i passed back out and woak up 4 hours later in a pool of sweat still laying there alone. I did get up then and tried to make my way home but right when i get to the gate about 4 cars back from leader, Security Forces locks down the base and no one can get off. I sat there in scortching heat for 25 minutes in pure agony.
    --28 May 2005 - Finally got some good news that my father was being taken in for his 2nd Liver Transplant after a long hard battle with hepatitus. 4 hours later my father died on that operating table. His heart wasn't strong enough to take the new organ... they had waited too long. I love you dad.
    --26 June 2005 - I Went to Maryland to pick up parts for my car. I decided that my girlfriend and I should take her 2003 Ford Taurus because it would be most reliable and it had A/C for the really hot day outside. I got a flat tire right at the end ofthe bay bridge which is about a mile long. I spend 30 minutes cutting my hand trying to jack up a car that the jack can't even fit under where it needs to be to jack the tire up with cars flying by up to 90MPH no more than 4 feet away from me.
    --28 June - I was standing at my sliding glass door holding onto the wooden handle watching the rain storm outside when lightning struck, shocked the fuck out of me(aparently i was touching the metal also), blew up my cable modem, fried the brand new network storage hard drive, and burnt up my network router. Not to mention i lost an hour of hard earned progress in my xbox game (grand theft auto) i was playing.
    --01 July - I went to Beaver Springs Dragway back in pennsylvania to race my mustang. After my first pass down the track, i stopped to pick up a guy who previously before my run broke his car at the end of the track, after getting to the booth to pick up my time slips they had them all screwed up, so after a few minutes of sitting there, i shut my car off and when i went to try and start it again, it would not start. so the guy i picked up had to get another ride, and i had to get pushed back to the begining of the track. My fuel pump went out of my mustang.
    --27 July - So to keep with the trend... i went to work today and while i was working in 110 degree heat all day some inconsiderate asshole Keyed the entire passanger side of my mustang. My insurance does NOT cover it, so i'm just fucked all the way around. Thanks for keeping me down.
    --30 July - Today for my girlfriends birthday i decide to take her and our friends over to the batting cage in Rehoboth beach after we left LoneStar. Somehow on my second try at it, i swung and a muscle in my left shoulder got caught and popped something in my arm so now i have little to no use of my left arm until the extreme pain goes away. I will be going to the hospital to get it checked out.
Bobby, Billly, Brian
My cousin and I
Me in my BDU's black and white.
Myself getting something from Fridge
My Wonderful Home in Mill Creek.
Moran Beer Bonging
Brandons Saleen
Me in my mustang.
my 21st birthday
havin a beer
posing in my hooters shirt
me sitting at ashes house.
The People I Work With
JC's and My Car
Jess with me burried in the sand at the beach.
Me on tylers dirtbike
Me and Brandon
Carrie and I at the Bowling Alley.
Picture of me sitting in my old dorm room
Billy and Sarah Closeup
TOMS on our way to Beaver Springs.
Friendly Love Billy & Sarah.
Sarah and Jess at the hotel on the beach.
Me in my throwback thermals. haha
Picture I took while i was stationed in Port Heuneme, California.
My Preppy Look.
Desperate attempt at being cool.
Some Asshole at the Fair thought it would be funny to spin mud on my mustang.
Only for the Haters!
The Oldest Picture of Tyler i have.
Dusty and I playing Poker at my Brothers
Dusty and Brett conversing
The Foam Dance Floor!
Wendy and Nina :)
HardCore Fooseball
Brandon chillin
dusty at jens
Jenn and I tuned in
Me in my Blues Uniform
Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia
Jen Perrin
I thought i'd add my mustang
And why not a Race car and a Pace car???
Myself thinking i play football
Camo Bandana
Joseph and I built a snowman at work
Front Mount Intercooled Metro
Joseph Destroys yet another black honda civic SI
Tyler grabbing a drink from the fridge
Glen's Mach1
billy brandon tyler cancun
Another Beachshot
Christie and I
Passed out of control
check out my wheelchair skills
I could use some practice i guess
Bodyshots with Christie
Bodyshots 2
Bodyshots 3
Bodyshots 4
you think my tractors sexy?
kickin it by the pool
christie in the ocean
the couples balloon contest 1
the couples balloon contest 2
the couples balloon contest 3
the couples balloon contest 4
the cool drunk girl from the beach
girls dancing on island
Girls still doin it
why not another one
Jordans 68 Camaro
Marta's sweet ass
it's a lot cooler when your drunk.
pool view from 6th floor of hotel.
nice picture of sand querry behind tylers old home.
another bar shot
another pic of the swim up bar
gotta love tequilla volleyball
as you can see i was losing.. or maybe winning :)
tyler not so sober
tyler after not so sober.
tyler getting ready to leave cancun
tyler up on the roof
tyler gettin down on the farm
tyler pulling the mustang out for a quick ride
Little waterfall at the hotel.
a blurry picture of my mustang.
Mustang with transam reflection.
The Baddest Cars in Dover.
Huntingdon During the Flood.
My Girls i met in cancun work there now!
I hit chris with Mary Jane.
Tyler and I at the Airport going to cancun.
The Trans Am and 5.0 at JC's new house.
Billy in car