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   Welcome. My name is David MacDonald. I am a graduate of Bradley University in Peoria, IL. I am currently living in Scottsdale, AZ with my fiance. Needless to say, there are some days when I have overdoses on estrogen television programming.

   This page serves quite a few purposes. Since I lost my Bradley account, I needed a new site for my webpage. This page holds a variety of information about myself and my intrests. I have a listing of new additions below, keep coming back to see new material. When I get around to it...

   I have been getting a lot of traffic lately from the UK, which I am very excited about. Please feel free to drop me a line at the email address below if you would like to see something or have any questions.

   Much of this webpage is under construction, for that I apologize. Of course, you have all heard that before, but this time I really mean it. One note... all of these webpages were constructed by hand coding. No HTML page making program were used. It may take longer, but you avoid all the errors most programs commit transferring from browser to browser.

   If you would like to contact me, please mail me at the address below.

New Updates for the May 15, 2003:

Holy Shit! Its been a while!

New Pages:

Cory and Dave's Wedding, 5 months and counting!

New Updates:

New Ranger Information in Character Classes

Updated Krull: Half-Orc

Coming Soon:

Dungeons and Dragons Magic Listing

Dungeons and Dragons Magic Item Random Charts

Get off my ass, already!!!

Theta Chi || Bradley University Speech Team || Bradley University

If you would like some great Apple images, go to the Mac Gallery by clicking their logo!

These pages are © Copyright 2002, David M. MacDonald. No reproduction without consent.

I will hunt you down!

Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, and iMac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.

Want to talk to me, mail me by clicking here.

If you would like to go back to the top, click here.

Last updated on May 15, 2003