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After talking with lots of people about their views on the war in Iraq, I've come to the conclusion that no one knows what the hell they are talking about. People these days are such sheep that they argue their point to the death and don't even know what they are saying. I have heard the stupidest things ever from people, but when questioned about their stances, they don't even know where to begin to back themselves up. The stupid left-wing society of today has turned an issue of safety and National security into a matter of "Oh, President Bush stumbled when he went to say a word that I don't even know the meaning he's an idiot and whatever he does is wrong." I'm not saying everyone thinks that..but what I am saying is that people don't take FACT into consideration when they create OPINION, and that's where things get horribly messed up. Keep reading.


First off, if you're American, then you should be proud of your country, not a whiney bitch complaining about the President or what words he can or can't pronounce. American is the richest and most powerful country in the world. We don't take shit from towelheads hiding in the desert that can't afford an army for their piece of shit third world country. Saddam Hussein and his idiot followers are wrong. The guy is a fucking nutjob. He tortures and kills his own citizens because they hate him. Election day rolls don't vote for him? He kills your family and tortures you. Iraq doesn't fair well in the Olympics? Ude Hussein tortures and maims the athletes to motivate them to work "harder" so not to get beaten next time. The whole family is fucked up, but since no one has the balls to step up to him, nothing is done. He, much like alot of the Eastern world hates the Western world to no end. Why? Because we are better. We are richer, healthier, more civilized, more successful, and more powerful, so he hates us. Same with Osama Bin Laden. They can't stand to see us thriving and them living in poverty so they want us dead. All of us. They have schools that teach children specifically to hate the Western world. They teach kids we are evil and that we will kill them so they should kill us if they get the chance. Also their religion says if they kill will earn them their spot in heaven, so what do they care? Kill a hundred Americans..go to heaven..sounds like a good deal to me. With so much hate brewing in this part of the world, its a wonder that we're still in one piece.

Taking all that hate of the United States into consideration, Saddam Hussein has been researching and developing chemical weapons for years now, and lying the whole time. VX gas which will melt down your muscle tissue into goo. Anthrax which kills off your blood cells, thinning your blood to the point where it seeps through the pores in your body. Mustard gas, used back in World War 1 that will liquify your lungs, if exposed. These are the most common weapons he is enginering, and for what purpose? To look at them? To say "Hey I have Anthrax."? No. He has been creating larger and larger missiles to carry these weapons with bigger warheads further than before. He's planning on using these weapons. On who? Well...who else? The Western world. Or he could be planning on selling his good friend Bin Laden...enough said. The UN has warned him time and time again not to create weapons with these capabilities, and he has told us he never has, not ever will create them. But he has them and wants to use them on us. THIS is why we are going to war. To stop all this shit from reaching America. If you think September 11th was a tragedy, just imagine a day when VX rockets scream into Boston or New York and detonate...killing hundreds of thousands...even millions. Those who survive will wish they didn't You dont recover well if one of your lungs is now goo. We are going to war to end the reign on this mad man with his finger on the trigger of such mass destruction. THAT is why we are attacking Iraq, nothing else.


I've heard time and time again that we are going to war for oil. That is the single stupidest comment ever. That's like saying "We are running out of sand, so lets attack Iraq and steal some sand while we're at it." Yes, gas prices are high, but so friggin' what? That is due to the Monopoly of the Exxon / Mobile owners driving prices up in escalation of war. Gas prices are hige BECAUSE of the war...we aren't going to war BECAUSE gas prices are high. We have millions and millions of gallons of oil sitting in Alaska undreneath a natural wildlife reservation. If we were so desperate for you think the President would choose to obliterate another country and endanger over 250,000 American soldiers..when he could just chop down a few acres of trees and get the oil there? Sure is a wildlife reservation..but I think a quarter million lives are more important than a few acres of trees. Not only that..the majority of our oil DOESN'T COME FROM IRAQ. We don't give them money. We don't support them in any way shape or form. The countries that rely on iraq for oil are those like France and Russia. France and Russia? Hmm..the same 2 countries that are pissed at us becasue we want to fight Iraq? Maybe they are just mad because THEY want oil? It's a good possibility. Personally, I'd rather be paying $2.15 for a gallon of gas than have to worry about a fucking lunatic with chemical weapons who wants me dead just because I was born in a country he wasn't.


Also, the other problem is all the sheep that don't know what they are protesting the war for. For those of you who don't know what a sheep is..heres an example. Sheep stand out in the field all day eating grass. They dont care abut anything, as long as they have their grass. The shepard tells them to move over here..they go..and they are content. He tells them to go inside..they go. Mindless, content animals that are oblivious to their surroundings and do what they hear from someone else.

The sheep are all the people who don't know anything. They hear on the radio that "George Clooney and Jane Fonda are against the war in Iraq" so they think " must be bad then" and now THEY dont want a war. Their sole opinion is based on "Oh I heard it was bad so I decided against it." Shut're an idiot. If you cant come up with your own opinion, dont form one at all, your wasting people's time. And what the hell do actors know about the war? Probably as much as the sheep. "Yeah I get paid to read scripts, so now I'm a political analyst, and I'm against the Iraq campain becasue it is not nessecary." Shut're a waste of an opinion. Peace activist? Yeah..lets send the Peace Activists into Iraq first. They can protest in Baghdad and hold rallies outside Saddams palace. That will get the job done. All we need to do is use the power of peace. Then they will have chemical weapons dropped on them and die. MUCH better than sending in the most powerful military in the world and ending it in a few weeks. People don't think. Why would he care about peace? HE WANTS US DEAD. Think about thing before you get mad at the government for doing what its doing. The US Government has thousands of intelligence gathering methods and thousands more military and political analysts, they know a hell of a lot more about what they are doing than a protestor.. If they thought Peace and Protests would work..they would have done it. Seeing as how they decided military action is the only means that will work...Ill agree with them. They know alot more than me.

If we knew on September 10th what was going to happen on the 11th, would you be willing to sit back and let it happen? Or would you rise to it and prevent it from ever becomming? The people who would sit back and hope nothing happens are putting us all in danger. Your only fooling youself.

In closing..if you are againts the war because you have a loved one in the military that you are worried for, I can sympathize with that and I have no problem. If you are against the war because you read in Teen People that Justin Timberlake said "If I were president I'd give Saddam Hussein a puppy then sing a song for him..I wouldnt go to war, war is not the answer." then I hope you learned somthing from this. If not..then there's no hope for us. I think I'll move to the Artic...idiots won't bother me there...


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Mike Haney