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Dave Pond - Miscellaneous Design Pieces

These are a few samples (lo-res versions) of different pieces I've done over time, ranging from pamphlets and brochures to university media guides. The pics are a little bitmapped, but I uploaded lo-res versions to save you time in surfing the site. Contact me at, and I will be happy to send hi-res samples or printouts your way. Thanks!

Wake County Government, 1998

These K-only informational bookmarks were printed on a variety of colored papers and then distributed through the mail to Wake County residents as ridealong inserts with automobile tax invoices.

East Carolina University Sports Information Department

This media guide was designed for the 1996 ECU men's track program for distribution through the ECU Sports Information Department. It has 4/C covers and the inside pages were K-only.

East Carolina University Sports Information Department

This media guide was designed for the 1995 ECU volleyball program for distribution through the ECU Sports Information Department. It as well has 4/C covers and the inside pages were K-only.

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