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Welcome to Clue!!!

This is my version of Clue. Like everything else i've made on my website, i'm making this up on the spot. so don't be mad if this sucks. Actually now that i think about it, i don't remember how to play clue. so we'll see how this goes. i guess i'll start with suspects. first there's the professor. he's intelligent, educated, about 60 years old. he won't tell us his definite age. If he's the murderer then expect a complicated plot. then there's the maid. she's an old wrinkly woman who's been a maid at this residence for quite some time now. she would know all the secret passages. Who else, oh yes, there's the colonel. He's been in combat and would not be afraid to shed blood. There's me, Dan. I'm a stud among other things. There's Ms. Scarlet who's a middle aged party animal. And ms. white, a blonde 20 year old. She seems innocent enough, which might make her even more threatening. I will be giving clues for every room, and i'll interrogate the suspects. the crime? lets see here, the crime, hmm. ok, here it is- mr. green has been murdered! oh my gosh! his funeral is at 8:00 this saturday if you would feel obliged to attend. ANYWAY, there are say, 6 rooms. the billiard, the kitchen, ballroom, library, bedroom, and the study. The weapons are the pipe, the wrench, the knife, the gun,the candlestick and the rope. once again the suspects are the professor, the maid, the colonel, ms. scarlet, me, and ms. white. There are secret passages. I will hide them in the text. click on the right thing and you might end up somewhere else! Let's proceed by interrogating the suspects. When you have solved the crime you can email me and i will tell you the correct answer. Don't forget to poll in what you think is the correct verdict!

Interrogate them!






Billiard Room

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