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Hello! Welcome to Zhigang CAI's homepage in Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University.

Zhigang Cai(蔡志岗)'s homepage in ZSU China


Happy New Year! And good luck in the new millennium.

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超快速激光光谱学国家重点实验室/Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy Lab
中山大学/Zhongshan University [各院系导航] [下载区] [论坛]
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LEOS - The Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Photonics Yellow Pages
Laser Focus World
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I was born in November 1962, in Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian Province, R.P. China, before going to Bucharest University in Roumania, I spent one year in the University of Science & technology of China, in Hefei, Anhui Province. I received Master of Science and Ph. D from Bucharest University, in 1985 and 1989, respectively. After two years as post-doctor research fellow in the Institute of Laser and Spectroscopy , in Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, P.R. China, I become one of her members in 1992.

Being an associate professor since 1992, professor, 2000, in research and teaching of optics, laser spectroscopy and opto-electronics, in the State Key Laboratory of Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy(now State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and technologies) and the Institute of Laser and Spectroscopy, the current research interests include photonics and opto-electronics, ultrafast processes and nonlinear optical properties of organic and polymeric materials, and data storage materials as well. In special, the laser spectroscopy and nonlinear optics of polymers. My research work is supported by the National Science Foundation of China, The Guangdong Provincial Science Foundation, the Grant for Returning Overseas Scholar, and the Open Program of the State Key Laboratory of Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy.

The State Key Laboratory of Ultrafast Laser Spectrocopy, together with the Guangdong provincial Key Laboratory of Display Materials and Technologies, has been rebuilt in the new State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and technologies, in November 2001.

State Key Laboratory of
Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies
Institute of Laser & Spectroscopy
School of Physical Science and Engineering Technology
Zhongshan University
Guangzhou 510275, P.R. China
FAX: +86-20-84037423
Phone: +86-20-84037563 ex.2405, +86-20-84113832 or

Since March 12, 1997 ZGCAI(蔡志岗) (You can also reach me by or go.163)

COUNTER: since June 13, 1997

Last revision: October 1, 2002

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