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As Seen on TV
And Improved

And featured in Smart Money Magazine...

Mother of 15 year old finds $71,005 CASH in Sons closet!!!

His mother was cleaning and putting laundry away when she came across a large brown paper bag that was suspiciously buried beneath some clothes and a skateboard in the back of her son's closet. Nothing could have prepared her for the shock she got when she opened the bag and found it was full of cash. Five dollar bills, twenties, fifties and hundreds- all neatly rubber-banded in labeled piles. "My first thought was "oh my god" he robbed a bank", says the 41-year-old woman, "There was over $71,000 dollars in that bag- that's more than my husband earns in a year."

The woman immediately called her husband at the car- dealership where he worked to tell him what she'd discovered. He came home right away and they drove together to the boy's school and picked him up. Little did they suspect that where the money came from was more shocking than actually finding it in the closet.

As it turns out, the boy had been sending out E-mails via the internet, some type of business opportunity letter to E-mail addresses that he obtained over the internet. Everyday after school for the past 2 months, he had been doing this right on his computer in his bedroom.

Within the first few weeks of sending out the E-mail, the Post Office Box that his parents had gotten for his video-game magazine subscriptions began to fill up with not magazines, but envelopes containing $5 dollar bills. "about a month later I rode (my bike) down to the post office, my box had 1 magazine and about 300 envelopes stuffed in it. There was a yellow slip that said I had to go up to the (post office) counter- I thought I was in trouble or something (He laughs)". He goes on, "I went up to the counter and they had a whole box of mail for me. I had to ride back home and empty out my backpack, cause I couldn't carry it all..................

Did you happen to see this on 20/20, or one of the talk shows? The program the Boy did, does work, but it has a few loop holes. There was no way to "Confirm" or "Validate" each participant. Anyone could put their name on the list and start Advertising, no questions ask.

The main difference between what the Boy did, and this program is, this one is Cheat proof. Each step is validated and verified, so no one can cheat. This way it assures your money is not sent in vain. There are ways of cheating with the program the Boy was using, but not with this one. Plus you can pay thru paypal, which is much faster, and secure. We all know that Internet money programs can really work, but most of us have major concerns about them:

1. They are too complex, often requiring large investments.

2. They require real Internet marketing experience.

3. There is usually no way of monitoring returns.

4. There is no way of eliminating cheaters.

This program solves all of those concerns! It is 100% certain that everyone will get paid for participating. This is because we require accountable e-mail addresses for all participants.

The "FAIL-SAFE" mechanism controls the program, so it's impossible for anyone to cheat. This way nobody gets hurt and everyone gets paid. All participants make the money they deserve for their efforts. Read on and you will see why...

The method of accountability used, keeps everyone honest. We all get our money by Building an easy and valuable MAILING LIST. Too many programs before this one have no fail-safe method for protecting the honest participants from those who put their names on a list without sending any money. That is what causes such programs to ultimately fail...

With this program it is IMPOSSIBLE FOR SUCH CHEATING TO HAPPEN. If you decide to participate, you will be required to send $5 (US currency) to just two of the people on the list shown below, with a note asking them to add your name to their Mailing List and send you a copy of "Phase Two" First take the time to SAVE this letter to a file so that you can edit the prescribed areas later if you do decide to join. (I used wordpad/notepad and saved it to my desk top, that made it very easy to edit)

CHECK THE HONESTY FIRST... The very first step is to e-mail the two people in the Position #1 and Position #2 from the current Accountability List below, and ask them if they received Their $5 from me G F Thrash. This is what MAKES CERTAIN the success of this program is on the LEVEL.

You will not send money to me "UNTIL" you KNOW that I have paid the people in (Positions 1 and 2)!!!

Matthew Arnold
5/1 Denmead Ave
Campbelltown, South Australia 5074
E-mail to check if I have paid:

Edward Marigny
6210 Clayridge Dr.
Houston, Tx 77053
E-mail to check if I have paid:

The above are the two people I sent my US $5 to, with a note asking them to add me to their mailing list and send me "Phase Two". After you have verified that I am genuine and decide to participate... Address an Envelope (or thru PayPal) to the person currently in Position #3 (G F Thrash), put a $5 bill, your name, address, and e-mail address included, on a note that reads (Please add my name to your Mailing List and rush Phase 2 to me by e-mail).

"Please use PayPal if possible" (but not necessary)
Get your Free Premier Account If you don't already have one CLICK HERE This is Much Faster, more secure, plus saves you a stamp and a couple of Days. Mail takes 10 days to get to Australia, for example. Either way you get Phase Two in your Email, The Same Day I receive your $5. Include your name, address, and e-mail address, Plus write "Please add my name to your Mailing List and rush Phase Two to me by e-mail"

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

NOTE: Only the person in Position #3 supplies "Phase Two", NEVER any other person.

G F Thrash
915 Bayshore dr # 2
Biloxi MS. 39530
PayPal Account:

Next... Address an envelope (or use PayPal) to the person in Position #4; enclose a $5 bill, your name, address, and e-mail address with a note that states, "Please add me to your mailing list".

Michael Warren
123-125 Mooringe Ave
Camden Park, South Australia 5038
PayPal Account:(


FIRST: move the person currently in POSITION #4 to POSITION #2. Be sure all information is copied correctly and completely. (The person originally in Position #2 is now dropped from the list)

SECOND: move the person in POSITION #1 to POSITION #4 with all the correct information.

THIRD: move the person in POSITION #3 to POSITION #1 with all the correct information.

FINALLY: enter YOUR name, complete address, PayPal Account, and e-mail address into POSITION #3, Please also provide your name and e-mail address at the end of this letter. Remember: you only send the $5 to the names in POSITIONS #3 and #4 on this letter.

Now the best part, you not only have a chance to make a lot of money, you get my knowledge of a burn medicine recipe I know. This by itself is worth $$$$$$$$ especially, if a Loved one or Yourself gets a burn! I learned it indirectly through an Old Pharmacist, in a small village in New Mexico. Home Remedies like this get lost through the Generations, I hope this one doesn't. Read about my first in counter with it (below).

Sincerely: G F Thrash

Let me tell you a little true story about the burn medicine. In New Mexico 1978, I was working on my Motorcycle drinking a Beer or 5, (back in my younger GI days) at my in-laws house. I'd take a short ride, stop, adjust the carburetor (drink a beer ), another short ride. This went on for a couple of hours, then I knelt down to look at the carb, instead of grabbing the frame, I grabbed the Red Hot Exhaust Pipe. Since I'd had a couple of beers, I held on longer than I normally would have!

I ran in my in-laws house, and asked my Mother in-law for some Butter, (kind of in a hurry) She stop me and asked what was wrong, I told her, She gets this old looking bottle from the window seat, shakes it up good, pores some on my hand, and tells me to rub it in. It wasn't 30 sec. later the pain was gone. I applied it again in 10 min, and again about 20 min. later.

Ladies and Gentleman, my hand never blistered, never peeled. The next day I was using my hand, like nothing had ever happened. I was amazed then, and ever time since I have seen it work its little Miracle. There is nothing on the Market that comes remotely, close to this. I keep a bottle in ever vehicle, camping gear, and defiantly in the Kitchen. (I don't have a motorcycle now) Just this by itself is worth $10. Plus you have the opportunity to make a Lot of Money, what could be better.


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