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Section 6
My babies!
Yet another disclaimer...we gave Murray a haircut so for those of you who've seen him before...the last picture will be a bit of a shock. Roscoe is the dachsund and Murray is the Sheltie.

Here's Roscoe in his blankie. He's a burrowing dog. He'll burrow under anything, as you will soon see.

One of the things Roscoe loves is fresh towels out of the dryer. We don't exactly condone this, but it's so darn cute!!

Apparently lying on top of his pillow isn't good enough for Roscoe...he has to bury himself INSIDE of it!

My mom likes to put her pillows on the floor and lie on top of them to watch tv. Roscoe will have none of that unless he can get inside of them and get comfy. No, he's not spoiled. Not a bit.

And here is Murray before the infamous haircut. So cute and fluffy! And with about 800 layers of fur, I might add. Ok, next up...a shorthaired Murray!

Poor baby, he can't help but be cute no matter what we do to him! Awwwwwww!