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The Rules (and some Instructions)

1. The only clutching female is the Queen. Only under special circumstances will a female other than a Queen clutch.

2. Candidates joining with firelizards will be allowed but strictly curtailed in number and color of flit.

3. Major plotlines involving the lives (socially and literally) of any and all characters will need to be processed through the Weyrleaders first. Try to rp with common sense and courtesy.
Don't worry. There are more rules yet to come...


Hatching:  There are two ways to run a Hatching.  The first way is to wait for a candidate character to rp coming to the Hatching Grounds.  Then you write the Hatching story for the egg you designated to that candidate.  They respond and take control of the dragon.

((Person running the Hatching)):
 A smallish egg with black and bronze markings split, pieces of mottled shell falling and flying to all sides.  Out of the remains fell a little brown dragon, creeling and trilling in hunger.  The brown spread its still wet wings in an attempt to dry them in the hot air.  The hatchling staggered forward toward the male candidates and found the right one.
Ridermine, J’kon!  I am Hearnth!  I am also very hungry....

((Person impressing the dragon)):  Jakkon watched as each egg hatched in turn.  It came as a surprise when he saw the brown dragon butting against him legs.  And then he heard a small voice.
Ridermine, J’kon!  I am Hearnth!  I am also very hungry....
“Hearnth?  Hearnth!!  Of course I will get you food!  Come with me...” and the newly proclaimed J’kon walked slowly off the sands leading his brand new lifemate....

The second way to run a Hatching is the simpler way, and leaves all the rp-ing up to the candidates.  What you do is you just post the list of who impresses what and each person writes their own impression story.

((Person running the Hatching)):
Alice - silver Menanth
T’non - bronze Fronth
F’nis - brown Terth

And then the person impressing a dragon can just write the entire bit, egg splitting, searching, and communicating.

Once a character has impressed a dragon, they go to the Weyrling Barracks where the hatchling is fed and then falls asleep for many, many, MANY hours.

Flit hatchings should really always be run the second way.  Watch Wher hatching can be run either way.

Here is an example dragon mating flight:

Example Flight