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Baindol Weyr's History

In the middle of the Eastern Range of the Southern continent lies a low mountain which before went unmentioned. In the 9th Pass, a meteorite of great size fell unnoticed on the low mountain’s slopes. The place was uninhabited, so no notice was taken of the meteorite’s descent. The huge rock created a terrible crater in the north-western side of the mountain. The time and weather of 3000 some odd years wore the diminished rock to nothing and smoothed the walls of the crater. Centuries of rain and melted ice worked the ground and formed a lake in the low side of the crater. This lake eventually worked its way to the tip of Paradise River and began to feed on toward the ocean. This was the setting which caught the eyes of thirteenth Pass dragonriders.

Further exploration was made and a mass of natural caves were found in the southern wall of the crater. The cave systems ran throughout the low mountain’s northern side. With work, the caves were transformed into caverns and living space. Many large cavities were found mere feet under the cliffside. Rock was carved away and perfect weyrs were created. Igen sands were imported and a Hatching Ground was situated in the south-eastern portion of the crater over an underground lake heated by lava even farther down. The hot water was piped into the many weyrs that had been carved out of the southern cliff-side, providing them with warm baths. All these renovations took place over two and a half turns, and the Weyr was named Baindol Weyr.

Meanwhile, at MoonLake Weyr, where five Queens already took residency, another Queen egg was laid. The young Queen, Tamath, hatched and found her lifemate, a girl named Anira from Moon Lake Hold, and was allowed to stay the two turns it took her to mature. When the imminent time of Tamath’s mating flight drew near, the Queen pair was sent to the new Weyr along with two bronzes, two coppers, a black female, a silver, and a blue.

Tamath rose into flight and was championed by bronze Zarnth making the bronze’s rider, R’nor, Weyrleader. As a result of that flight, fifteen eggs lay hardening on the hot sands of Baindol Weyr, a queen egg among them.
The eggs hatched fifteen healthy dragons. The new Queen rider is Telarna of Queen Mallenth. Three watch Wher eggs have been brought to the Weyr to start what will become the Weyrs nightime guard.
A turn passed. Tamath's first clutch of Weyrlings are full riders and the dragons half way through their growth. Tamath is egg-heavy once again....