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Thursday, September 16, 2004

hey hub bub: dad walked into the screen door again
hey hub bub: hahah
hey hub bub: i just walked out
hey hub bub: and i saw dad sitting on the floor fixing the door and i asked him what happened
hey hub bub: he said he walked into it again

hahhaha that makes it like the 5th time our screen door to the backyard has been walked through... it seriously cracks me up!

+ Annie @ 10:25 PM |


Tuesday, September 14, 2004

im saddened to say this but i really think im one of hte biggest klutz ever!!!

today started out pretty normal.. everything went fine... i was just going on my dandy day when disaster hits! heheheh well not really but its where the cluminess and dumbness of being annie begins... i ended up going to the wrong demo lab for chem.. why? becuase i thought i was in the right class room! haha i kept staring around and i did not see any familiar faces.. that is except sander and i KNOW he wasnt in my class. haha but yup being the idiot that i am.. i stayed in class and sat there until it was over... i wasnt even sure if iw as in the wrong class becuase i forgot what my GSI looked like so i wasnt sure if the guy talking was my GSI or not.. hahahah i really am dumb.. anyway, i decided to ask the GSI and he showed where i should really go... hehe now things get worst as i go back to the apt...

i get there.. me and ashlee FINALLY went jogging.. wohoo for us! it turned out to be a short run though because we didnt realize how close safeway was.. we went in, did our shopping.. ashlee actually bought a watermelon and a pineapple! (remember that we are carrying these grocery bags back by hand!) hahaa but yea.. so i grabbed this feticcine alfredo sauce thing in a glass jar and put it in our cart... next thing i know... the jar falls out of where baby's feet would be in the baby seat and SPLASH! goes the sauce and the glass breaks! oooh goddd.. this was in safeway and everyone was just staring at me and ashlee while we laughed cuz we didnt knwo what else to do.. hehe they were nice though so they didnt make us pay for it! i mean seriously, i have really got to get this clumsiness under control! i thoguth as i got older and supposedly wiser, id grow out of my clumsiness but i think it's actually getting worsee... ahhhhh

oh and to top it off... i told hoan that i did call him last night but he was half asleep so thats why HE didnt remember... he kept telling me that i was trippin but i sooooooo remmeber calling him.... but when i checked my call log and he checked his.. that fone call did not seem to have happened at all! hahaha susie said she didnt hear me talkign outside either so was i actually dreaming that i called him?? i dunno but either way... that was just dum dum.. haha i cant believe id reamt that or i think i dreamt that and really believed it happened... im going nuts!

TO HOAN: i like caramel happles, they make me appy (o= hehehehehheehe i miss you!

+ Annie @ 1:57 AM |


Sunday, September 12, 2004

so me and tessie went to the library this morning to do hw and that was like the funniest library story besides the time i farted in the library...

1) this random old guy scooters by in the hallway of the library... i mean its the library and hes using his "cool" razor scooter and just rollin by.. heheh

2) okay... this was the most ridiculous thing ever but it gave me a goooodd laugh... so its daylight, theres flourescent lighting everywhere... theres even flourescent lamps on the tables to study on.. then this guy comes in and i look up to see who it is... i didnt get a good look at his face but that was because i was staring at his PERSONAL lamp... this guy brought in his OWN lamp... ahhaha i mean he was holding it in his hand and he plugged in into the lamp on the table cuz it has extra plugs. now this was not an ordinary lamp, it was one of those lamps that has a lamp shade! a long lamp in one hand and a lamp shade in the toher.. i mean seroiusly.. hahahah i really could not stop laughing! hahahahahhaahahhaha the place was completely lighted but he still brought in his own... i whisper to tessie that the guy behind her has a lamp but her friend hears that i said he has a limp and we're laughing at it... i mean u really gotta see this lamp... hahahahaha who carries their own huge lamp with a lampshade into the library! mhahahahahahahhahahahahahah i realy cant stop laughing about it

+ Annie @ 10:47 PM |


i went golfing today for the first time! (o= thanks tuff for taking us and showing us the ropes!

here is the pro and the teacher... look that that technique!

susan's technique is... of course pro! =oP

asalee! ashlee was good! after about missing it like 5 times, she hits far godo ones! =oP

then theres me! hopeless!

group pic!

susie and ashleeee

me beating up tuff...

group pic again! look at the pretty sunset! we were high in the sky!

the girls! tessie couldnt make it but its cool (o=

+ Annie @ 9:21 PM |
