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Saturday, May 08, 2004

me steph and susie went to breakfast this morning and then went to the library after to "study". we found elda and ansony there... hehe said our hi's and had
studying fun.. hahhah at one point.. ansony decided to take a crumpled piece of paper and decided to play bball into the garbage can.. but being the great shooter he is =oP he missed like 3 times and i kept giving it back to him to make it... this one anal woman by us was all "GO OUTSIDE IF UR GONNA PLAY" mean man look alike lady... ahhahh oh well.. i think ppl start getting mean aroudn finals time!

dinner time came and we met with ashlee and ate at cafe intermezzo. mmmmmm i love that place. then after our healthy dinner... old teahouse it is. (o= hahahah we got some interesting drinks... susans tastedl ike strawberry jam, mine tasted like nesquik strawberry milk, and steph's tasted like mango pudding. i duno man.. heheh the bobas were white! we saw grant and started to talking him... haha hes a funny guy.. hahaha... im not hapa... haha justin timberlake dance was funny... ur a character! hehehe umm thats it.. now im back in my room.. gonna attempt studying again while watching friends... ehhe thats it... byee

+ Annie @ 9:22 PM |


Friday, May 07, 2004


forgot to say this earlier... well no more IM bball )o= it was fun while it lasted although i didnt do anything.. hahhahah oh well! we made it to play offs and won one game in it... pretty good.

+ Annie @ 11:50 AM |

doesnt tessie look like a KOALA!? i THINK so!!

i didnt watch the pre showing of troy today cuz i had to study )o=

tim, jason and randy need to stay away from play doh and bubbles! they must've been naughty unsharing kids when they were young!

today was my last day of OASES )o= aww the kids were so great... im gonna miss them all! i wish i could do it next semester but i cant... spring semester it is! the coordinators gave us really cute presents.. thank you! play doh, beach ball for perfect attendance, bubbles, and doggie bowl. (o= and my kids gave me cards and made me a flower. so cute! thats it... must go bed!

p.s. the flies in the cereal bowl have multiplied... i think theres over 30 now.. oMG!! and she has the nerve to call our dorm fone to tell us to be quiet cuz we're being too loud... puuhhhleeaazzzeeeee!

+ Annie @ 3:58 AM |


Thursday, May 06, 2004

yea... all that stuff u see has been there for like a month.. no kdding with you.. and yes... thats a freaking MAYO jar hidden... its been there for soo loongg... they even have plastic forks and spoons all around the sink... its soo disgusting.. the tupperware u see on the right was actually on top of the faucet before.. yea... DIRTY!!!

and yes... this is the freaking disgusting cereal i was talking about.. wondering what those little black specs are? they are freaking fruit flies...!! fruit flies!!

aHhhHHhhHH... i really didnt know girls could be so dirty.... i mean im messy and stuff.. but thats just nasty

+ Annie @ 1:07 AM |


Wednesday, May 05, 2004

i feel bad for tessie.. she is computerless and internetless... its very sad... shes sitting here watching me use the internet... thats how sad its become.. hahaha the MANLY tessie is now laying on bed getting angry at HERBERT... u evil evil child!! what have u done to her computer?!!?!?

heheh dinner was bad.... i mean horrible.. there was somethign called chocolate chicken!? i donte ven wanan know.. it was supposed to be for cinco de mayo but i dunno man... i dunno

theres nasty green milk with fruit flies in it in our bathroom because the other girls that live in this suite are dirty dirty PIGS! clean ur damn forks, plates, bowls. etc!! if not.. i will throw away for u... u dirty dirty dirty dirty DIRTY chickens. mmaaannn...

so theres this other girl that lives int eh suite with us.. and we've noticed that she feels very uncomfortable peeing in front of toher people... if ur int he stall next to her she likes to be super silent so like u wouldnt know she was there... shhhh.. funny part is... steph and ashlee wanted to test her hahah and so they sat there waiting to see how long it would take her to break... heheh well i didnt get the chance to experience this until today... hahahah she must've really needed to pee... cuz i was in the stall next to her... she was silent but you would hear spurts of pee.. hehe quiet spurts... ahahahhah i mean...seriously.. if u gotta go.. just go!! hehehe

okie thats it... 10 mins before OC... wheee soo tired and full now off dry noodles...

+ Annie @ 8:45 PM |


song of moment: tamia-still (o=

so now its realy time to get crackin on chem.. like seriously!! no more messing around!

tomorrows my last day of OASES )o= aww the kids were so great! i cant do it next semester but maybe ill do it the semester after that one...

i dunno what the heck was wrong with our refriDgerator (yes susie! with a D =oP ) but it was in mad freezing mode! so i had a bottle of carbonated drink.. u know the one with the marble inside and u make it drop and all the bubbles show... well yea... i came back from class and it had exploded.. hahah the bottle broke and the marble was just sitting there... i didnt even get to drink it yet! oh well... then.. i went to get some calpis... and it was like slushy... mmmmmm so stange but yummy... so who likes flat soda!? cuz i do! i think thats what it tasted like... MMmmMmmMm... besides that... my ankle is a lot better and i think im starting to gain weight again... splendid!

i cant wait til we move out of there and into our own place.. its gonna be soo exciting... mothers day is this weekend.. remember everyone! me and susie were unsucessful finding a good card wiht not so much writing cuz our mommys dont know english too well. ehhehe... okei thats that... i be outs... hahahaha

+ Annie @ 5:47 PM |


OASES appreciation dinner was nice... funny skits by the coords... there shoulda been more food... that woulda been good.... hehe but the street fighter and power rangers skits were hilarious! dahlsim? however u say his name was funny! i wish i could do it next semester but my schedule is too cramped... darn!

i feel like crap right now... i need to get my ish together.... i need things to be the same again... i need.... i dunno.......

bllaahhh.... wonder how summers gonna be... olnly about 2 weeks of school left including finals... hell im gona fail like no toher....

freaking ochem 3b has 700 ppl in it... explaint o me how im gonna compete agaainst that?! plus! i have no freaking lab at this pt... ahhhh... im screewweeeeddd......

oh and NEEL... its not my BIG TOE! get it straight! =oP

+ Annie @ 12:25 AM |


Tuesday, May 04, 2004

song of moment: B4-4 - How Did We End Up Here

why am i so clumsy.. explain please... so yesterday... i was gonna be late to chem lab so instead of taking the elevator, i decided to take the stairs cuz its faster... little did i know that my legs couldnt keep wiht my mind and i kinda just missed a complete step and fell. yuuup.. fell and sprained my ankle. it was beautiful... so instead of getting to class faster.. i ended sitting there waiting for the excrutiating pain to lessen so i can limp to class. either way... i ended up late to class still... and then the freakign fire alarm goes off so i have to take more stairs! what the hell is that!

thank you steph and tessie for taking care of me. tessie is a mean mommy! she yelled at me for going ot the bathroom =oP thank q tho!

freaking A.. finals are in 2 weeks and im so behind... must get back on track.. no more ADD.. if possible.

my beautiful ankle

+ Annie @ 12:01 PM |


Sunday, May 02, 2004

sooo since annie is too lazy to update...I, susie, will update...no i am not the owner of the porn store in stockton. anyway, today annie did nothing productive.. well kinda we did lab together.. a one and a half page lab that took us like 10 hours. do u see something wrong with that? I do... to much ADD. we also went to 99 Ranch and bought dried noodles. now i lost a train of thought becuz stephie came back and she's telling us how the installs went. so i took over annie's comp for awhile.

+ Annie @ 3:59 AM |
