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Thursday, February 06, 2003

ahhh.. i think im getting sicker!! ahhhh stupid nose and stupid throat. grrr. haha guess what i ate today even though im kidna sick? i ate hot cheetos and a hot instant noodle bowl. haha great huh.

im so sick of schoool and and homework. god it pisses me off. i just wanna cut class and sleep. ZzZzZ

lunch was pretty fun tho. we starteed my ziggie ziggie or zoomie zoomie. ehehe tam got to be the zoomie. it was fun (o= nathan kept on messing everyone up tho. silly silly guy. after school, me, shannon, bonnie, tam, and hoan went to huong lan cuz tam wanted a pearl drink. after that, we felt like being a bit more asian so we headed off to grand century. they had the green waffles! hehe but yea by the time i got there i wanted one of those breaded pork buns. we walked around for awhile and then left to go back to school. tam went to tutoring, shanon went with her aunt, and bonnie drove me and hoan home. when i got home, i was about to leave again to run some errands when i see a army guy walking up my driveway. haha scared me cuz i thought he was a cop. well yea... it was that one guy that talked on the fone with me about joining the army and getting into some program. sounded cool at the time.. but no.. haha. i mean annie? and army? those two things do not go together.

man.. now i have to start doing my english. grr.. maybe after i lay in bed for awhile first. thats it...byee! oh oh.. and i got another letter from UOP. that made me laugh. thats it.

+ Annie @ 5:39 PM |


Wednesday, February 05, 2003

yay! minimum day! the best day of the week! well during 3rd, the physics class was goign to the library so me, hoan, shannon, tony, and julie decide to not go to class. i mean.. why do i wanna hear about a hispanic university? anyway.. we headed off to mcdonalds. we saw victoria and some other people also cutting. i ate a burrito there for the first time.. wasnt that bad but it was quite small. julie eats soo dainty that its scary. she cuts up her pancakes into pieces as big as my fingertip. man. well we ate and had time left so we headed to savemart. in the parking lot, we hear some freak make a weird sound and we turn to see who it was and it was jaipal! hahaa yea him, teresa, and frances cut too. man.. talk about everyone cutting! well we walk into savemart, when i realize that my wallet is missing! omg.. its such a horrible thing to lose. julie bought us candy. thanks! and we left to check around to see if i dropped it. couldnt find it. ahh.

went back during 4th and still saw that university presentation. after that, shannon drove me back to savemart to see check again if they had my wallet. we were looking around when bonnie and hoan call us to tell us that they found my wallet. it turns out that victoria and them found my wallet in the parking lot! omg.. i am soooo lucky! thanks! and thank you shannon for driving me. (o=

after school, i suggested, muahha i came up with something.. to go to CLUCK U's . bonnie drove me, hoan and tam. tony and shannon were in the other car. hmm yes the "?? crew" on the road again. we were making good time and finding our way around very well. or so we thought. we made a left instead of a right and dun dun dun. we got lost. haha we headed straight for so long taht we ended at the san jose arena. i duno man. shannon calls us and tells us to turn around so we do and find the place. woohoo. man.. that place has spicy chicken. me and hoan ate nuclear, tam and traditional (weak!!), and shannon and tony got the global ::applaud:: hehe it was fun to watch people eat, or NOT eat. poor bonnie couldnt eat it cuz she had a cold sore under her tongue. tam ate chicken with a FORK! what is that all about? hhaha. once again, hoan ate like a savage leaving traces of the evidence all over his mouth. after eating his chicken, he devoured my entire drink as well! dude ! hehe. tony was turning pink and shannon was as calm as ever. who knows how she does it. and me? i was being like thumper. (o= hehe well after that, hoan betted bonnie to eat a chicken wing drenched in the global sauce for 5 bucks. of course she ate it. hehe it was very fun to see bonnie sufffer. haha. the food was okie but it was fun. dun dun dun.. that only goes the first part of the adventure.

once again, the "?? crew" is back on the road and ready to head home. thats what u think! we got on the freeway and something happened there. we bumped into many junctions.. santa cruz, san franciso, hamilton, oakland.. ahhh so many. hahah and of course we got lost again. i mean we ended up at a frys. haha who knows how. hehe well yea we went into one highway and left another over and over cuz we kept on exiting the wrong ones. hahaha somehow, we managed to make a big circle by going through like 3 freeways. hahha we even saw the same car on the side of the road twice. haha that made me laugh. jill was running out of gas and we had to get home. about 30 mins later, we figured out how to get home. man.. to get there is a 12 min drive, to get back for us its a 30 min drive. haha we kno our directions very well!! well at least now we know how to have fun. hehe no more panicking.. its more like sit back and enjoy the ride. getting lost can be fun!

we got home and tam wanted to go home so bonnie dropped her off. we dropped hoan off after but i didnt want to go home. so yea bonnie went to feed jill and we headed off into the land of nowhere. we started going towards tams house and decide to go bug her. muahah caught her when she was about to nap. yay! we played with her doggy for awhile. hehe its sooo cute! i want one! haha we saw it hump a bear. after that, we went back into tams room to hang out. we were looking through her album and some people changed a whole lot. it was fun. haha it was fun making fun of "zil's" head on a baby too. hahahhahaha.. man that was a good one! after that, we put on music and started talking and stuff. good times good times. (o= it was nice just chatting and chillin. *sigh* graduation song is yucky tho. hehe. its scary to see tam around teeny bopper music too. man.. that girl goes nuts. hehe after a long day of spending time with tam and her cousins ANNIE and BOBBY, i had to go home. we said our goodbyes and bonnie took me home. a fun fun filled day. (o= lots of laughs! we must do this again at a place where theres no technology.

+ Annie @ 10:00 PM |


“I just wanna hide under the covers, and be a kid for the rest of my life.”- Tamera from Sister Sister
coollege.. waht a bummer to think about... i'd rather stay in my safe zone where i know people and people know me. i like my home. i dont want college! high shool is too good! man.. u guys have got to dl the vitamin C graduation song with the interview. )o=

+ Annie @ 8:34 PM |


Tuesday, February 04, 2003

*cough cough* i think im coming down with something. ahhh. hahha lunch was very fun. man the skittles justina gave me got me really hyped up. muhaha me and tam went around following shannon and bonnie and bugging them. aaha it was very fun. like when bonnie was studying for spanish and me and tam both put our heads on her shoulder. i dunno man, i was just losing it. i mean, i heard a seal! hhah muhaha. its fun bugging people. tony and hoan played tetris on their calculators the WHOLE lunch. what nerds! hmm.. oh yea nathan stole my pens again... grr.. hehe so i tried being the super slick person that i am and try to steal his calculator out of his backpack. too bad i got caught.

... i shoulda ordered a diamond tassle... ring size: 5

after school, i went to frys with hoan. wow, i havent been in there for a loonngg time. so long i cant remmeber really. well it was fun looking around and WISHING i had all the stuff in there. too bad. after frys, we went to mcdonalds, the library to return something, and then i drove hoan home. now im at home.. doing absolutely nothing.

+ Annie @ 5:21 PM |


Monday, February 03, 2003

oh man.. u have got to check this out.. its too funny. ((dont worry, its not a scary thingie, PROMISE!))

man oh man am i so freakingly sore. stupid badminton has crippled me for the last two days and who knows how many more to come? stupid bonnie keeps trying to hurt me too. evil evil person! hahah well at least im not alone. i get to see hoan, tam, my pham, and clare limp around like old people as well. hahah the joy in seeing pain. but u know what? im suffering too! hmm what else happened today? went to coldstone during 5th with bonnie, kim, and shirley. and after school, i got a beanie for 2 bucks! hah oh yea.. oh man eaint 4 tacos from tacobell can really do something to u. im not feeling very well.

there was a special on save by the bell today! how cool! i so miss that show. i watched like every single epidsode! it was the best... now im looking for it on EBAY, yes me and ebay, for the vhs of the series

+ Annie @ 8:55 PM |


Sunday, February 02, 2003

Sunday, February 1, 2003

Happy New Year's!!

happy tet to everyone. van su nhu y! well my day didnt really seem like tet. i didnt do anything but stay home. no one really came over either. hehe so yea i only got moola for my parents, uncle, and grandma. oh well. good enough for me! (o= hope everyone get get luck!!

oh oh.. one thing that was waay weird happened to me around like 8 at night. hoan came over so we could go get some sweetea. when i walk out of my room to greet him, i see a dog instead!! [no i do not own a dog] thas right, some random stray dog came into my house! haha the dog started walking around everywhere. it went in my room, my parents room, the hallway and everywhere. hhehe who could understand
a dog just came in my house. well yea.. we tried to get the doggy out cuz my mom is extremely scared of dogs. she was getting out of the car when she saw the dog and she jumped back into her car and wouldnt go into the house. she had to sneak out and enter the house through the front door instead. hahs funny stuff! well yea, we couldnt get the doggy to leave. it kept trying to come back. we ended up giving it water, and chicken. (o= muhaha that was an interesting thing. welps, i learned that it is a sign of good luck to come. so yippee!! (o= good lukc good luck! oh and the day before, another doggy followed ly home and stayed in the house for awhile too. interesting stuff.

hahahah did i tell u that hoan is white yet?! cuz he is. for the past 18 years of his life, he had never received li xi (lucky money) the correct way. i mean, he never ever ever "chuc" (when u wish the elders luck, money, long life, etc) before. i mean all he ever did was say "thank you". he coudlnt even say "chuc mung nam moi" correctly! hahah what a sad boy. well my parents gave hoan lixi so i made him go say it. boy that was funny. it was like a white guy trying to speak vietnamese. sad sad hoan. =oP

+ Annie @ 5:27 PM |