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Saturday, January 25, 2003

The Tennis Banquet was awesome! very pretty!

Lets see I woke up today around 11 and dint do anything for a while but hang out. I went to bonnies to mess up her comp. Muhaha she even left me alone with. She must be nuts. Thanks bonnie for letting me destroy ur comp! After that, I went home, worked on a project, and do nothing really. It was getting near for the tennis banquet time so I dressed and waited for hoan to come by. Hhaha hoan doesnt know how to tie a tie! We looked up online how to do it and spent 20 something mins trying to do it. Haha that was pretty interesting I’d say.

Around 5ish, the LIMO came! Wohooo! I got to ride a limo! It was a white one. In the limo, there was me, hoan, clare, jonathan, kim, ky, ngoc, thuy, ngoc lan, and her sister. Yup yup. Thank goodness lila and them freaks weren’t in there. I sat towards the back and me and clare got to mess with the controls of the limo. We had the power! We played with lights and the music. It was pretty cool in there. I decided to stick my head out so I rolled down the window and stuck my tongue out. Too bad no one saw. About 15 mins later, the limo arrived downtown at the marriot. That place is very big and fancy! Very pretty. Pretty pretty, it made me feel rich! Hehe. I mean, they had carpet in their restrooms!

We went inside and picked a table to sit at and waited until we were allowed to eat. Mr. zellner showed up “fashionably” late but by that time, everyone else already started eating. There were 2 forks! Haha I dunnno which one is for what so I basically just used the first one I picked up. The food wasn’t that great however. Their beef steak was hellla nasty. Omg it was soo bloody! I couldn’t eat it. It grossed me out. Hella nasty. Well the drinks there were yummy. Mmm pina colada and Shirley temple. Mmm. I had to dilute the pina colada with water from my other cup cuz it was too sweet. Later, I saw my cup and saw a spoon in it and couldn’t figure why. Haha stupid me it was cuz I was diluting pina colada! Oh yea hoan and clare kept playing with the candles at the table by throwing paper and sugar on it to see it get bigger. hehe well yea, that was the eating part. fun fun!

after we ate, it was time for the awards and stuff. i got a long sleeve now. yay! woohoo! hmm lets see... i cant remember what everyone got but ill try and recall. zellner started off by giving us a speech and yadada. then he annoucned the freshmans, sophomores, junior, and then the seniors. it was nice. we got little ccs pins also. oh yea.. mr. zellner so spoiled us. we got a free team picture too! yay. its a purdy picture. good times good times. haha. well yea then awards time came. zellener started off saying all this nice stuff about SOMEONE and how sportsmanship was important. i sat there trying to figure out who got the award when he said my name. ahahha i was hellla surpriseD! yay! i got an award. an award i hecka didnt expect to get, me? sportsmanship? hehe i guess. goodness! u guys have got to see the boobs on the trophy! she looks like madonna! freaking hoan started rubbing my trophy too. dirrty! hehe. lets see, kim got most outstanding player and clare most competitive. so yea... yay.

after awards, we got to dance. haha man zellner mustve spent a lot of money. he hired a dj too and maravie was one of them. they played pretty good songs and i had fun dancing. man u should see Magdelena the foreign chick dance! haha its like phew! *sizzle* haha no im not gay.. just may seem like it sometimes. oh yea.. the STUPIDEST thing happened to me when i took a break from dancing. the freaking slutty ho PENNY tried stepping up to me. hella gay! what cuz im smaller she thinks she could pick on me. no no. stupid loud mouth b*tch!! yea it started with me and kim returning from the restroom and we passed rosette who was now named captain as a junior. haha sucker penny! yea and we were like yea ur better anyway and we're glad ur captain. and penny overheard us and got all pissed. she was all i dont appreciate you talking caca.. and yadada. you wanan box?! hahaa how funny she is. shes not worth it! and id probably get killed by her flab anyways. well that was that.. i gave her attitude back. shoot.. i may be small but i am fierce!! grrrr!! roar!! hahah. whatever.

our limo came around 9 and all the cool people in our limo got back in and we got driven home. they dropped off ngoc first and we took pics. that was pretty much the end. yay! the tennis banquet was a blast. fun fun! limo! whoo. soo tired now.. i think i will rest.. hope u guys enjoyed it. hehe.

+ Annie @ 11:29 PM |


Friday, January 24, 2003

i want my Chili's... baby back ribs, i want my Chili's baby back ribs.. ((with bbq sauce))

my day during school was pretty crappy. i might be getting a B in CERVANTES!! what the crap is that?! well we'll see what happens with that.

after school, me, shannon, and tam met up with david ngo to go hang out since we havent in a loooong time. it was a fun and pleasant time. we first headed to kfc to eat. mmm hotwings! those are the best. we chatted, laugh, tam was extra weird! we talked about whats up and stuff. oh yea.. we saw rochelle, phuong, steven and them people there. i threw a pack of hot sauce over to them but i dont htink they knew itw as me. shhh. (o= well yea, then we finished and didnt kno what to do. wanted to head up to santa cruz but theres a time thing. hahaha we made fun of that guy sooo much aboout tonga. it was funny. after that, we headed to chilis to eat dessert. david drives hecka scary!! goodness. he drives really fast too. i was scared. i got hit by tams badmiinton racket because he made sharp turns too. ahhhh scary! mmmm. strawberry lemonade is yummmy. i want some right now. oh yea, david ngo bought this ice cream thingie on a brownie. it was pretty good but a bit too sweet. it was NOT the best dessert in the world. well thanks david ngo for treating us out. (O= it was fun to think about how it was back then. *sigh* how time flies. oh yea i got a napkin wtih my name written in it in crayon. cool! welps, that was my adventure after school. shannon drove me home and she went pee. (o= it was a nice time catching up and hanging out with the math block crew! good times good times. ( = welps, hope we meet again friends and not in 10 years but hopefully, often. i dont wanna go to college!

+ Annie @ 4:49 PM |


Thursday, January 23, 2003

Today, Bonnie was very "special" and so was Bonnie's Finger.

after school, tam and bonnie went back to my house to hang out. i made my special noodles for them. tam ate two and im gonna cook for her in colelge. muaha. we all ate and headed back into my room. bonnie and tam started questioning me again about how i possibly got a cd stuck in my finger. they both kept trying but their fingers were too big. i tried it and same thing happened. after a minute or so i realized that i put it in my left hand. i wanted to show them that it does SO fit and it slipped it in. bad bad idea! i almost got it stuck in there for good again. luckily, i was still able to pull it out. phew! haha so i was saved of doing the same thing twice but bonnie, thats a different story. bonnie decided to play with the cd even after i told her i got it stuck and gues what she ends up doing? YUP! her ring finger stuck! hahhahaahhaha she looked so sad. she was ready to cry. man it cracked me up like crazy. dude.. no wonder sandy was laughing at me. welps it was stuck for good and tam wanted to pull it off. haha silly tam likes to cause bonnie pain. this was too much of a kodak moment for me to not bust out my camera that was right on the ground. *click click*

after having enough laughs i went and brouhgt out all the equipment. 3 pairs of scissors and pliers. haha. well i let tam handle operation "cut off bonnies finger." =oP ahahah bonnie was sooo scared. she screamed and cried and even called out for hoan. hahah. well thanks to tams and mine expert skills, we were able to cut off that cd into many little pieces and finally remove bonnie of her misery. hahahah man that was a funny momment. hahah ahahahah

after that we went back into my room to hang out and listen to music. awww, homecoming days!! those were so fun! we busted out with cartoon heroes, brain, and insane in the membrane and started danciing. woohooo! hahah fun fun! but man i forgot part of the dances but TAM, phew that girl knew her stuff! u go tam!

oh yea.. bonnie was laying on the ground after that while we were watching music veedios. haha. she decided to clean out under my bed. wow theres a lot under there. we found a very dusty binder, erasers, trash, cards, and on yea MY BRA!! hahah yea ive been missing that for a month now. who knows how it got under there. haha thanks bonnie.

MeanyJellyBeany: ill bring a cd tomorrow
blowadogg: hehehe
MeanyJellyBeany: and lets hav it get stuck at school
blowadogg: excellent
blowadogg: sure sure
MeanyJellyBeany: and ill write the word porn on the cd
blowadogg: hahahaha

+ Annie @ 7:57 PM |


i found out in biotech today that i am heterozygous to the ALU gene. i am a carrier of something. god knows what

+ Annie @ 7:03 PM |


TAM happened to my computer. (o=

+ Annie @ 5:53 PM |


Tuesday, January 21, 2003

San Francisco was fun!

my day started out with hearing my family say "BONNIE is here" and i woke up. ehhe i got up, jumped out of bed and arranged my blanket to make it seem like someone was sleeping in it. i hid behind a wall waiting for bonnie to come in cuz i knew she was up to no good. when she walked through my door, i jumped out and scared her. muahhaha now that was good. well yea, then i grabbed my cereal and milk and me and bonnie got into her car. we drove to hoans and tams house to pick them up and headed to shannons. me and bonnie ate cereal while hoan ate ham. shannons doggy is funny. i tried copying him but i think i just got him mad. sorry toffee. after that, when we were getting into our cars, tony made a bet wtih bonnie saying that she cant stay quiet the whole way to sf. that just made it better for me and hoan. i sang my heart out and off every note. it was sooo fun. bonnie msutve been dying. i feel sorry for tam too. haha. welps, we got to frisco without getting lost. yay.. good job shanon and bonnie.

We headed to Union Square to check out some of the shopping. First stop was Macy's for people to peee. i didnt. After that, we went to the 3 stroy Old Navy. the clothes was pretty cheap. thas where me and bonnie busted out our cameras. we started snapshotting pics with teh big magic doggy in it with everyone. We walked around the place in circles many times until we all found each other and decided to leave. Next stop, ROSS! ahah that Ross was pretty big too. HOan kept bouncing his ball and losing it everywhere. Bonnie ran away somewhere and we coudnt find her for awhile and we we lost shannon and tony too. hehe eveyrone was just lost. but we eventually found each other and headed to the big toy store. whats it called....Tao Schwartz. something like that. It was pretty darn big and expensive. They had this really cool display of jelly belly beans tho. they were dancing! (o= muahha course i had to bust out my camera for that. there were peguins too! but yea too expensive so its just more fun to look at. (o= onward towards our shopping spree to Jessica McClintock. i don't get why people make it seem like its so great. i saw crap in there and the dresses were still very expensive. ooh and there were snobby white people in there! not cool at all! sheesh.

after that, we all felt hungry and decided that we should go eat. hoan, bonnie, tam, and I (me? i? whatever) headed back to the parking lot without shanon and tony. bad idea! we went to find the car and it jsut wasn't there. we went in the elevator to search each story to see if the car there. freaking tam just kept saying "im sure the car is in here" but noooope its not. haha u see how tam's memory works? i think she makes it up on her own. anyway, we finally decide on what floor its on but it does not end there. we look around and we still cant fidn the car. Even with shannon's help, we couldnt find it. haha bonnie had to press her alarm constantl for us to follow the sound back to the car. hahah what losers we are!

well yea, we managed to find the car and the way out of the parking lot. Fisherman's Wharf here we come! driving in san francisco is scary. we were following shannons car and she somehow ended up on the wrong side of the street. "that bus is coming towards us!" hahah i was thinking why the heck are those cars fronts facing us. UH OH! haha well yea... we changed lanes back into the right one. PHEW! that was a close one. we make it to fisherman's wharf and i get to eat my first bread bowl "cham" chowder! mmm it was so mmmm. once again, i must mention that hoan eats savage. no idea how he can eat sooo much so fast. its pretty scary. now to think of it, i can go for some clam chowder right now too.

this was the end to our adventure so we headed back into the car and headed home. muahha desperate for some last minute pictures, i snapshotted everything i could see. road signs, a bridge, a parking lot, us! haha i hecka wanted the freeway sign of san francisco but it kept on coming out all blurry. somehow tho, when i went home, i found a nice clear one. yay! bonnie drove all scary too. she ran a light anda stop sign. goodness! hehe thats frisco for you. oh oh! bonnie almost hit 100! so close. and there was this big van that was behind us and they kept on our tail. haha it looked pretty funny. we arrive in san jo, bonnie drops tam, hoan and then me off. that was my day. full of fun, laughter, and friends. (o= must do it again!

+ Annie @ 3:11 PM |


Monday, January 20, 2003

"you look sexy with a cd stuck on you're finger". hoans a freak. i think he has problems. =D

+ Annie @ 10:38 PM |


look. its my weird sis.

+ Annie @ 6:05 PM |


just got back from watching Catch Me If You Can. (o= its a pretty good movie. i wanna be like that. i saw rochelle, my pham, and phuong driving behind us. i kept waving but they didnt see me until we got onto the freeway.

Tom Hanks: Knock Knock
Other FBI Guy: Who's There?
Tom Hanks: Go F*** Yourself.

hahhahaa. go watch it!

+ Annie @ 4:09 PM |


Sunday, January 19, 2003

ive got this feeling. things are changing and they are going to continue to change. college is coming up soooo soon and im scared.... theres discomfort in the air and i dont know what to make of it...

+ Annie @ 11:38 PM |


hello world! annie is back. lets see, i woke up at 9:15 cuz bonnie woke me up. we were supposed to go do community service but then yea, it was in los gatos and thast hecka far. it was also very very foggy. sorry bonnie and tam if you guys were bugged for the flaking. anyway, i got up and started doing all this junk to my comp. later, shannon and tony came by and we all went to pikc up bonnie and went to qcup. mmm popcorn chicken. stupid bonnie ran off for the longest time and when we found her, she kept running. oh yea oh yea! i got the coolest penguin stickers! yay! thank qs! (o= well after that adventure, we headed back home.

shannon dropped off hoan, picked up tam, and then dropped off bonnie. now its time for NHS community service. SUNDAY FRIENDS. oh joy! haha. welps, it was pretty dead there but i did get some penguin stickers. ((shhh, shannon stole them for me. (o= )) i went home around 4 and find bonnie at my house hanging with sandy. those nuts. i am the champion!! BOP IT QUEEN!! hehe. did i tell u bonnies a freak yet? cuz she is. she freaked the heck out of me with her rocking. she sounded like a crazy woman in an asylum. ahhhhh!! i mean, how would you feel if u had that [see picture below.] attack you?!?! ehhehe... well that was my day.. now im off to do absolutely nothing. (o=

Everyone, lock your doors! There's a BONNIE on the loose! ((i love having a digital camera. =D))

+ Annie @ 5:56 PM |


my new car sticker!! yay.. how cool is that penguin! (o= TUXEDO SAM> thanks hun!

thank you hoan also for helping me with this layout. (o= you're the best!

+ Annie @ 5:51 PM |

Saturday, January 18, 2003

*sigh* welps... the moment of truth has finally come. college is so close. got my first letter back from college. University of the Pacific. tam called me and told me she got her letter and so i went out ot get mine. i slowly opened the letter to find a acceptance/rejection letter. i got into the school! but... i did not get into the pre-dental program. *sigh* no point going there now. so what that means is im not going to that school )o= first one... only 3 more. wonder what will hapen with those. i feel so argh... ive worked hard for the last four years to be a "good" student and the one school i wanted to go to, i get rejected. sucks butt bad time.

+ Annie @ 5:51 PM |


Friday, January 17, 2003

finals are over! yay!
a bunch of us went to eat in mcarthy ranch.. ended up eating hometown buffet. goodness... reminder to self: never eat buffet with these nuts again. freaking hoan eats savage! he stuffs hecka in his mouth and takes bite after bite even when hes not done chewing. crazy dude. bonnie ate clam chowder (which was really nasty) with ice cream in it. ewww. shannon made like 10 ice cream cones... poor girl misses dairy queen. but dude, she just kept on eating and eating. im sorry tam for wasting food. =oP tony said i shrunken 3 years. that makes me like 14. muhaha teeny bopper status! well yea.. we ate and stuffted our faces like crazy. i hecka felt like throwing up. eck. i made myself a cone, but it was ugly. chocolate somehow tasted soour and fruity. i dunno man. my ice cream turned out looking like a tulip! look at that raw talent!

note: hoan... please stop messing up my perfectly shaped cone! do=

memory: oh how ice cream brings back memories. i remmeber taking a trip to the flea market with my mommy and aunt. it was a hot day. scorchering i'd say. i was given money to go buy myself a cone. that was where it all started. as soon as i bought it, i took about 3 licks, and *plop* goes my ice cream. the big ball laid flat on the ground while i stood holding now an empty cone. *sigh* my poor ice cream. it was just like the those television shows. anyway, my mom felt bad for me and gave me moola to buy another one. i got in line and when i was in the front again.. they gave me a free cone! hahahhaha.. they saw what i did and felt sorry for me. what a little girl! truth is tho.. i was 14. = \ hehehhehe that was my story of the day.

[the macaroni and THE cheese]

+ Annie @ 5:50 PM |


Friday, January 17, 2003

annie is stupid... guess what annie did today. annie burned a cool cd. annie started playing with it. annie decided to poke her index finger into the hole. annies finger did not come back out.

hehehe...i got my finger stuck in a CD!! amazing! dunno how i did it but it has been done. i scare myself. haha it was really stuck tho! i pulled and tugged and it was painful but yet, it was still stuck. my finger even turned purple. sigh. hahah stupid cd.. how can i do such a thing!?> so stupid of me. then yea i decided itw as cold and i wnated to put a jacket on.. but u kno thats not possible when you have a cd at the end of one arm. hahah.. i drove to hoans house and he had to cut the cd to get it off me. hahahah so sad really. ddint think that was even possible. poor finger. im sorry.

my sad cd.. )o=

+ Annie @ 5:50 PM |


Thursday, January 16, 2003

lalda.. last day of finals.. why can ti concentrate. grr.. this is going to be my harderst final day too.. i hate stats... that just might be the one class thats going to ruin my valedictorian... sucks man.. its noteven hard.. i blame myself mostly.. but man.. mr dawson needst o learn to teach!! grrr... a B a B a B.. sucks suck ssucks... i will start again as soon as i finish this blogg. lets see..today ffinals were wathever.. phsyics and biotech. we ate kfc after school. then bonnie drove us to target and yea.. its pretty cool looking over there. iguess that was my day.. i finallly got the internet back!! phew.. that was sooo utterly long. i was ready to urt someone. hehe. well yea. now its studying time. i hate internet. it gets u distracted.. it gets u to blog. it gest u to do everything except study. bad annie. bad bad bad!

[sometimes when you get soemthing u lose something in return...everything comes with a price...be careful wat you ask for..you might just lose the most important thing in your life..] shannos profile... very true. i feel like im getting a lot closer to hoan and it feels nice. its (o= but then i also feel like im getting further from my friends and thats like eh...it makes me wonder what is going ot happen in college. are we really going to be staying together? or is high school the end? ... only time will tell..

Wednesday, January 8, 2003

i saw The Lion King in IMAX theatre! it was sooooo big. sooooo cooooolll! (o=

+ Annie @ 5:49 PM |


Wednesday, January 1, 2003


Happy Birthday HOAN!

Happy New Year's! Yea! New Year's Eve was the best! it was the first one i actually went out and got to countdown. yay... got my midnight kiss. (o; yay! hehehe.. lets see. this new year's was awesome man. first we started off by meeting to go eat out and a new place. so it was me, hoan, bonnie, john, tony, and anh. we all went to Krungthai restaurant and ate. yea! PAD-THAI! hehe... all of us ordered the same plate. well yea.. it was purdy good. good times good times. too bad shannon couldnt make it. well yea.. we ate, chatted.. enjoyed to food. hhahah bonnie drove her explorer.. mad props to her! (o= hahah good times good times. after we ate, we all headed to coldstone for some ice cream. mmmm strawberry shortcake. (o=

dun dun dun.. we then headed to anthony's house. senior from last year. hehe im sure we surprised a lot of peepo by showing up. hehe well yea.. saw kim, jen, sarah, aileen, thuy, larry, peter, tina, annie, jannie, jolyn, hoang, ant, trinh, and wilfred and the rest of their group. they're sooo cool. i hope my friends stay like that too. i envy their friendship. well we spent the longest time playing UNO. haha it was funnn. hehe kims and jannies style is pretty weird. never played it like that but it was a lot more interesting. hehe. i won once or twice. hahah bonnie didnt win until the very end with kims help. dude did she celebrate! haha jannie kept on making her draw more cards. we played for a very very lonng time. eheh it was fun tho. lets see.. oh yea.. there was this kid there... hes about 8 and man did he talk. he kept on talking in vietnamese and yea .. pretty annoying. kept on feeding me chips and following me around everywhere. man he smelled! that boy farted the entire night! phew! it smelled soooo bad! well yea... jen was playing sims and then we all started messign with taht. hahah we found many ways to kill a SIM. hahah fun fun. we did that for awhile too. then yea.. i saw this pretty bottle which was PLASTIC and it said vanilla. so i thought it was vanilla soda. but nooo.. its acutally liquor. goodness! i took a tiny sip and it burned! hahah its really really bitter too. yuck! hehe well yea.. it was like cool cuz we all hung out and talked and stuff. we played GAMECUBE after that! yay! super smash brothers! mucho fun! (o= heheheheh fun fun! jigglypuff rocks! i beat hoan i beat hoan! muhaha well that was basically our night. haha before we even know it.. it was like 11:50! crazy! so we stopped playing and yea.. hehe midnight coming up! hehe they kept on changing channels cuz they didnt kno which one to watch. it was like counting down to 2 minutes and everyone was panicking. hehe. well yea.. then we watched the ball drop and i kissed hoan! (o= yay. the night was fun. HAPPY NEW YEARS. HAPPY BDAY. what a way to start off the new year. [i'm going to go shoot now]

i had a plentio good time. hope i can do it again. best way to spend new years. with a loved one and friends. (O=

new years resolution: be more decisive.. hahah good one!! oh yea.. and stop procrastinating.

browsing through my blog and i found this..
get 4.0 n do good in school
dont procrastinate
get my license
follow my instincts
be a better friend
be a better listener
exercise regularly
pass all AP exams
be less clumsy
be less nosey
have more self control
remember to forget less (hahhaa)

hhaha i wonder how much of that i even suceeded in... well i got 4.0 and AP exams, licnese, and thats about it. i want to leave the rest for this year as well . (o=

<< 12/18/02 >>
i decorated hoan's window... merry christmas!!

+ Annie @ 5:48 PM |


+ Annie @ 5:34 PM |
