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A link would go here

Another link could be had here

Here is where a savvy HTML LIbrary user would place another link

A "hyper-link" could go here

Welcome folks,...

This is my third web-world... each time I do this, it's a little different, so here goes.

For those of you who don't know me, or DO and just simply made it a point to forget me, I'm Amy, I'm from a little hunky dory town in South Carolina....(enter background music:"Carolina Girls......Best in the world....")

Here's the news:

I managed to slack through almost 4 years of tech to snatch up an associates degree in Graphic Design and Photography. I am now working as a contractor for Fuji Photo Film as a Level I IT Support Tech. I guess you could say I would rather be getting paid this money for doing art related things, but this works for me.
However,..I am starting back to tech again this fall for 2 semesters to snatch up an associates in art, then it's on to Lander to snatch a Bachelors in Mass Communication. (And that somewhat final decision has been debated with being an art teacher.... I guess that would be a interesting experience for all the future of the world).

Well, I have pics (of me and friends, and the fam), and my photographs from my print work, some cartoons, some polls, and some more stuff about me ya might not know about.. so just take a gander at this here web site thingie, and have a great day!