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Yahoo! screwed up Adult Groups/Clubs, but you can easily find THOUSANDS of Adult Groups/Clubs!

Finding Yahoo! Adult Groups/Clubs is not that hard even though Yahoo! has removed the Adult Directory. There are 45 excellent, well established websites that provide links to more than 80,000 Yahoo! Adult Groups/Clubs in ALL Adult Categories! Our Yahoo! Adult Groups/Clubs Directory "Rainbow" contains URLs of these 45 websites and much more!

Our new Yahoo! Adult Groups/Clubs Directory "Rainbow" contains:

1). URLs of 20 websites that provide links to 37,000 Yahoo! Adult Groups!
2). URLs of 25 websites that provide links to 43,000 former Yahoo! Adult Clubs that have merged with Yahoo! Groups! (Don't worry, all old Yahoo! Clubs web addresses and URLs continue to work after Yahoo! Clubs has merged with Yahoo! Groups)
3). 1,000 links to 1,000 most popular Yahoo! Adult Groups!
4). 1,600 links to 1,600 most popular former Yahoo! Adult Clubs that have merged with Yahoo! Groups! (Don't worry, all old Yahoo! Clubs web addresses and URLs continue to work after Yahoo! Clubs has merged with Yahoo! Groups)

All the EXCITING information you have been reading about can be accessed ALMOST IMMEDIATELY by ordering online with our secure servers! NO WAITING! Nothing comes to your house! We take advantage of the latest Internet technology, and after we verify your payment, we will email the Directory to you IMMEDIATELY!

You are probably scrolling the page looking to see just how much we are charging for such a COMPLETE and AMAZINGLY SUPERIOR DIRECTORY. You can receive full INSTANT ACCESS to everything we have been talking about for the low price of only $29.95!

For the small price of ONLY $29.95, you'll get the COMPLETE Directory that contains 2,600 links to 2,600 best Yahoo! Adult Groups/Clubs, plus URLs of these 45 amazing websites! That means that you would get access to 80,000 Yahoo! Adult Groups/Clubs in ALL Adult Categories! With our Directory you will be able to search for the Adult Groups/Clubs like you did before Yahoo! screwed up! Our Directory "Rainbow" is simple, effective and easy to use!


Will anything ever come to my house?
- No, everything's 100% discrete for our clients. We care about your privacy!

What will appear on my credit card?
- For your privacy, your credit card will be billed DISCRETELY as "Rainbow". We care and respect your right to privacy!

Is there anything else I have to get besides your Directory?
- Absolutely not! Everything you need is ALL within our Directory! We don't try to upsale any additional information. Our Directory "Rainbow" is the most COMPLETE Directory ever developed, you can be rest assured that you will get all the information you ever need!

How long would it take?
- All the EXCITING information you have been reading about can be accessed ALMOST IMMEDIATELY by ordering online with our secure servers! NO WAITING! Nothing comes to your house! We take advantage of the latest Internet technology, and after we verify your payment, we will email the Directory to you IMMEDIATELY!

Tell me more about your great bonus. I'm VERY interested!
- Order Directory "Rainbow" today, and you'll receive our another bestseller e-book ("Program Advantage", $29.95 worth) FOR FREE! Our Program "Advantage" describes more than 20 POWERFUL, SIMPLE AND RELIABLE TECHNIQUES FOR MEN, including the two following methods:

1. An ancient Saundanese Arab method, once passed down from father to son for centuries as a family secret, enlarges ANY MAN’S penis 2-4 inches, usually a gain of 1 inch is attained within the first 3-6 weeks! These Saundanese Arabs have been noted in the World Book of Records as to having some of the largest penises in the known world!

2. An amazing time-honored Taoist method strengthens the erection like a length of steel pipe, enables you to have ROCK HARD, THROBBING ERECTIONS that will last ALL NIGHT LONG, even after you've climaxed! You'll be able to achieve ROCK HARD erections ANY TIME you want and last in bed like a porn star!

Program "Advantage" is simple, easy, fast. No age limits! Guaranteed results! Order Directory "Rainbow" today, and you'll receive bestseller e-book "Program Advantage" ($29.95 worth) FOR FREE! This great bonus is a limited time offer, DO IT NOW!

HOW TO ORDER (1 easy step):

Our order forms are 100% safe and secured using world class security features! We accept all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express). Be assured that all of your credit card information will be kept secured, and destroyed after your order. Your order will be even more safe than if you were using your credit card at a department store. Your credit card numbers will never be seen by human eyes! BEFORE YOU MAKE AN ORDER, PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTION BELOW:

INSTRUCTION "How to order Directory Rainbow":

1. We need your FULL name (like it appears on your credit card).

2. Please enter your billing address correctly. We need your BILLING address, not your CURRENT address. We need your COMPLETE BILLING address in order to charge your credit card. Otherwise we'll receive from our credit card processing company the following message: "The address doesn't match".

3. Please enter your credit card number the right way, just the digits, no spaces, no dashes, no slashes.
EXAMPLE: 1234567891111234

4. Card Verification Number is a three-digit security code that is printed on the back of credit cards. The number is printed in reverse italic at the top of the signature panel at the end. This helps validate that a genuine card is being used during a transaction. If you found a number on the back of your card, but it has more than 3 digits, please enter the LAST 3 digits of this number.
      if you found 672 on the signiture panel, please enter 672
      if you found 44 87667565656 781 on the signiture panel, please enter 781
      if you found 2413 694 on the signiture panel, please enter 694
If your VISA or MasterCard does not have a verification number, try another card.
For Discover and American Express please enter 000

Please remember: we process credit cards automatically. If your current address and your billing address are different, please enter your billing address. Otherwise we'll receive from our credit card processing company the following message: "The address doesn't match". One wrong digit in the credit card number, credit card verification number, or exp. date, and we'll receive from our credit card processing company the following message: "Invalid card number". If you enter "Bob Smith" instead of "Robert Smith Jr.", or "2456 Lane" instead of "2456 Lane Rd. #3", we'll receive the message "Credit card verification failed" etc. We've included this instruction because there are a lot of customers with perfect credit history that have been declined just because they entered the wrong data. Before submitting the order, please take a look at your data, double-check the address, the name, the number etc. Now everything is OK! Click the button "Send Order".

After we verify your payment, you will receive Directory "Rainbow" and your free bonus (Program "Advantage") by email immediately! You will receive them as two e-books. You've made a very wise decision - the decision to change your life! Congratulations!

John D.Rockefeller once said: "When you see a good thing, don't delay. Get in while you can!" This is A VERY GOOD THING! You can receive INSTANT ACCESS to our Directory "Rainbow" ALMOST IMMEDIATELY! Here's your chance! What are you waiting for? You can't keep doing what you've done in the past and expect things to change. It's your choice, and you will have to live with the result! If you don't need our Directory, then we can only assume that you are happy with Yahoo! Adult Groups/Clubs' policy. If not, then it's time to change all that! Take advantage of an opportunity that EVERY adult Yahoo! user wished that had in front of them. It's YOUR CHOICE now, we've done everything we can do. We can help you improve your life, you just have to allow us to do that! And don't forget our LIFE-TIME IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE! What in the world are you waiting for?! ORDER NOW!


Product:        Directory Rainbow
Free Bonus: Program Advantage
Method of Shipping:          Email
Price:                                $29.95
Shipping & Handling:         $1.00
Total:                                 $30.95

Personal Information:
BILLING Address: 
Zip Code: 
Type of the credit card: 
Credit Card Number:
Card Verification Number:  (See p.4 of the instruction)
Exp. Date: