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My feelings are always changing for you
One day I want you outta my life, the next i want you to be my boo
Now that I can't talk to you, my life has fallin apart
I'm sittin here thinking how I could heal my broken heart
I know I ain't gonna b able to live like dis for long
I can't stop crying as much as I try to be even a lil strong
We said we would be together no matter what my parents would say           
And now becuz of them I can't talk to you, not even for one more day
I can't stop thinking bout you know matter what i do
You prolly never noticed how much you were my everything and my love for you was so true
I know you never loved me at least that's what i thought
Everyone thought we'd never happen cuz of the way we always fought
But we never happened not for that reason but bcuz you never even tried
Instead you played wit mah head and sed nuthin but all lies
I was always scared that sumtin would happen cuz of all the drugs and shyt you did
So promise just ONE thing thatyoull never hurt yourself or do nethin stupid
I'm always gonna care for you no matter what you have done or now do
and I promise I'll try my hardest to soon be able to talk to you

If only there were some way this all never happened and we'd still be in touch
but I'll be happy as long as you know I'll always love you VERY much!!!


< KTINA: U r so beautiful!! I love you SO much!  lol ... i'm sry we havent been talkin much lately but i still love you! I can't believe you actually liked my lil nephews! U hate kids and for you to love the worst kids eva is amazin! lol...Thanks for always bein there for me when life wasnt going that good!... DYKES 4 LIFE!! lol
JEN: You've been such a great friend.. you've always been there for me and I hope that I can b there for you too... You even almost got killed or should i say "we almost killed sum1" jus so you could sit there and watch me and him fight the whole friggin time over tht silly pic of him smilin all goofy! lol... LIL BUS...imagine us bein on that thing or even better us drivin it wit mike's brother!!!... can't wait for APRIL VACATION :oP LAX's... HAHA...JP...i love you so much! great times hope there are more to come! :o)
< BRIDGET: MOO!! lol i don even know where the hell we started that.... haha... Great times at the mall stalkin all those great guys and with the ones fallin off the stairs askin us "can i hav ur # i lost mine" lol...and the park findin that fine ass guysat the pool! haha...luv ya grl!
WILLIAM!!!: You're great!! You've been there for me thru EVERYTHIN... I'm so lucky for a friend like you to sit there and listen to me bitch and complain bout lucas... lol... I never stopped talkin bout that friggin kid...thank you soo much! I luv ya for that.
CRISTIANO: We've had some problems in the past and you had ur friggin grl afta me to kill me lol but i'm glad we worked things out! hehe :o)
Gio: I miss you so much!! Y'd you have to go bak to brasil? :o( You solved all my problems! u was my problem person! lol... Hope to see you soon bcuz u sed u were gonna come bak... lyl... muahz
Gustavo: I'm sorry for everythin... i shouldnt hav gotten involved for you cuz you coulda jus gotten wit ne1 else u wanted seein you only got wit me cuz you wanted to "see how much you could get" but w/e.. as long as ur happy wit vanessa which i know u r then is all good... byeee...
Nick:  U r the greatest person eva!  You always know how to put a smile on my face even if the worst thing has happened... sry tht i havent been talkin much wit you but i'll try harder ok? I love you!...
James:  I'm sry i put u thru so much i really didnt mean it but i hope things between you and whoever ur wit is doin good bcuz u deserve sum1 who'll treat u good and im sry i failed at that... 
Kendra, Dave, Kev, Jon, Alex, Vinny, Malz, Mayara, Katie, Marsha, Kelly, Vanessa, and for everyone else i missed, I love ya'll! MUAHZ!!!
                                                                                                lovin our great gang bridget? they'll kill em soon HAHA  great way to relieve my stress! lol
                                                                                         ^lol James gotta love it!^                                                                                                       

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