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My Weight Lost Journal

Welcome to my site, as time allows, I will try to add a little bit of me everyday. As most of you know, I am trying to go for the Weight Lost Surgery known as Gastric Bypass Surgery. Above is a picture of me from last December... they say the first step is to admit to it... well, this picture tells it all... this is a very big step for me, as I am just begining this journey. Anyone that knows me, knows I have been fat all my life. I really think I was born weighing at least 15 pounds, though my mom says no, I was 8 pounds 2 ounces... (to be that small again and know what I know...LOL) I'm going to see Dr Kelly in Worcester, MA... 3 years ago, I wanted to have this surgery, and I went...but was told I wasn't ready for the surgery, I was upset and decided to stop trying for it. This time around, I weigh more, I have quit smoking, and I am more then ready for this. Also, as some of you know, my husband Paul is also going to have this surgery done. So as time goes by, I will be adding to my journal.

Today is July 14, 2003 I have been researching and talking with so many people about having this done. Paul and I went to our first meetings at Umass back in Feb and our second one in March, we have both received our calls for the first appointment for behavoir medicine. I go August 19 and Paul goes September 8. Until then, we wait... So I decided to put my time to good use while waiting and make this site so I have something to look back on as time goes on and we become thinner... funny, by this time next year, I WILL be So enough for now, I will add more as I go along, anyone want to know more you can always email me at I am really looking forward to this... as time goes on... I will add more and more info about me...

July 15, 2003A.M. Today has really been uneventful, I went to work, got gas, and stopped at the store, bought 2 $2 and a 1$ scratch ticket... and won $5... ok, so I spent $5 to get $5... at least I didn't lose... Everyday I have been going to a site at (see bottom of page, you just click on the site and go...) they have a chatroom there...and I am becoming addicted to it. I have talked to so many people about getting the surgery... I read alot of their profiles and it's amazing to see the results of others and know that will be me this time next year. I see Worcester is one of the slowest areas to get the surgery done. I know from talking to others that they didn't wait as long as we will be... some people wait 4 months, from start to finish, but I think the waiting is good, makes you realize just what your getting yourself into. I have done so much research, now it's just a matter of keeping updated, as I'm sure they will have new procedures as my time gets closer. I'm still on my diet, though it doesn't seem to be doing anything and I'm starving. Yesterday, I had a raisin bagel and chocolate milk for breakfast. For lunch I had tuna fish with a handful of chips, and a bottle of water. The afternoon I had 2 sugar free popcicles. For supper we had spaghetti and meatsauce. For a snack I had a small cup of sugar free ice cream, and later I had some microwave popcorn. Now for me... I did great!!! Compared to what I was eating. Did you know, that Ben & Jerry's ice is 325 caleries a serving, and that in 1 pint, you get 4 servings?? I was eating a full one at least once a day, sometimes I had 2... thank God I stopped that. Just wish it would show that I'm losing somewhere. I guess it took me a long time to put this on, what makes me think I can take it off fast... time will tell, but now I see why I give up on these cutbacks... I'm starving myself, and have no willpower. I'm hoping by writing down my feelings and sticking to my diet, I will do better. Well, until later... take care... new pics coming soon...

Friday, July 18, 2003PM I haven't been posting stuff cause I've been too, no, I just haven't felt like there was anything new to report, other then the usually stuff. Today, the exhaust system on my car decided to drop off, not the best timing, but once again, we will deal with it. Today really has been pretty good... other then it rained only when it was time for me to load the wheelchair onto the van, then it stopped... oh, by the way, for those that don't know me, I work for a transportation company out of Sturbridge. I pick up mentally challenged adults at their homes and bring them to programs in Southbridge, I pick up in Brookfeild and East Brookfeild areas. Well anyways, I've been there for 16 years, I love it... it's amazing how much some have changed, and how much things change in time... well, I'd say the last 6 years I have had the same group more or less...and just this month, I have a few on vacation, so I was given new people to pick up instead of running an empty van, plus they took my regular van to have the steps fixed, they were rotting so needless to say, with my size and all this new van is ok.. but it has the floor straps instead of the pegs, which means I have to strap the wheelchairs in at 4 different spots,(each tire) plus the seatbelt. This one person I pick up is a ting thing, but with me being the petit size I am...lmao... I have a hard time setting up the straps and all, but I've been doing it now since July 1st, so I'm better at it and can do it much faster now compared to the first time I did it and it took me 25 minutes to strap her oh well, you learn as you, Plus I think I have lost some weight, not that I'll go looking for it... but maybe a few pounds have melted off since I started my starvation diet July 5th, so maybe it is working and being so big, I haven't noticed it yet. Well anyways, I have been doing pretty good on this diet, I mean, I'm not having benges like I would of normally done, I mean, so far, I think I could do this, wouldn't that be something to tell the surgeon that I no longer need the surgery, cause I lost all the extra weight... (no, I don't think that will happen...but I can dream) I really wish time would fly just a little faster... it's almost the end of July... one month from tomorrow I go to the phyciatrist... seems like I've been waiting a long long time, looking back it doesn't seem too bad to wait...shhh, I didn't say that... anyways, I'm gonna end for now, I want to go to and chat for a bit...if you scroll down a little... you will see a banner for that site, you can go into chat too... it's really a good place to find information... so take care and enjoy your day...

Monday, July 21, 2003AM Today I went to work and came back home after my morning run without any events. Yesterday, Bobby asked me to cut his hair, it was getting really long, and was starting to look aweful. He's been asking me to cut it for over a week... so yesterday, I need to go buy a new mouse, for the night befor it kinda got punchslapped... ok, I got a little upset with the program I was trying to run and it kinda got broken... so I went out and bought a trackball one, seems to be working good, and I don't miss it. Anyways, getting back to the haircut... Bobby worked in the morning, he announces games down at the softball field. He was working in the morning and getting out about noon, so I figured I'd go pick him up and go to staples and get a new mouse and then stop and get Paul a birthday ice cream cake, figuring this might be our last time having one, no harm done... so needless to say, Paul went to pick up Bobby at work, and I stayed home waiting for them to get back, then I left with Bobby to go to staples and to get the cake. Bobby again asked me to cut his hair and I said when we get home I will cut it... so when we got home, Bobby got everything ready and I cut his hair. I use the clippers, it's very easy, shaved him... anyone can do it... lol I finished and made him sweep the floor. Then I went into the living room where Paul was watching the baseball game on tv. As I sat on the couch, he looked over and said... I like how you cut my hair... and he went back to watching tv.. I said... did you want it cut? and he said yeah, so I told him I'd cut it after supper. Well because Bobby needed to go back to work at 4... I decided to have the cake befor he went back... it was fantastic... the kids asked me not to sing happy birthday, so I sang it extremely anyways, we finished that and Paul took Bobby back to work... about 5:15, we had supper, and after finishing, I got the clippers ready to do Paul's hair. He sat in the chair and I began, same as the haircut I gave Bobby, very simple... So as I was finishing, I said to Paul... boy, I need a haircut... and he said you had your chance at the Mall last night but you said no... and it's true, I said no cause those places charge an arm and a leg. Well, as I was finishing the last of the trimming, I said to Paul I should just cut my own hair using the clippers... and he said "I dare you to..." well, that is all he had to say. I took the chippers and starting in the front and went through to the back of my hair. He looked at me and laughed... I said I don't care... it'll grow back in time... So needless to say, he finished it up for me and it looks fine, a little short...but alot better then it was... besides, I usually wear it short, it's been about 6 months since my last haircut and it was below my shoulders. It's short, but who cares... it'll be back before I know so that was my adventure for the day... besides, now the grey is all gone Take a look at the pictures below... Ok, time to go... post again later...

Weds. July 23, 2003PM Today is Paul's birthday, he doesn't seem to mind getting older... it must be a guy thing, I hate birthdays, they seem to come faster and faster. This weather is getting to me, I feel ducky weather. Well, not much to say today, I will write more another time...take care...

Saturday, July 26, 2003 Today I got up early so that we could go school clothes shopping for the 2 kids. We left at 10, and just got back, it's just about 3PM now, all we need to get are football spikes for Bobby, and we're done. Paul has just gone with Bobby and Amanda to get them at the Olympia store or footlocker. We were able to get his sneakers at Footwear in Sturbridge, they were $50, but their nice. I don't care, they will last him longer then if I buy him the cheaper pair, like we can get for Amanda, we bought her 2 pair at payless they were $10 a pair. I did alot of walking, but I didn't wrap my right leg before we left, so I'm hurting now, I have Lymphedema in both legs, the left leg is wrapped with the circaid, but the right leg I've been wrapping, so needless to say, it's sore now. Yesterday, I got my new cell phone, it's a Motorola V66, I like it, it's kinda cool... while we were out I called my Mom twice and asked if she could "hear me now?" she laughed... we have free weekends so I wanted to see if it really worked, they were out in New London CT doing a craft show, and we were in Palmer... it was like talking to her from down the street, nice and clear... was surprised. So now I'm home and they are all gone, the house is quiet, even the dog is sleeping, the cats must be hiding or mad cause we left them earlier, oh well, can't please them all. The kids also got their backpacks, Bobby's is red and Amanda's is light baby blue... of she loves blue, she's going through the blue fad now, everything she buys has to be blue... I even like the backpack, it's even got a place for the cell phone, which it she thinks she's gonna be taking it to school, she needs to have her head examined, and if I let her, then I need mine examined...LOL so all is quiet here, maybe I need to turn the radio on or something, it's too quiet, hasn't been this quiet since the kids got out of school. And to think, the end of next month, they go back :)))) besides, I think they get to bored being at home with nothing to do, you know they say a quiet mind finds trouble... these kids don't need silence for Ok I'm done for now, I'm going to sit in front of the A/C and sip my water... until they get back and break the sound barrier again...

Weds, August 13, 2003 So far I've been having a pretty good week. This weekend I bought an exercise bike. I am determined to get on it every day. So what if it takes me 8 minutes to climb on at least I'm getting on it. I have to admit... that seat could be a little more comfortable... but who am I to complain. You'd think that these companys' that make these bikes would realize that it's not going to be these skinny people getting on their seats, and that making the seat a big bigger would benifit them. I keep telling Paul that seat will never be the Good thing it can't I woke up Saturday morning to hearing Paul swearing at the bike while he was putting it together, I usually leave the house when he has to put anything together, so when I woke up and saw he was putting it together, I knew his mood would be but he did put it together for me and only one outburst... I made sure he read the instructions... why is it... Men don't read instructions? Things work alot better if they oh well, I also read on the bike that it says no more than 250 pounds on the bike... is that just the back wheel or the front wheel? Oh well it's still in one peice... talk to you all later... Keep smiling...

Sunday, August 24, 2003 12:05 midnight Sorry I haven't posted lately, just been real busy with summer things going on and working. I went to my psych eval on Tuesday, it was great, we did alot of talking, and I was made to feel comfortable, it took an hour and we seemed to cover alot of stuff, she said they require that you have 2 meetings with her, then you need to attend a class, and then you get your appointment for the nutritionist. After that you get your appointment to talk to the surgeon. She said it takes about 9 months to a year for the enitre process. Then she asked if I was getting ready for the big step, like trying to change things befor the surgery, like the eating habits, and just getting myself ready for the big day... and I truely am. I am so very ready for this... it's funny, the more I look the more information I find. I have read alot of pros and cons about this surgery, and when it comes to seeing the surgeon, I am sure I will be comfortable with my decisions to have this done befor the doctor I am also still on my diet, it's been almost 2 months and I'm still sticking with it. I have my days that I feel like nothing has changed but then I look and see other things that have. So it works out both ways. My pcp changed my Vioxx saying that it can cause bleeding, so he's lowered my dose, so far I only hurt a little bit I'm hoping I can continue feeling the way I am. I also got weighted in and had my height measured... I weigh about 30 pounds more then I thought I did, and I strunk 2 inches... that is really depressing, but gives me more insight as to why I'm having this surgery done. Once all this weight is off... I'm sure I will feel even better. Well, that is all for now it's after midnight and I need my beauty sleep desperately!!!!!... hope to post more soon, take care...

Sept. 20, 2003 Saturday 1:30 PM Today has been a great day so far... first off, let's say alot has been going on since last posting, I'm still on my diet (which surprises me... lol more like shocks me! :)) and I finished the pysch eval and now I need to attend a few classes, which start on Oct 1st... and continue for 4 weeks at U mass. I got weighted and I have lost a whooping 3.7 pounds as of Sept 5th!!!! (better then gain!) I go see the nutritionist on November 3rd, and then I have to attend one of those classes there... then off to see the surgeon, so it's getting there... I still hate waiting, but it will soon be here. I went to the eye doctor, I need new eyeglasses, he also said I'm getting old, I have to get bifocals... next will be the walking dog or the white cane with the red tip :) but I suppose as long as I can see that's all that matters... I'm getting them at Walmart's Vision center... they are the cheapest ones out there... I was expecting to pay about $350 for them, and instead they are only gonna cost me $148... not bad for coke bottle bottoms and bifocals to boot!!! This morning I got up and was hurting from all the rain we have gotten, so I decided to stay home and just hang, Bobby had his football game canceled last night and they are planning on playing tonight, and Amanda is going to play in the band. So I'm planning on going there tonight. So Paul started a load of laundry and grabbed my sweatpants before I got dressed and I said I'd just put on a pair of shorts until the wash was done. But instead of putting the shorts on, I grabbed a pair of sweatpants I had bought back in January that didn't fit my legs or big butt... and THEY FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so excited... I had bought them from JC Penny and when I finally got them, they were too tight for me to wear so I put them aside figuring someday I'd wear them again. And since I started this diet in July, I must of lost enough to wear them I have 4 brand new pairs!! I'm really excited about it cause I was feeling nothing was working with this diet, and now I can say it is working... so I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. FUnny I would of never expected them to fit me this soon, but they do and I love the feeling of finally noticing a lost of weight. Work is good, a friend I work with... Patti is going in for surgery on Oct. 6th, she is having the gastric bypass also so if everyone could say a prayer for her, I know she's gonna do great... and I want to say thanks for the support I'm getting from all my friends... you guys know who you are... it's wonderful to know I'm not doing this alone, that I have people that are willing to push me when I need that push. And a special thanks for my family... they have been behind me 100%... ok, now all that mushie stuff is Hopefully, the next time I write here, I will have my new glasses and will be able to read what I type :) !!! Until later...

October 19, 2003 Just dropping a note to say alot has been going on... Patti... a good friend of mine has had her gastric bypass on Oct 6th, and as of today, she's lost 20 pounds and intends to go back to work tomorrow. She's had a few hurls to jump but is doing great... keep up the great work Patti... I am her it's good to have someone to be able to ask questions for, she had her surgery done in Faulkner Hospital out in Jamaca Plains, she was there from Monday until Thursday. She also said it's the most painful thing she's ever gone through... that's it's nothing like a C section... so I have to rethink no just kidding, I know it's not gonna be a piece of cake... (no pun intented...) I have read alot on this surgery, I expect it to be very painful, as if it wasn't... what would the reason be of going through it. We have our last compulsive eating class tomorrow at U Mass... I've actually learned quiet a bit from the classes... I learned that I'm not gonna be starving myself to loose weight, I'm learning to eat correctly. I have been doing different things to lose weight that I never tried befor, like mentally look at what I eat and why I eat it... you'd be surprised how much we eat without thinking about it. Paul and I have had our laughs about the classes, but we have learned alot from them and think they were worth taking in the long run. I also got my new glasses, I can read I really like them now, I'm also getting old, I had to get bifocals for the first time, but now I can read without having to squint. I have also stopped eating alot of sugary foods... I have cut back on alot of my favorite ones and now I like the sugar free candies and stuff... I like the SF popcicles, I like the SF candy... some, but not all of them are good. I have been drinking alot more water, and trying to kick the diet coke and diet pepsi habit. One day a week, I have a glass of it, so I'm getting better. I just like the bubblely feeling in my mouth, so I know I can kick this habit shortly... I go see the nutritionalist on November 3rd... seems like yesterday when I started this journey, and look almost there... but the most important thing is... I am even more ready then I was when I first started this... I look at food so differently now, funny how we eat it and don't know why we get fat... I guess our eyes pamper our inner selves so we don't hurt. Oh yeah, I have to say this... Bobby had his football game last Friday night... I wasn't gonna go, but decided to go anyways... I'm so glad I did... they were playing Northbridge High School... the battle of the bridges I anyways... the papers were all saying that Northbridge was favored to win by a margin of 34 to 6... Northbridge has been undefeated in the last 26 season games. Southbridge was 2-3... well, needless to say, Friday nights game was one of the best games I have ever seen... the whole crowd was yelling and cheering the entire game you sat at the edge of your seats... never a dull moment... at half time, the score was 28 to 14... Southbridge ahead... the 3rd quarter... it's 28 to 28... you can tell the kids are getting tired... the fourth quarter... Southbridge scored then Northbridge scored... Southbridge had a fumble... Northbridge had a fumble... Southbridge got an interception... and that was all it took... final score Southbridge 46... Northbridge 35... it was one of the best football games I've seen. I really enjoyed that game... ok, just wanted to add that... I'm gonna close this up for now, it's almost time for bed and I need to get a few more things done for tomorrow. So have a great week and take care... oh, by the way, I noticed I didn't have any pics of Paul here... so I took some today and here is Paul with his pussy buddies watching the New England Patriots on TV...

April 10, 2004 11:00AM Well, alot has happened since the last time I added to this page. I have completed all of the pre-op stuff needed for having the surgery, plus I have lost some weight. I have lost 25 pounds since March 3rd, I went to see the surgeon on April 8th, and he said everythings a go, now we wait for the insurance company to approve it which could take up to a month, so now I sit and wait. Paul has his surgery date set for April 30th, he's ready... we both are but he got ahead of me because of a mix up on their part... Paul went to see a Dr Gitkins back in Oct, they told me he was being added to the program but because I was all done my things not to expect to have to see him unless I get a call from them, so I waited, then Paul got his date to see the surgeon, and asked when was I going to get an appointment, and they told him they didn't have my name on the list. To make a long story short, I was scheduled to see Dr Ginkins on March 3rd, Paul got his appointment to Dr P on Feb 25th, which meant he was now ahead of me... I also got my appointment to see Dr Gitkins on March 3rd and then Dr Kelly on April 8th, so I'm a bit behind Paul, which is ok too... I suppose as long as we both get done that is all that matters at this point. Well, now we are preparing things for his surgery, he's nervous but doing well... so I will keep up as I find time to... thanks for reading my endless babbling... just helps to write all this stuff down... talk soon and maybe even more pics... just don't plan on too many :)

Below are our pre-op pictures... kinda scary... but in time will become so much better!!! LOL

April 27, 2004 Tuesday Well, it's finaly here... I got my call today from my doctor, for the surgery. I go May 17th, I can hardly wait! Paul (my hubby) goes on Friday the 30th of April... with Dr Perugini, he is having the gastric bypass lap done and I go May 17th with Dr Kelly, lap gastric bypass, I may not be writing too much because Paul is going in for his on Friday and then we'll be busy getting ready for mine, but I will post when I can... take care everyone... looking forward to being a big loser :-)

May 23rd, 2004 Sunday Wow... what a feeling to know you worried so much about having something done and having everything worked out for you. That is exactly how I feel. I had my surgery Monday, May 17th... one week ago, yesterday I went shopping at Ocean Job Lot and Walwart, before surgery I would of never tried doing both stores in one day, but I felt great doing it. The only pain I get is when I hit myself where the incisions are, I feel more brused today then I did all week, I'm taking one pain pill in the morning, and one at night to sleep. The pain is not bad, the pill just takes the edge off so I can move better. I drove home from the hospital on Thursday... only because I felt up to doing it :) I drive for a living... I need to be able to go back to work soon so I wanted to make sure I still could :) They gave me 2 pain pills for the trip home, but I didn't tell them I was gonna drive home... they probably would of told me not to... I did fine, no problems at all. Went to the pharmacy and then home... been driving since, walking alot and doing fine... Hubby has had some set backs, he decided to get on the exercise bike the day after having his staples removed and popped his incision wide open, I told him not to, but he doesn't listen to so now he's got to pack it with a wet and dry bandage until it heals which can take up to 3 months to heal. I'm now ahead of and tell him so whenever I get the he's lost 23 pounds in the first 10 days... I'm looking forward to Thursday, when I have my staples removed to see how much I have lost... so for now, I will go back to taking it easy and doing as much as I can... take care everyone... and have a great day!!!

May 24, 2004, Monday Today I seem to be alot better then I have been, last night I took a percocet at bedtime, my incisions hurt when I tried to turn over, but last night they didn't, so maybe I need to take one pill at bedtime for right now and one in the morning because I wake up very sore and the incisions seem to burn alot. Maybe I shouldn't be sleeping on my stomach yet, but I have been. I just wake in the morning very sore, then take a pill and I'm fine for the day. We had a thunder storm last night, I slept through it. Maybe I should try using some Tylenol pain medicine instead of the percocets, I'd had to get addicted to them, but they help so much. I bought some paint by number pictures to do cause I'm so bored here at home, I hate not being out and about, I mean at first it's ok, but then I get so bored I go crazy. I have another week off of vacation, nothing planned other then for Thursday to get the staples removed, then I have Monday off cause it's Memorial Day and I go back to work on Tuesday, June 1st... my some birthday gift... but it's marking a new beginning for me, so I can live with Today I'm just laying low, no plans as of right now, but maybe I'll jump in the car and go for a ride just to get out or maybe go to Walmart and inspect their I find we go there alot, I just walk around there to get my exercise in, every little bit helps... and at the same time I get the few items I need. I walk everyday, seems I'm walking more now then I did before surgery, hoping that will help take more weight off too. Time will tell. Oh yeah, I got a get well card from the guys at work... I opened it and laughed so hard I hurt my belly laughing... it says... In case you didn't know chicken soup makes EVERYONE feel better. (then you open the card) Well, everyone EXCEPT the chicken, of course! (there's a chicken starring back at you scarred to death!!!) Feel Better Soon... it just hit me as being so darn funny! I laughed so hard it hurt... it certainly made my day. It was signed by my co workers... OK, it's time to move, I get stiff sitting here for too long, I need to get up and move a little then come back, so that's all for now... take care!

Thursday, May 27, 2004 Today I had my staples removed, now I have those little butterfly stitches... I call them little scotch tape they will fall off on their own... one down alot to actually it stuck to my underwear, when I went to pull them down, the tape was stuck... but it's almost all healed, I have a little spot that isn't healed, but they said it's good cause I also have a puss pocket and it's just now startng to leak, so as long as I keep that skin clean, it should be ok. I was shocked to how much weight I have lost so far... it's 25 pounds since surgery, and I had lost 27 prior to surgery, so it's a total of 52 pounds gone forever! I'm excited, it's only 10 days post op and it's going so good. I have to go back to the surgeon in 5 weeks, and he said to keep up the good work. I have no choice, I go see the nutritionist on June 10th, no eating till then I refuse to cheat on this, I made a promise to myself that if I survived the surgery, I wasn't going to cheat afterwards... so far I'm doing really well... I get all my CIB in and liquids without any problems. I do burp alot, but they said that happens sometimes... I don't feel any different having lost 52 pounds, I have so much to lose... it's gonna take a long time befor we start seeing it in me... I have time to wait... not going no where right It's scarry to think I had to go through this surgery to get this weight off, all I can do is sit in awe at how it's simply coming off so fast. Well, I just wanted to post my good news... I'll keep at it and keep everyone updated... take care everyone!

Sunday, July 4th Today was uneventful, I rested most of it. Yesterday we had a picnic at my younger brother's house, most of the family was there... we had a great time other then me getting sick again, seems I can not eat more then a couple bites and then I get sick, feel like my stomaches going to explode, I get sick for a few hours and then I'm better, but can only drink water for the remaining part of the day. This has been happening to me for over a week, I try different things and the same thing happens. I went to see Dr Kelly on the 1st for my 6 week check-up he said I'm doing fine, I've lost 78 pounds so far, but now I can't eat more then 2 or 3 bites of anything and can only drink water. My stomach hurts, my back hurts... I'm not hungry at all. But I keep remembering what the Doctor said, if I'm not eating in 2 weeks, I need to go back and have him scope me... I'm trying so hard to eat... but when I get that feeling in my gut, I have to stop cause I know the next thing I'll be doing is running to the bathroom. I have a hard time vomiting, it's like I can't do it... it hurts my pouch, I feel like it's cramping up on me... then I get sick and until I vomit it all out, I continue for every 20 to 30 minutes vomiting until it's empty.. or I can't feel it any more, which has taken as long as 4 1/2 hours... People I know have said they went through the same thing, my sister-in-law had it done 3 years ago, she was at the family outing yesterday, my other sister-in-law is having it done July 28, (both named and I was trying not to have her see me getting sick, as to not scare her. But my husband hasn't gotten sick at all. He's dropped 120 pounds since April 30th. I keep telling him he's gonna get sick and he doesn't... I have been drinking water most of the day, I had a 1/2 cup of cream of mushroom soup, I started with a stomach ache and then went back to just drinking water. This afternoon I tried what I call my power drink, it's 5 or 6 ice cubes, 1/4 cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of reduced fat peanut butter, 1 squirt of Hershey's lite chocolate syrup and 1 medium size banana. I put it all in the blender, press the highest button on the blender and let it blend for about 2 minutes... it makes about 20 ounces, I have one and hubby has one... there's a little leftover, you could freeze the remaining until later... but I figure I can get in my protein and potassium too. It's very good, and it settles my stomach, I drink it as a meal or sip it until it's gone which takes about an hour. Not sure how many calories are in it... but Dr Kelly said to eat whatever I want.. he must of known I can't eat more then a few bites... never had a doctor tell me I could do Tonight I'm going to read, my sister-in-law gave me a bunch of books to read, so I won't be bored any more... I may just forget what the bookstore looks like... Thanks Lisa! Ok, enough about this... going to do something, not sure what... thanks for reading my Laters...

Weds, August 11, 2004 There's been alot going on lately, not from weight lose, but other things we're going through, today I decided to post my before and after pics as of 3 months post op. Here ya go... Enjoy!

Pauline and Richard Dunphes' Memorial


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