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Matt's Weekly Letter

Matt's Weekly News

Hey this is awesome!
This is cool too

Wednesday August 6th

Hey! Yet another exciting day in the life of Matt! Today I am working on perfecting my HTML coding learning, because soon I will be learning a software called Smarty, which will be helping me admin a website for our school's drama department!


Monday, July 14th

Hey! I am writing today because I am showing my friend, Amy, that I can sort of do this. So here I am, HEY AMY!

Tuesday, August 20th

Hey! To all of my non readers out there. This week was fairly interesting, even though one of my best friends was in Jamaica during it. I have now started a band, sort of. We have a drummer two guitars and a bass, however we have not gotten together to practice or talk about songs we want to play. We are also in the midst of choosing a band name.

Tuesday, August 13th

I got into two plays, one is about a subway train that is taken over by terrorists. In that play I am hijacker one and I get to run around stage with a ski mask on. The other play is about the break up of a boy band and I am playing Aaron who is "the sensitive one". Both plays are student written and are very good. This is all I will write for now, I will write again in a couple of days.

Monday, August 12th:

This last week has been a very good week I think, I was at a cabin most of the week and then today I had my last behind the wheel. which I suppose is fun, because I am that much closer to getting my license. Not that any of my non-existant readers care. I also had auditions for my school play. I am in a play about the break-up of a boy band, and another "dramatic" skit I was told.

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