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About aren't i special...pfft!

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Hey everyone! Well lets see I had made this page awhile back, but then I lost interest and then forgot about it for awhile. Recently my friend made an angelfire page/site thing, and I wanted it back again so i finally remebered what is was..which is what you're at now. I have to make alot of changes...hehe ALOT. On the about moi page I put up some newer pics of me woo hoo..considering that the ones i had before my hair was like a toxic amber color haha.

There is no real point to this, thats something that hasn't changed about this site. All its really here for is so I can have a good way to manage my pics and memories aww how warming. Also so I can show off all my friends to you people cause I'm that.

ALSO! to help spread news about my fav bands and so forth. So yes...check this shit out if you want and if not you can go on with your day. Fuck head :-D.

If you don't like my site or what i have to say hey whatever ur opinion. Though if you try and tell me that whatever ur op is is right and i'm a total dipshit then....

Leave this site, yeah that would make some sense ya know?,
make a site all obsessing over how much you hate mine, heh how mature,
or whatever, its you're life.