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Veldrin d'Xun'Drux

"Cast your fears aside and lend your fate to the darkness, for she knows what is truly just."


    He has been called many things over the amaranthine decades of his existence, things vile and blasphemous from the lips of conquered kings and sultans. A name spoken only in whispers is his, a would-be legend amongst those whom claim to practition the dealing of death. In this time of decedent youth and self-praised power, he remains unchanged; a constant pawn in the game that is played by all. He remains ever, Veldrin d'Xun'Drux.

    Born within the lightless caverns of Toril's Underdark, this elvish prince drew his first breaths within the drowish city of Menzoberranzan. A teeming abyss of endless intrigue and betrayal, the dark city housed close to twenty thousand dark elves and over seventy Noble and Merchant Houses. House d'Xun'Drux had remained a constant in the lengthy history of Menzoberranzan's history for close to a millennia, Matron Mother's from the esteemed House having had a hand in laying the very foundation of the great elven city.

    They were a celebrated family, the d'Xun'Drux priestesses renown for their breathtaking beauty, while the male sect of the House was known for their almost uncanny prowess at both the magical arts, as well as the arts of melee. It was said that many, many eons ago that Lolth herself conceived a mortal child, and that child had been the founding priestess of the d'Xun'Drux line. A story, yet one that brought with it a fair amount of speculation on the part of ruling priestesses; a point strengthened by the fact that always did it seem that the priestesses of House d'Xun'Drux held the very highest favor of the Spider Queen.

    Veldrin d'Xun'Drux was the son of Matron Mother Ri'vane, a rather young High Priestess who had escalated to her position at the head of her House in record time. While the investigation into her mothers death still continued, her poise upon the ruling throne was one of confidence and strength. She had either had nothing to do with the disappearance of her mother, or she had buried the body very, very deep in a far removed hole.

    His father Venorik was a celebrated Spider Knight, having fought in the very last days of the famed wars that tore the elven nations apart, the drow having been banished into the bowels of the earth by their light-skinned cousins the Fae, or Fairies. His line was pure, and it seemed fitting that as he aged and underwent the ascension through the ranks of his House and then the Academy, that his innate prowess with the blade and manipulative linguistics thrust him constantly into the highest regards of family members and teachers.

    Students at the Academy found themselves both despising and fearing the youthful prince of the d'Xun'Drux House. His eight years in schooling progressed as was expected, the cunning prince capturing the coveted ranking of valedictorian of his class and was almost immediately offered a position as a Master at the Academy. He accepted and thusly began his tenure therein, coordinating patrols and city defense plans, should the great elven city ever be threatened by an outside force.

    It was during these years that a grave mistake was made within the folds of his Ilk, the infamous daughters of the d'Xun'Drux line evoking the influences of another deity; a forbidden thing amongst the dark elves. They made but a single sacrifice in the name of the Dark Lord Vhaerun, the dark elven God of Intrigue and Thievery for prosperous gains in a shady venture the house had undertaken.

    Enraged, Lolth forsook the priestesses of House d'Xun'Drux, their once untouchable House now damned, out of Lolth's favor. The attack came swiftly. The ninth House of Menzoberranzan, House Faen'Talabar leapt at the opportunity to advance their social standing and waged a fierce and devastating attack upon the house of heretics.