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Downlaods Page

By Mubarak Abdessalami

High School Students


  1. The use of "It's high time"      
  2. "SO ...THAT" vs "SUCH ...THAT"
  3. Comparative Correlative - the...,the...
  4. Correlative Conjunctions
  5. Tense indicators
  6. "Either-or" Vs "Whether-or"
  7. Noun-forming suffixes [-ence] & [-ance]
  8. Gender-neutral pronouns
  9. The -en Verbs
  10. The invisible adjective
  11. "Your" Vs "You're"
  12. Linking Vs Helping Verbs
  13. Dynamic Vs Stative Verbs
  14. The Present Continuous Tense      
  15. The simple present tense
  16. The English Sentence Briefly
  17. For & Against Essay #2   (FAST FOOD)
  18. Wh- Words for 2Bac. Students
  19. Prefixes for 2Bac. Students
  20. Expressing Regret for 2Bac. Students
  21. Expressing a wish for 2Bac. Students
  22. If Clause for 2Bac. Students
  23. The passive voice, all tense review for 2Bac. Students
  24. "By the time" clause for 2Bac. Students
  25. The Future Simple "Tense"
  26. The Future Perfect Tense
  27. Gerund or Infinitive
  28. If-clause
  29. For & Against Essay
  30. The Present Simple Tense Quiz      
  31. Tense Quizzes - The simple past 1
  32. Tense Quizzes - The simple past 2
  33. Tense Quizzes - The simple past 3
  34. The Past Perfect Tense: Simple & progressive
  35. Irregular Verbs List
  36. Verb Collocations
  37. Phrasal Verbs
  38. By the time clause
  39. Restrictive & non-restrictive clauses
  40. Expressing Addition
  41. Expressing Obligation
  42. Expressing Contrast and Concession
  43. Writing about purposes in life
  44. Opinion Paragraph
  45. Paragraph writing
  46. A Funny Serious Writing
  47. 5 paragraph essay
  48. A Letter to the Editor
  49. Story Writing for Bac.
  50. Writing, punctuation, apostrophe
  51. Functions in English
  52. Defining Concepts
  53. Expressing purpose
  54. The Reported Speech
  55. The Passive Voice
  56. Collocations for Bac.
  57. Verb Collocations
  58. Common Phrasal verbs
  59. Basic phrasal verba with 'make'
  60. Basic phrasal verba with 'look'
  61. Asking for Clarification
  62. Defining Terms     
  63. Complaining and Apologizing     
  64. Explaining and Justifying     
  65. Cause & Effect Relationship
  66. English Prefixes for Bac.
  67. Is it a noun or a verb?
  68. Eating Habits in Morocco

Tests & Quizzes

  1. Bac Mock Exam      
  2. 2 Bac Language Test 4
  3. A quiz on prepositions
  4. Actions in the Past Quiz 2
  5. Phrasal Verb Quiz 3
  6. 1 Bac. Reading Comprehension Test 3_24
  7. 1 Bac lge test 3_24
  8. 2 Bac Lge test 3_24
  9. Reading Comprehension Test 3_24
  10. Multiple Choice Modal Verb Quiz
  11. Simple Present Reading Test 3_24
  12. Preparing for Bac exams test #10
  13. Global Tense Quiz
  14. Reported Speech Quiz (5)
  15. Common Core Lge quiz 1_24
  16. Preparing for Bac exams test #9
  17. 1 Bac. Language Test 1_24
  18. Preparing for Bac exams test #8
  19. 2 Bac. Sc. Lge test 2024
  20. 2 Bac. S.H. Reading Test 2024
  21. Preparing for Bac. Lge Test #7
  22. Reading Activities for beginners
  23. C. C. Lge Test_2024  
  24. Simple present tense exercise
  25. will / won't Quiz
  26. Reading Test for advanced beginners
  27. Preparing for Bac Test #5
  28. 2 Bac. Language Test #62
  29. 2 Bac. Language Test #61
  30. 2 Bac Sc. Reading Test   (Jennifer)
  31. 2 Bac. Language Test #57
  32. 2 Bac. Language Test #56
  33. 2 Bac. Language Test #55
  34. 2 Bac. Reading & Writing Test 4
  35. 2 Bac. Language & Writing Test
  36. Expressing Purpose Quiz
  37. Reading Comprehension activity for 2Bac Eco SGC
  38. 2 Bac. Global Test (S1)
  39. 2 Bac. Placement Test      
  40. 2Bac. Reading Test      
  41. 2Bac. Language Test #52
  42. 2Bac. Language Test #51      
  43. 2Bac. Language Test #50      
  44. 2Bac. Language Test #49
  45. 2Bac. Language Test #48
  46. What is the question quiz
  47. Mid-Term Language Test  + more for Bac.
  48. Reading Comprehension Quiz   + key   2ème Bac.
  49. Language and writing Test #2 + key   2ème Bac.   (Jan. 2019)
  50. Language and writing Test #1 + key   2ème Bac.
  51. Five Language Tests + key   2ème Bac.
  52. Wh- Words quiz (3)
  53. The Burglar Movie   Wh- Words quiz (2)
  54. The Incomplete story Wh- Words quiz (1)
  55. A quiz on Prefixes for 2Bac. Students
  56. Reading Test #1 + key   2ème Bac. S.V.T.   (Nov. 2017)
  57. Reading Test #2 + key   2ème Bac. S.V.T.   (Nov. 2017)
  58. Reading Test #3 + key   2ème Bac. S.V.T.   (Nov. 2017)
  59. Reading Test #1 + key   2ème Bac. H.S.   (Nov. 2017)
  60. Reading Test #1 + key   1ère Bac. Sc.   (Nov. 2017)
  61. Reading Test #2 + key   1ère Bac. Sc.   (Nov. 2017)
  62. Language Test #1 + key   1ère Bac. Sc.   (May 2017)
  63. Language Test #2 + key   1ère Bac. Sc.   (May 2017)
  64. Language Test #1 + key   S. H. Stream   (May 2017)
  65. Language Test #2 + key   S. H. Stream   (May 2017)
  66. Language Test #3 + key   Sc. M. Stream   (May 2017)
  67. Language & Writing Test #1 + key   S. H. Stream
  68. Language & Writing Test #2 + key   S. H. Stream
  69. Language & Writing Test #3 + key   S. H. Stream
  70. Language & Writing Test #4 + key   S. H. Stream
  71. "Joha": reading test + Key   S. H. Stream (Nov. 2016)
  72. A Language Test + Key   for Sc.Math. Stream (May. 2016)
  73. A Language Test + Key   for Sc.Math. Stream (Jan. 2016)
  74. A reading & writing Test + Key   for S.H. Stream (Nov. 2014)
  75. Descriptive Paragraph Writing
  76. M/C Verb Form Quiz 3   Gerund or Infinitive?
  77. M/C Verb Form Quiz 2   Gerund or Infinitive?
  78. Verb Form Review   Gerund & Infinitive
  79. Gerund or Infinitive Quiz (1)
  80. Gerund or Infinitive Quiz (2)
  81. Modal Verbs Quiz (1) + key
  82. Modal verbs quiz (2) + key
  83. The Passive Voice Quiz (1)
  84. The Passive Voice Quiz (2)
  85. Reported Speech Quiz
  86. Expressing a wish Quiz
  87. Conditional Type III only + Key
  88. Expressing wish + Key
  89. Wish + if only quiz
  90. Relative Pronouns + key
  91. Wh- Words Quiz (1)
  92. Wh- Words Quiz (2)
  93. Linking Words Quiz
  94. Language Quiz + Key
  95. Language Quiz
  96. Language Test
  97. Language Test
  98. Language Test
  99. Language Test
  100. Language Test
  101. Language Test
  102. Language Test + Key
  103. 15 Language Tests + Key
  104. Reading Test
  105. Reading Test + key
  106. Reading Test + key
  107. Reading Test + key
  108. Reading Test + key
  109. Reading Test
  110. Reading Test
  111. Language Test - May_2007
  112. Language Test - Jan._2006


  1. CCQs and critical thinking stimulation       
  3. Errors       
  4. Intellect in the 21st Century
  5. Luck and self-confidence, a natural discordance
  6. The Dunning-Kruger & The Backfire Effects
  7. Confusing Confidence and Competence
  8. Excellence in the age of Artificial Intelligence
  9. The wonders of strong accents
  10. Ambiguity in discourse
  11. AI-proof jobs
  12. Upgrading School
  13. Validating Writing Prompts
  14. Narration for Persuasion
  15. The game of Persuasion
  16. A Kind of Cooperative Writing
  17. Questioning the Credibility of the 21st Century Academic Credentials
  18. Language Manners (2)
  19. Language Manners
  20. Where do teachers come from?
  21. Speaking to say nothing
  22. School Vs Social Media, again
  23. The Social Media Quotes
  24. The new digital learners
  25. A Practical Method to teach expressing opinion   to beginners
  26. When the language teacher is a poet
  27. Co-teaching from another perspective
  28. No School Tomorrow
  29. The Infinitive of Purpose
  30. Code Switching, Refreshing the Term
  31. A new school paradigm
  32. When Zero is not really a bad mark
  33. Planning A Listening Lesson
  34. Lesson Planning
  35. Being three times the age of your students
  36. Testing Techniques
  37. Teaching while Testing
  38. Gen Z Slanguage    
  39. Soft Skills    
  40. Active Exam Papers    
  41. The new vogue of "Stop saying ..." lessons
  42. The Quiz as a Criterion of Assessment    
  43. Likes & Dislikes Listening Comprehension    
  44. Ergative Verbs    
  45. Empty Verbs    
  46. Causative Verbs    
  47. Catenative Verbs
  48. The connection between Social Media and ...
  49. School Questions have no answers ...
  50. Creativity in Interpreting Ambiguous Language
  51. Metaverse calls for Mega-school
  52. The Crucible of Social Media
  53. Thought Renovation
  54. The Simple Philosophy of School Tests
  55. The Question of Readymade Answers
  56. The illogicality of logic
  57. Emotional Intelligence for Enhancing Classroom Management Skills
  58. The Role of Inference in Teaching Grammar
  59. The Constant Lesson for Digital Learners
  60. Writing Engineering
  61. About an Endangered ...
  62. Teaching "Expressing Regret",
  63. Hybrid lessons and Independent learning,
  64. Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
  65. The Dynamic Type of Education
  66. School Tests ...
  67. Implementing "Active Learning" ...
  68. Students with Passive-aggressive behavior
  69. Critical Writing for High School Students
  70. Beyond The Usual Teaching Job
  71. Saying "NO" without uttering the word
  72. The question of interdependence ...
  73. Writing for Problem Solving
  74. Developing Better thinking skills In High School
  75. Grade Inflation & Low learning Achievement
  76. The Battle of Reading
  77. Restrictive & Non-restrictive Relative Clauses
  78. Learners as Public Speakers
  79. The 3 Phobias associated with school
  80. To say or not to say, "I'm sorry"
  81. Classroom Management
  82. The Passive Voice, the easy way
  83. The Passive Voice in writing
  84. The Past Perfect Tense: Simple & Progressivey
  85. Teaching Purpose expressions creatively
  86. Teaching Writing Purposefully
  87. From One Paragraph Writing To Five-Paragraph-Essay
  88. Emojis for improving skimming and scanning skills
  89. Which teaching method for which Learning situation
  90. "Too & Enough": The missing stitch in the lesson
  91. Minding Education For Educating the Mind
  92. Expressing Concession & Contrast Creatively
  93. Allowing students to make Better mistakes
  94. Teaching writing using model paragraphs
  95. Paraphrasing for feedback and evaluation purposes
  96. Cause & Effect relationship...
  97. The most banal question
  98. Emojis for teaching English
  99. Garbled Thoughts Just for fun
  100. True / False Questions For the 21st century learners
  101. Responsible Digital Citizenship Skills
  102. Let'em find out How to do ...
  103. The English Conditionals Beyond The Conventional Lessons
  104. Children with no sense of childhood
  105. The lesson every student must learn
  106. Ambiguity tolerance as a key skill ...
  107. What is it really like to be a teacher nowadays?
  108. Teaching the present perfect tense
  109. The potency of Non-posed questions...
  110. Wish constructions with "If only"
  111. Basic Systemic Writing
  112. Grammar for learners with poor narrative skills
  113. Deverbal Adjectives Questioned
  114. The reciprocity of relationships ...
  115. Units Transition     Fri. Nov. 7, 2003
  116. Do you "mystery" fluent English?     Wed. Oct 10, 2001
  117. Dictogloss     Tue. Oct. 2, 2001
  118. Recount Writing
  119. Why should we care?
  120. For whom lessons are planned
  121. The modal "can" under the microscope
  122. The comma for the Millennial Learners
  123. The Passive Voice & The Irksome agent
  124. Role plays for Gen. Y
  125. A new school paradigm
  126. Metamorphosing Education Paradigm
  127. Opinion Paragraph
  128. Paragraph writing
  129. Writing First
  130. Make'em write right
  131. The Writing Question
  132. Teaching writing purposefully
  133. Txtng Vs Writing
  134. A reading Test For Beginners
  135. The student who starts thinking critically
  136. Descriptive Paragraph Wring
  137. Descriptive Paragraph for Beginners
  138. Janna, the indescribable girl
  139. A Letter of complaint
  140. Introducing Beginners to Critical Reading
  141. Critical Reading! Why Now?!
  142. Sample Critical Reading Test + Key
  143. Using "Purpose Expressions" Creatively
  144. Adjectives Bridging the gap ...
  145. No more cheating in Test-Rooms
  146. Autonomy in learning English as a foreign language
  147. How to read indigestible Texts
  148. T.E.S.O.L. & T.E.N.O.R
  149. Fun with Adjectives
  150. The Invisible Adjective
  151. The Semantics of Verbal Complements: Gerund & Infinitive

Writing Samples

Hoover the link to see the topic
  1. The impact of free time on our real life      
  2. Speech Communication in class 2
  3. Speech Communication in class
  4. Paragraph Writing Sample
  5. A 7 Paragraph writing - Back_Home
  6. Writing Samples - Y
  7. Writing Samples - X
  8. Writing Samples - W
  9. Writing Samples - V
  10. Writing Samples - U
  11. Writing Samples - T
  12. Writing Samples - S
  13. Writing Samples - R
  14. Writing Samples -Q
  15. Writing Sample - P
  16. Writing Samples -O
  17. Writing Sample N
  18. Writing Sample M
  19. Writing Sample L
  20. Writing Sample K
  21. Descriptive Writing Practice
  22. Writing Sample J
  23. Writing Sample I
  24. Writing Sample H
  25. Writing Sample G
  26. Writing Sample F
  27. Writing Sample E
  28. Writing Sample D
  29. Things that cannot be recovered
  30. Writing about wishes
  31. Five Paragraph Essay Sample
  32. The Illusory Nature of Life
  33. Writing Sample B    5 Paragraph Essay
  34. Writing Sample A    Paragraph
  35. Hours are neither short nor long
  36. 10 Sample Paragraphs for Bac.
  37. The Quest for Happiness
  38. The Question of Friendship
  39. Brain Drain: A Standpoint
  40. Illiteracy in remote areas
  41. Personal Freedom Awareness
  42. Media for NGOs
  43. NGOs & Sustainable Development
  44. English in Morocco
  45. Describing a person
  46. Internet
  47. Wedding Ceremonies
  48. The riches of Errachidia
  49. In Errachidia, the others are at Home
  50. Errachidia: The beauty of simplicity
  51. Errachidia: The Invitation
  52. Errachidia in black and white
  53. Errachidia, the starting point for History
  54. Errachidia, the microcosm
  55. Drought
  56. Tomorrow is a public Holiday
  57. Emigrants or Immigrants?
  58. The Change in the Moroccan Woman's Condition
  59. Fighting Corruption


  1. The embarrassing misunderstanding      
  2. It's School Time        
  3. Wise Revenge        
  4. A brief moment of awareness
  5. What exactly do mirrors reflect
  6. Dogs must be dogs
  7. Obsession
  8. La dignité   (fr)  
  9. When reading is fun
  10. Self Doubt>
  11. The Question in Question
  13. Beware of Discouraging Self Suggestions
  14. Blame-Shifting
  15. The Gender Gap from a particular perspective
  16. Time & Patience
  17. The Cough   Freewriting
  18. Inability is human
  19. Where did the autumn go?
  20. Beautifying Ugly Conducts
  21. The bear story
  22. About "I can't"
  23. The big lie
  24. Toxic People
  25. The ugly face of life
  26. Redefining the Comfort Zone
  27. When it's too real to be real
  28. Hospitality has an address
  29. The Pocket
  30. Purpose Moves
  31. A shriek in the dark
  32. A Hopeless Case
  33. The student who hates Mondays
  34. The smart donkey
  35. The right to failure
  36. Patience
  37. L'inadaptation des médias sociaux à l'éducation   (fr.)
  38. The secret of Man's hardheadedness
  39. Hearts are not for rent
  40. Ageing
  41. The shaky ladder of success
  42. Wake me up when it gets dark
  43. Euphemism, the Parallel Language
  44. A fable to recount twice
  45. The Bittersweet Feeling of Nostalgia
  46. The Tale of Homeless Shoes
  47. The Unexplainable Sadness
  48. The Attic, Time Machine
  49. The puzzling nature of Money
  50. Wandering Dreams
  51. The noisy side of silence
  52. I don't know     (about the positive ignorance)
  53. The last night walk       A pseudo short story
  54. The kitchen, the remote planet       Read for fun
  55. The right time
  56. A stylistic approach to Meja Mwangi's novel "Going down River Road"
  57. Garbled Thoughts //\\ Read for fun
  58. Would you like to be a teacher?
  59. The Enigmatic Optative Mood with "If only"
  60. Should I avoid the Passive Voice in Writing?
  61. Definition of Literary work
  62. The Hereafter
  63. A Quick Stylistic View over Yeats' Poem "Why should not old men be mad"
  64. A Stylistic Approach to Meja Mwangi's Novel "Going Down River Road"
  65. Animal Idioms
  66. What are Proverbs?
  67. Proverb(e)s
  68. Janna, the indescribable girl
  69. A short story
  70. Another short story
  71. The Semantics of Verbal Complements: Gerund & Infinitive

Last update: September 18th, 2024