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Karen, the mother

To one who bears the sweetest name,
Who adds a lustre to the same.
She shares my joys,
My tears when sad,
The greatest friend I ever had.
Long life to her,
For there's no other
Can take the place
Of my Dear Mother......

left to right, Laura, Amy and Paula

Amy was Karen's first child, she was born when Karen was 18 yrs old. Then two years later, Laura was born, and then, last but by no means least, Paula arrived. Karen was only 21 yrs old but the mother of three beautiful daughters. Karen was devoted to them, and they to her. They were distraut when she died on September 16th 2000. They are devastated by her death and mourn her every day. Amy was 15, Laura was 13 and Paula was 12 when their beloved Mum died.She was only 33 years old.

The Flower Cushion from the girls

Amy's poignant poem to her Mum

To Our Very Special Mum
We hope you are getting on better where you are,
No matter how near or far.
Earth was the place for you
But you had a different view.
Words don't say what you mean to us,
But we will say Goodbye for now.
We'll meet you elsewhere, later on in time.

Celtic Blessing

She does not leave, she is not gone,
she looks upon us still.
She walks among the valleys now,
she strides upon the hill.

Her smile is in the summer sky,
her grace is in the breeze.
Her mem'ries whisper in the grass,
her calm is in the trees.

Her light is in the winter snow,
her tears are in the rain.
Her merriment runs in the brook,
her laughter in the lane.

Her gentleness is in the flowers,
her sigh in autumn leaves.
She does not leave, she is not gone,
'Tis only we that grieve.