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Camping Release

Emergency Medical Release Form (to be filled out for all campers)

If emergency medical care is required for:______________________________________ in conjunction with Trinity Stable's camping and instruction, and if normal permission is not available in a timely manner, the undersigned authorizes appropriate medical care as deemed necessary by emergency personnel, a physician, or the medical facility providing treatment.


Camper Name (if different):_____________________________________


Phone: Home - (____)_______________ Work - (____)_______________
If parent or Legal Guardian is unavailable, Contact:______________________________
Phone:(____)_______________________________ Relationship:____________________________________

Family Physician:________________________________Phone:(____)_____________
Known Allergies:________________________________________________________
Medications and dosage currently being taken (prescription required if given while at Trinity):_________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Camper's Date of Birth:_____________________________________________________
Medical Insurance Company:______________________________________________
Insured Name:_______________________________Policy #:______________________
I have read this release and agree to it : Camper:______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature:______________________________Date:_____________________________
As Parent/Legal Guardian of the above named child, I ask that every effort be made to contact me at the time of illness or injury.
Additional Comments:______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

______I understand that Trinity Stables, it's employees, and associates are not liable for any accidents, injuries, or thefts to animals, and personal property at the stables.

______I, the undersigned, acknowledge that horseback riding and Camping are an inherently risky activity and hereby release Tom and Michele Adams, and any other person associated with Trinity Stables from ANY liability for injury, damage, or loss to myself, my horses, or my equipment.

______I understand that if rules are habitually broken I (or my child) will be asked to leave the premisis immediately. I understand that no monies will be refunded for early departure.

_____I understand that a $1 per minute late pick-up fee will be charged for all children not picked up by 2:15 p.m. daily.

_____I understand that, although my child will be supervised at all times, Trinity Stables will not be able to control or watch my child's every move, and hereby release Trinity Stables, it's associates, and employees from all liability from loss or injury to my child, and all personal property brought onto the property located at 5095 Hwy. 416 W., Robards, KY 42452.

______I understand that helmets are mandatory while riding at Trinity Stables.

UNDER KENTUCKY LAW, a farm animal activity sponsor, farm animal professional, or other person does not have to eliminate all risks of injury of participation in farm animal activities. There are inherent risks of injury that you voluntarily accept if you participate in farm animal activities.

My signature indicates that I have read and agree to the above statements.

Camper Signature:___________________________________________________
Parent or guardian must sign for rider under the age of 18.