Below is about Earl Hamner Jr's original HomeComeing book

Characters in the Homecoming Book:

Clay Spencer John Walton

Olivia Spencer Olivia walton

Homer Olivias Father

Ida Olivias Mother

Clay-Boy Spencer

Shirly Spencer

Becky Spencer

Matt Spencer

Mark Spencer

Luke Spencer

John Spencer

Pattie Cake Spencer

Miss Etta Staples

Miss Emma Staples

Ep Bridges

Charlie Sneed


Ike Godsey

Bird Shot

City Lady

Ashley Longfellow "only Mentioned"

Grampa Spencer "Clay Boy Remembers a Tale of his"

Although it had not been intended as a pilot for a series, it attracted such favorable reaction from the public that CBS decided to go ahead and build a series around the family which Hamner had created. and was Sequal to Spencer's Mountain,The Homecoming Takes Place Christmas in 1933.

The Waltons: The Unofficial Home Page ,How The Waltons Began.

James MacArthur Digital Scrapbook ,on Spencer Mountain.

Click TV Banner Below To Enter The Homecoming Website

On The TV Show There were 7 Kids,in This Book There Are 8 Kids, In Reality there were 8 Kids in the Hamner Family.

On The Waltons TV Show Ben is a composite of the two real Hamner Brothers Paul and Bill.

In The HomeComing Book Unlike on the Waltons TV Show The Grandparants on Olivia's side stoped by at Christmas,Grandpa Spencer was only thought of when Clay-boy remembered a Tale of His ,On The Waltons Grandpa Walton is a composite of the two real grandfathers: Colonael Anderson Giannini (1880-1964), and Walter Clifton Hamner (1856-1935).

Clay-Boy Went to cut the Christmas Tree Only and Encounted a albino Deer That Charged at him after Getting Trapped in sticks covered with snow,clay-boy had to hide under the tree that he wanted to cut,the tree They wanted got damaged due to the deer charging at him,so he picked out a different tree.

Clay Boy Remembered Grampa Spencers Tales "up on the mountain,when i was a boy,there used to be a big old buck deer that was white all over and had pink eyes.

Lots of folks that never laid eyes on him claimed there was no such thing.some claimed he was a ghost.i dont say one way or the other,ghost or flesh.all i know is i laid eyes on him."

the story would be told at family gatherings,Clay-boy had never seen an albino deer,but his Grandfather's Stories were seared in his memory.

On The Waltons We are Familiar with Ike Godseys General Store,In This Book it is Described as what it really was A Pool Hall,and Describes what he Really looked Like,Ike the bald,round-faced owner,bartender,chef and bouncer combined.

Birdshot was the son of Skunk Sprouse who made a slim living as a fur trapper along Rockfish River where it cascaded through the pass on the other side of Spencer's Mountain.Home to bird shot was were he laid his head.Sometimes it was at his fathersshanty,but more often it was were ever he happened to be when night fell,in some hay loft or in the back of the pool hall.he had worked often for Clay Spencer,was devoted to him,and knew that Olivia would feed him if he appeared at mealtime.

Birdshot mentioned to the kids "They got a Misssionary Booth down at the post office.Woman just brought it out from Charlottesville on a truck.Says she's goen to start handen out things just as soon as they get a crowd.""let's go!"shouted Becky.The children shot up from there seats like a covey of quail taking flight."Wait a minute!"cried Olivia."you've forgotten somethen,"said Olivia."We don't accept charity in this family,"said Olivia. Aw shoot,'Livy,"scolded her mother."What wrong can it bein 'em getten a toy or an apple or a candy bar?"Mama Couldnt we go down just to watch other people get things from the box?"asked Clay-Boy.What fun would that be?" asked Olivia "Its somethen to do."Ah,"Daughter said Homer,Let 'em go, daughter.""Please,Mama said several voices."Well,as long as your brother's goen,"said Olivia,"I don't see what harm it can do to watch."

Gifts Were already being passed out by a small,determinedly cheerful lady in a fur parka,ski pants and Wellington boots.she discovered the area in the fall when her and her husband had driven along the back-country roads to admire the autumn leaves.Few of the people knew her name.She was called simply the "city lady" by those to whom she had distributed food and clothing onn trips she had made following her discovery of the proud and suffering community.

And here's one marked for a little girl.How about you,dear"called the city lady,and beckoned to Pattie-Cake.Spellbound,forgetting her mother's admonition about accepting charity, Patty-Cake moved toward the bearer of gifts.Clay-Boy reached for her,but she was beond his grasp."Whats Daddy going to say?"whispered the children urgently."We wont tell him."He'll find out.""We'll hide it till he's gone back to Waynesboro,"Clay-Boy replied.Pattie-Cake accepted the present,thanked the lady, then ran back to her brothers and sisters.

Pattie-Cakes Present was a Doll with two pink dimpled knees and the begin-ning of a crisp organdy dress. "oh," and "oh,"murmured Pattie-Cake with each new revelation of the doll untill at last the face came into view.She stared down for a moment,the delight in her face still shining,and then her cries of joy turned to sobs."Whats the matter honey?""It's ugly,"cried Pattie-Cake,dropping the doll in the snow and burying her face in Clay-Boy's lap."I'll fix it,honey,"said Clay-Boy comfortingly."It's scary,"sobbed Pattie-Cake around the permanently arched eyes to reveal that its face was cracked apart from its hair line to its throat.Some ineffectual attempt had been made to glue it together again,for little beads of glue had formed along side of its face,but the repair job had not lasted.Its just like Daddy always claims,"said Becky bitterly."Nobody ever gave away anything worth keeping!"and for once everyone was in complete agreement with Becky.

Charlie Sneed was a Friend Of Clay Spencer a hunter that had a habit of hunting off season and was Caught by E.P Bridges A Sherif,originally Clay-Boy was Looking for Charlie at Ike Godseys Pool Hall Unfortunatly E.P.Bridges Had Charlie,Ikes Words to Clay Boy,You Know I cant serve you,Clay-Boy,"Complained Ike"Don't you know better than that?""I know that,Mr Godsey had said that nobody but E.P Bridges had been in, He had wished that Clay had been in,to talk sense into E.P.Bridges,E.P.Bridges Gave Clay-Boy a ride to The First Abyssinian Babtist Church ,as he was taking Charlie Sneed to Lovingston.

Hawthorne Dooly,a farmer whose land Clay-Boy and his father had often gone to hunt and fish,Hawthorne Was in the middle of leading a Church service,Clay-Boy was searching for his father,sometimes the father went there to play poker,and found a Christmas church service in process.

After The Church Service Clay-Boy Explained To Hawthorne how Clay-Spencer Had not Returned Home,he suggested "Have you tried the Staples Place?""No I didn' far out there.""It isnt if you have transportation,"said Hawthorne.You come ride on General with me."General Was a White Horse.

Emma and Etta Staples in this Book ,on the Waltons we are More Familiar with Miss Mamie and Miss Emily Baldwin ,They are Described as Sisters in the Book like on the TV Show The Waltons ,in Real Life they were Really Mother and Daughter.

Miss Emma and Etta Speak of Ashley Longfellow ,Miss Etta Liked Him,and She Mention's her 25th Birthday october 19th 1902 Ashley asked her to go for a walk with him he was there as usual,i am not sure if he was ever mentioned in any of the Waltons Episodes,more i read in this book Ashley Wrote her a farewell Letter,From what the book Described Her Papa gave him Permition to hunt and he took advanage of it and showed up often,he didnt like this ashley with Etta and that was the last she heard from him so its Possable hes not mentioned in any of the Episodes of the Waltons .

With Miss Etta Mentioning her Birthday it being her 25th Birthday being that this takes place on Christmas of 1933 Miss Etta I Figure at that time Was 56 years old,Miss Etta Talked about Her Papa More Than Miss Emma they took Clay-boy Home In a Sleigh That was there Papas it was Miss Emma that got the sleigh had an old black mare To Pull the Sleigh called Lady Esther.

The sisters havent seen Clay Spencer Clay-Boy Didnt ask He Thought They would Have Mentioned If His Father visied,He was Sent out To Look For his Father Becouse He had Not returned Home From Were He worked In Waynesboro Virginia,The Sisters Were Greatfull Of The Visit Of Clay-boy,so he didnt mention that was what he was there for,it was around 11pm at this time on his way back home on a sleigh he thought my mother is going to hit the roof.

12:00am Clay Spencer Had not arived yet,they all went out to the stable there Cows Name is Chance,and it is described that Olivia catalogued the children in her mind Clay-boy so smart and ambitious.Becky so independent,so capable and vulnerable.shirly,so beuatiful and so maternal.Matt,so self-reliant and full of love and promise.john,with a talent born in his hands to play music on a piano.Mark,all business one minute and wanting a hug the next.Luke,the hansome wild one with his eye already on some far horizon,and pattie-cake,too spoiled to turn her hand for herself,too pretty and sweet to spank.

Old Mr Higgenbottem always waited there to ring the bell at the stroke of midnight and let the world know that Christmas had come again.across the hills,of the steeple of the Babtist Church.

Clay Spencer arived home after 1:00am with bundles in his hand,half frozen,what happened was he missed the last bus to Charlottesville , so hehitchhiked to Hickory Creek,from there he had to walk home on foot.

the children opened the Bundles,open your,son,he said to Clay-Boy,who held his package while watching his brother and sisters,self-consciously Clay-Boy tore the wrapper open , Clay-Boy had always Tried to Be secret about wanting to be a writer while with the Staple Sisters he kind of explained you know these Five tablets?he asked like you do homework in?i keep one under my mattress,it reads also that Clay-boy had never confessed his secret yearning to anyone before,Clay would walk into the boy's room and observe his son intently writing with a pencil in his school tablet.the other children would be in the yard playing Giant Step or Capture the Flag,or Baseball.Clay would look at the boy vaguely troubled.what are you up to , son? Homework," Clay would say and cover the Tablet.Clay-boy looked at his father with confusion and gratitude and questioning eyes as he found five tablets of good writting paper and a brand new fountain pen.i wonder how news got all the way to the north pole that you wanted to be a writer," Clay said to him with a grin.i guess hes a smart man," said Clay-Boy,his throat almost too full to speak. New Page

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