Tesco's Party

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The text under the pictures is a link..It will take you to a larger Picture.

More pictures to be added as we get them.

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This is Barbie and APM

the outspoken one and the shy one
....which one is which?


Here is Barbie

walking around with her Mike's Hard Lemonade...Don't think I saw an empty bottle in her hand either.


This is Barbee4 singing..

Think the dog ran off when she started


Here she is apologizing to the dog.

Just kidden...This was taken before she was singing.


Don't know why this is here but Michelle (a.k.a. Chesty101_)wanted it up here so it is.

This is me at my moms house in Massachusettes. (a.k.a. Magnus)


This is Dezire with Barbee and APM.

Eveyone thought Dez was bigger then Michelle in the chest,so we asked and she is the same size.


Here is Pete (a.k.a. Fuzz) dancing.

He was missing his Vodka by this time..It kinda wound up down Barbee4s' throat.


Craig and Michelle.

Barbee4 thought she would get her feel in before the guys did.


from left to right

phrekels....batgirl....cozmo....tlear....tlear's sister in-law.....and hotwheels.


Pete and Barb dancing...or so we thought.

Actually it is Pete asking her "You want me to do what?"


Here is APM again.

Think this was taken by a bird.


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