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  ::Soldiers of Resistance::

Welcome to the SiR, Soldiers in Resistance, website. If you have any qestions or want to join or challange us, please feel free to AIM SiR Tronic at Ryco218.

- SiR KinG


  "Good Job, let's keep it up" written by: SiR KinGon 6.16.03
Good job on last night's clan match. Everyone did a perfect job. Don't worry about the lost versus Dirty Hobos, we had our shittiest lineup and i guarantee you guys we will get revenge. We should be 3-0 but its all good. We will have a clan match tonight around 8pm EST so try to be on AIM by 7:30.


  "New Site!" written by: SiR King on 6.14.03
New Site up, hope ya like it. I'll try to get the forums working by tomorrow.



.: Next Match:.
.: Info :.
SiR: Soldiers in Resistance
Leader: SiR Tronic
Record: 2-1
Members: 9
Home Server: Nihon
Leader's AIM: Ryco218
© 2002-2003 SiR