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A Genna x Midas daughter Eden was the pick of her litter and once she was up on her feet she was never going anywhere. A beautifully moving girl with a sweet nature she is also a power house in harness!

Eden like her father at the same age cheekily charmed the show world. At her show debut at the Easter set of shows in Mt Gambier she was awarded three 'Best baby in groups' and a 'Best Baby in Show' amidst very strong competition. What a lovely start to her career.

Eden has performed very well in the show ring completing her Australian Championship at just 17 months of age with several challenges awarded from the minor puppy class.

Eden will concentrate on harness work over the winter but will return to the ring in the future as we believe the best is still yet to come for Eden.
At her first two race weekends Eden alongside her half brother Argos won the two dog class of the Sunday races. This was very unexpected as when we went out on the course particularly the first weekend our aim was to have a training run and hopefully have the opportunity to do some training passing. The dogs had other ideas however and ran superbly. We did get the opportunity to do some passing and they flew past the other teams without a side ways glance.

 Although still very much a baby with a lot to learn (like how to turn corners) Eden certainly is an exciting prospect for the future. She has a beautiful nature and gets along well with all the other dogs.

Featured left ; Eden and Argos competing at A5K 2011.