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The scene opens with a view of an open window. Dim light shines through from the moonlit night sky and the white curtains decorating the window sway in the soft howling wind passing through. The cameras angle can see the narrow shaped light from the new moon. The camera moves away from the window and seems to follow the breeze into and across the room. A poster on the wall flaps against the wall above a bed. A figure lay below the covers, apparently on their side as the lumps form a twisted body. The camera moves in closer and the covers shift a bit revealing a face. The face is Dave Steel and for the first time in a while his face is dressed with a smile. There is a flash and we see another place. The sun shines and the wind is calm in this place. The poster on the wall is now a colored picture from a "Roger Rabbit" coloring book. The bed is made and Dave now sits in it. He rests one hand on the bed and points to something with another. The camera follows his finger and a girl sits at the other end. Her eyes are a deep shade of blue and her hair is dark and soft. Her smile so bright and wide; enough to make the darkest man feel light and the coldest man feel warmth.

Dave Steel: So as the Sultan decided to change the law. He allowed the princess to choose anyone she wanted to marry. Who do you think she chose?

Little Girl: Aladdin!

Dave Steel: Nuh uh! She chose Jafar.

Little Girl: Daddyyyyyyyy, Mommy read this to me before.

Dave Steel: How come you wanted me to read it to you again?

Little Girl: Cause I wanna be a princess too.

Dave Steel: Oh yeah? You gonna dress all the woman in your kingdom in men's clothes like your barbie's.

Little Girl: Nooooooo. That's make believe.

Dave Steel: Oh I see.

Little Girl: How do I become a princess?

Dave Steel: Well, you have to take your bath when Mommy tells you for starters. Than you have to be nice to everybody and than they'll elect you princess of this house. Over time, you can be the princess for everybody who you treat well. That's what being a princess is all about.

Little Girl: Cousin Adam said you wanted to be a princess when you were little.

Dave laughs.

Dave Steel: Well that's a story for another time.

Little Girl: Why? I have all day.

Dave Steel: Because it's gonna be tough to listen to my story when I'm tickling you.

The girl blocks the sides of her body as dave lunges toward her trying to tickle her. He moves her arms enough to tickle her and she begins to laugh and make some screeches. Dave stops and both remain smiling. The scene then fades to Dave Steel standing outside his hotel room on a small balcony. He peers into the night sky in a daze. He begins to think out loud.

Dave Steel: My daydreams stand now as the highlights of my days. I dream of being with my daughter. Watching her grow, teaching her the ways of the world. I feel as if that will never become reality and my days are meant to be spent in torment while my dreams euphoric. Jessica never gave me the greatest reasoning for me to stay away from our baby but still I remain away. Am I so spineless that I won't fight for my own child? This question lingers in my thoughts and I find it hard to concentrate on anything else. I come to the same conclusion each time. This is the best thing for my daughter. If she can not be with both parents she is better with her mother. All the while I sit wondering if things will ever change. I wish to go back to the time and place where Jessica thought better of me. I wish to see what changed. If I knew the problem I could find a solution.

Dave steps back form the balcony's edge. He walks inside his hotel room leaving the sliding door open for air. He sits on a small couch and continues to talk.

Dave Steel: Man's most primitive instinct is the instinct to survive. Its the one instinct common to all living things. I've felt myself dying inside for over a month now. Eating away at me like a vulture, my own heart squeezes my lungs so tight I can't breathe. I've been a different man to say the least. I'm near the point where I don't even know who I am anymore. I'm a man without goals, without ambition. I know I need to find them but they are lost in the endless shuffle of my life. For me to survive I need to find something to fight for. I think I will fight for me. I feel like I'm beneath a stone waiting for someone to walk by and kick it from my back. I wait and I wait knowing I could crawl out on my own at anytime if I could just find the strength. I think I've figured it out now that my stone lies on no path. There is nobody to walk by and kick it. If I do not try to change things and fight the wrongs done to me my life will pass me by and I will be stuck with hollow years wasted away in self pity.

Dave stands up again and shuts the sliding door leaving it just a crack open. He moves to the bed and lies down beneath the covers. Just before his eyelids fall you can notice a small twinkle in his eye. A glimpse of hope. The hours pass and morning is now upon us. Dave is awake and sitting on a park bench watching people walk by.

Dave Steel: Three days left until my return battle at the Pay Per View. Kirk Canyon has decided to drop from the match and I think that's a good thing for me. The title of "New Beginnings" has some significance for me. It's not only a fresh start for me in SFT but for my life as well. If you asked me about my match the other day I wouldn't have told you too much. Since then I've found my star to follow and I'm beginning to feel excitement for it. Kirk was a man of my past and I think to move on I need to limit how much I think of the past. I'm still left with the challenge of Mike Zybala though. Not a feared man by reputation but I'm not gonna go by hearsay. I've never faced the man and I don't want to find out the hard way what I have heard is wrong. I could destroy him in this match or just as easily be used as a stepping stone for Zybala to rise.

Dave pauses.

Dave Steel: I'm no stranger to big time matches. Most don't consider this a big time match but we fight in front of a larger audience and that raises the stakes enough that I make myself aware of possibilities Zybala will be better than rumored to be. I'll prepare as I always have for Pay Per Views and with any luck I will succeed like I often have. I'm a man who likes to step it up when all eyes are on. It's been my trademark. I'm not the best wrestler week in and week out but anyone will say when the match is a big one that I rise to the challenge. If I need to rise above the norm this Sunday it will be done. Zybala will be my stepping stone back into a life lead with a sense of normalcy. I've lacked it for so long. It's time to take back control of my life and it's definitely time for a long overdue bad trip.

The scene fades out.